
Reborn as Kyle XY

He opened his eyes to a world that felt both familiar and strange, the fabric of reality bending at its seams. Sunlight streamed through the dense forest, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to defy the laws of his previous existence. Confusion enveloped him as he took in his surroundings. Naked and enveloped in a pinkish substance, he couldn't comprehend how he had transcended the boundaries of his known reality. His memories, once clear, now swirled like distant echoes in the vast cavern of his mind. as he try to remember the laste thing he remembered is that he was going home after drinking in his friends party it was late in night he was waking alone. it was raining in the sky the Lightning was flashing very fast it was like the Sky was angry at something then it happened a flash of lightning striking him. as he walking after that he blank out and wake up to find himself in the forest naked ,Now here he stood, a solitary figure in a mysterious forest, his body coated in an otherworldly substance.

Bhuder · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
1 Chs

Awakening in Another World

He opened his eyes to a world that felt both familiar and strange, the fabric of reality bending at its seams.

Sunlight streamed through the dense forest, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to defy the laws of his previous existence. Confusion enveloped him as he took in his surroundings.

Naked and enveloped in a pinkish substance, he couldn't comprehend how he had transcended the boundaries of his known reality. His memories, once clear, now swirled like distant echoes in the vast cavern of his mind.

as he try to remember the laste thing he remembered is that he was going home after drinking in his friends party it was late in night he was waking alone. it was raining in the sky the Lightning was flashing very fast it was like the Sky was angry at something then it happened a flash of lightning striking him. as he walking after that he blank out and wake up to find himself in the forest naked ,Now here he stood, a solitary figure in a mysterious forest, his body coated in an otherworldly substance.

As he began to walk out of the forest, a sprawling city loomed in the distance, a beacon of civilization in this bizarre scenario. Desperation set in as he searched for something to cover his nakedness.

The forest offered no relief for the perplexity of his situation. Upon entering the city, he noticed a stark contrast to his memories.

The city appears to be in early 2000, the cars on the road were outdated models, not the smart cars he recalled. People clutched old-fashioned phones, and the cityscape exuded an unfamiliar aura.

His presence did not go unnoticed. Shocked citizens stared at him, a naked anomaly in their mundane reality. The shock of his newfound surroundings intensified his confusion, creating a strange spectacle in the city streets.

As he stood there, bewildered, a police car screeched to a halt in front of him. Two officers emerged, walking briskly toward him.

The first officer attempted to question him about himself, as the other one take out a blanket and put it around him but as he tries to speak but cannot speak it was like mouth cannot move he tried but no sound came out of his mouth it like he has never use his mouth to speak.

After Failing to communicate, the officer decided to take action, and he found himself arrested and placed in the backseat of the police car. The vehicle began its journey toward the police station, leaving the bewildered city behind.

Upon arrival at the police station, he was led through its maze-like halls by the police officer. Unease clung to him as he observed the world through unfamiliar eyes. The flickering fluorescent lights overhead cast erratic shadows, mirroring the turmoil within him.

Traversing the police station, his heightened senses picked up on hushed whispers and curious glances exchanged by officers. It was evident they were perplexed by his presence, and the atmosphere crackled with an undercurrent of tension.

Eventually, he was ushered into a bathroom, the stark reflection in the mirror becoming a poignant symbol of the divergence between his past and present.

The journey had just begun, and the enigma of his existence deepened with every passing moment.

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