
Reborn as Kushina Uzumaki with Kaguya and Whitebeard’s Powers

*Heavy AU* An ambitious and horny soul reborn as Kushina Uzumaki without knowing how she was born with Kaguya Otsutsuki and Edward Newgate’s powers. All she knows is that in her newest life she’s going to have a harem and do the original Kushina justice by fulfilling her dream of becoming hokage. Yuri, Futa Kushina, Overpower FMC, Harem and AU If you don’t like AU then this story is probably not your type of story.

StormWolf16 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs


"How embarrassing! I can't believe I let my control over my haki slip. Thankfully the outburst was small, the last thing I want is for my haki to damage our home." Kushina said to herself as she was roof hopping across numerous roofs to the academy.

Nearby shinobi who was doing the same thing was surprised at her speed as well as the fluidity of her movements. She paid them no mind even though she can clearly sense them and their emotions.

Speaking of her haki, it seems the black hardening substance of Armament Haki can be seen by the naked eye in this world. In the world of One Piece, haki is supposed to be invisible to the eyes except for the effects of Conqueror's Haki. It's pretty hard to miss shockwaves being spread across the area. Let alone the heavens parting in the sky. 

In the future she plans to figure out how to re-engineer Armament Haki to work through chakra. Clearly the other two are impossible but the hardening aspect should be possible through Yin release. 

Two people she plans to teach armament too are Duy and Guy. Combining the Eight Gates with haki will be a literal nightmare for Konoha's enemies.

'Especially if I can recreate the breathing techniques of Demon Slayer. Wait…this reminds me of one webnovel story I read in the past…oh well don't hurt to try.' Kushina thought.

Speaking of Duy, Kushina sensed him nearby before seeing him doing his daily laps around the village. Using Yomotsu Hirasaka, she appeared right beside the running Duy.

"Duy-Senpai!" Kushina greeted coming out of the spacial tear.

"Oh Kushina-chan! Are you here to join me for a training session?" Duy asked, stopping his run. Over the past several weeks he's spent a lot of time with Kushina. Which resulted in the two growing close in a short span of time, it would not be a stretch to say they are each other's closest friend currently. This means Duy has seen quite a few of Kushina's outrageous and believed to be impossible abilities. 

He remembers the day where she created a solid bone using only pure chakra threads. 

Chakra threads

As stupid as he was, even Duy realized that Kushina's chakra control is godlike. 

Duy also introduced Kushina to his pregnant wife Fina during this time. 

"Not this time senpai, I'm starting the academy today and saw you while I was on my way there." Kushina answered.

"The academy? Right, you did mention you were finally going to start. Knowing how youthful you are, I doubt you're going to stay there for long." Duy grinned.

"Of course not, I plan to graduate as soon as possible. But I probably won't be able to train with you today sadly." Kushina replied.

Thanks to her help, Duy was making great progress in his taijutsu skills. She figured it would be less than a year before he's deployed to the battlefield. She plans to tell the Third Hokage about Duy's ability to utilize the Eight Gates to get Duy promoted. 

"I see, just focus all of your youth on the academy today. Don't let others beat you out in youthfulness Kushina-chan." Duy stated.

"That will never happen, my youth is maximum!" Kushina declared proudly.

"That's the spirit! Youth!" Duy agreed. 

Not wanting to get too caught up in Duy's youthful attitude, she decided to part ways. "Youth! Anyways I'll see you later, senpai." She disappeared in a burst of speed.


'I wonder who will be my classmates?' She chose to not use any of her abilities to figure it out to surprise herself. At the moment she was walking through the first floor of the academy to room 122. It's the room Hiruzen told her to show up to at a specific time.

Soon she found the door, her eye twitched as she could hear what sounded like a lecture coming from the classroom. 'Did that old man purposely have me show up late? If so then you better be prepared for my revenge old man!' 

Inside the Hokage's office, Hiruzen suddenly felt himself shuddering, cold sweat broke out onto his back and face. 'What the hell? Why am I feeling fear out of nowhere?' Hiruzen thought to himself in confusion.

Sighing, Kushina knocked on the door twice. Seconds later she was given the go ahead to open the door. 

When she stepped inside the classroom, she walked towards a man who seemed to be in his late 20s, he was around 5 foot 7 inches, brown hair and black eyes. Clothed in a standard Konoha Chunin uniform. Not judging him by his mid Chunin level reserves, but her haki told her this guy's aura is weak. Nawaki as a Genin has a stronger aura. 

Though to be fair, Senju genes probably play a big part in that. 

She walked up to him, unsealing the note and handed it to him.

The Chunin raised an eyebrow seeing Kushina's use of fuinjutsu, it's extremely rare for academy students to be proficient in the art. He took the note, as he read it he immediately recognized the situation.

"Ah I see, so you're the one Hokage-sama informed me about yesterday. Usually you would be declared late, however Hokage-sama said he told you to arrive at a specific time. Either way, my name is Ise Nikita, just refer to me as Nikita-sensei. Please introduce yourself to the class." Ise said to Kushina.

The red-haired girl nodded, quickly doing a scan over the room, her eyes having picked up some familiar faces. 

'So I ended up in the same class as him, just like in canon.' She mused mentally before speaking.

"My name is Kushina Uzumaki, my hobbies are training, enjoying the food of the gods known as Ichiraku Ramen and women. My dislikes are rapists and those who look down on other people's dreams or ambitions. My goal is to help Konoha prosper to greater heights and have my name feared through the shinobi world." She kept her introduction basic, there's no point in publicly verbalizing her goal of becoming Hokage to a bunch of brats. 

She did give a cute smile to finish her introduction.