

In the temple near Bank of Bhagirathi

One can see a child being sleeping a basket but what was astonishing was that the baby had golden earrings in his ears, Shining brightly in the sun. His torso also had a golden armour which shone as beautifully as the sun in the sky. Yes , he is (OG) Karna who soul have merged with our protagonist Srivastav.

Sleepy eyes, opening the first thought that came to his mind is 'where am I?' "Uwaa waa"

Noticing his voice, he became confused then suddenly the conversation with Shambhu hit him. He took a deep breath, he really recarniated in a past of an parallel universe as karna . It is driving him crazy only to think about situation he is in. 

Looking around, he observed that he is in a temple, a Shiv- Shakti temple to be exact. But it confuses him shouldn't he be abandoned in river. Isn't that how story is !!

Laying down in the basket, he was astonished by the construction of the temple. The temple was made up of white granite. But it's that what astonishes him but the persistion and accuracy of the construction of the temple along with carvings. Even in his own time leave about temple even some of most building with their current technology will have hard match what he seeing currently. 

Observing the surrounding he clearly lay in a basket covered with white cloth to make it comfortable. Nearby it look like arrangement have done with all the necessity fulfilled before Pooja ( prayer) and Arati.


Suddenly, sound of payaal rang through the temple. Srivastav or now Karna observed the figure who is coming. As she came closer and closer, he got a better look of her features. The girl look to be around 18-19 years old. She have gentle yet serene features looked almost like a Apsara. Covered in gold and possibly platinum heavy yet enough jewellery all over her body like an actual princess. Standing at a height of 6'2 , she with small yet sad smile picked him up , sat down near the idol of Shiv- Shakti and gently lay him in her lap. She started her Pooja. A lady presumably in early 30s came with pots and bronze utensils full of sweets . 

He realised that the girl in whose lap he is his mother, Kunti and the lady is a like to be her maid.

Sometime later Pooja finally comes to an end for time being. Kunti took a small bronze bowl of Chandan- Kunkum along with kajal putting a small tikka on his forehead and corner of his head. Doing the arti and putting the blessings of sacred fire on his head with her palm, she put him again in the basket.

She went out of the temple to complete the rituals ordering her maid to keep an eye on him. All this while karna was having an headache due to merging of memories and knowledge.

Suddenly a golden pop up box menu appears stating the trail menu download is complete and can be used by the host. Opening the menu ,Welcome to trial system

This is trail of system for learned before the complete download of the system . 

Name : Srivastav Chatterjee

Title : Recarniated one, Gamer Host 

Luck - unknown

Features currently accessible - skill shop , manual , intro page .

Srivastav ( mind) - " Seem that it will take some time before I can assess it all features. Let see ,System open the skill shop and show me all the skill accessible currently."

Another golden menu pop up with all the skills , thought the rank was low with skills of only rank F-D. He chose some of them which found likeable and for free.

Synchronise - Allow the host to combine or fuse two or more skill together to make a new skill . Rank - E

Regeneration - Allowed the host to heal 10% faster . Rank - F

Adaptation - Allow the user adapt faster by 15% . Rank - E

Level up - Allow the host to upgrade any skill faster and cost effectively . Rank -E

Calm mind- Allow the user calm his mind stopping him from making rash decision. Rank - D

Memorize - Allow the host to memorise faster.

Rank - E

Purify- Sins can't touch the host. Rank D

Skill chart - Allow the user to keep track of the skill currently in his possession. Rank - F

Observe - Allow the user to observe and genral point of view about the other. Rank - F

Sensor - Allow the host to sense the surrounding. Rank - E

Photosynthesis - Allow the user to absorb the sunlight and convert into his or her energy. Rank - D

Resistance - Allow the user to resist any illusion or any form of pain . Rank - F

Random luck - Luck is also a factor , help user get better options . Rank - E

Mindscape - Allows user to use mindscape as he desires . Rank - D

Charm speak- Allows user to make the one hearing him agree on any topic. Rank - E

Silver tongue - Allow user to manipulate some one with words . Rank - E

Talk no jutsu - Make user master his work skill rapidly . Rank - D

An option came below 

Do you want to integrate all the flow skill

Yes/ no

Commanding yes as an option, he fell asleep. Even though he is adult but still in newborn child body, the only reason might be able to stay wake is due to now him being a demigod.

Some hours later, At the bank of river Ganga

"My first born, forgive your incompetent mother but I can't accept you."

The maidan kneels down holding the newborn in her arms tightly and bursts into tears.

"Priyamvada brought me a basket and a few flowers."

After some time her crying stopped and her expression became firm. She directly ordered her royal maid to arrange things for her.

"Princess but-"

Her maid wanted to say something but looking at the glaring eyes of her master, she didn't dare to say anything.

"I know what you wanted to say but if I don't do this then not only mine but also my father's reputation will be ruined, I can't accept that, So this is the only right thing to do."

Sensing her maids' worry, Kunti spoke some words to console her. In her opinion it's sons job to make sacrifices for their mother, which she took for granted. Although nothing is wrong in that statement, for a child to make sacrifices for a mother, She also has to act like a mother. Just giving birth is not enough.

"Okay princess, The things you ask for will be arranged in a few moments, please wait."

Maid pay respect by folding her hands and go away to arrange things.

"This thing has to be done, You understand me right, Son? Why don't you after all it is an honour for a son to make sacrifices for his mother."

Kunti spoke these entitled words casually to the sleeping infant as matter of fact. Though these words were spoken to him but these words meant to solidify her decision, Convince herself that what she is doing is the right thing and there is nothing wrong in that.

"Princess things were arranged, What are further instructions?."

After sometime the maid came back to inform things were arranged and asked what to do next, But she already had a premonition of what her princess was going to order her.

"Priyamvada you decorate that basket with flowers and bring it near the river shore."

Just as the maid had imagined, the Princess gave the order to go near the river bank. She already knows what will happen next.

"Take this as a souvenir of your mother, God may protect you, my child."

In the horrified eyes of maid Priyamvada, Kunti put the still sleeping newborn in the decorated basket, pulled out the bangles of her hands, Put it in the basket and walked straight toward the river bank with the basket in her hands. Her intention was obvious.

"Princess th-this not necessary to do it right? We can still give him to some childless parents or send him to ashram anonymously. Someone will definitely take care of him there and we won't get the sin of abandoning a child."

Priyamvada finally couldn't keep quiet and spoke what was in her mind. She looked at the raging river and then the newborn in the basket. If they let go of that small basket in the river, then risk of something happening to the child was too high. If that happened they had to bear the sin of killing a newborn, Which one of the highest sins there is.

"Do you think I haven't though off that ? Do you think it's easy to do to my own son " tears building up " You don't understand what am I feeling. If we do as you say then there will be a possibility that someone with ill mind can backtrack him to me and can use it against me and my father, I will never let that happen. And even if not then may try to Assassinate him for have relationship with me .I couldn't bear to see that happen to see my child die in front of me .I just * sob* can't see it .

Kunti stopped in her tracks and turned her head towards her maid. Her voice returning back to firm with the majesty of a princess.

"And the question about sin, Didn't devi Ganga drown her 6 Children in the river? She didn't get a sin. And here I am trying to save him society, even if I get critize as by the world as much as it will to see my father head down in same and son grew up ciritize by all being born before marriage even if he totally inocent."

Kunti resumed her walk and at this time there was no hesitation and her walk was firm. She just realised if god can do that and get away with it then as compared to them she is only trying to safe son from that fate . The final speck hesitation also disappeared.

She reached the river bank and as she was ready to let go of the basket in the river, something happened.

The peacefully closed eyes of the infant open, He finally woke up from his slumber. In his mind even though asleep he could easily read caption of the entire. As he doesn't belong from this time he couldnt understand but can caption of every thing they say. His extremely clear deep hazel blue eyes filled with the innocence of a child but in those eyes was also a wisdom that can't be hidden by the innocence due to age. 

The moment he opened his eyes and looked at her, Then he gave her a very heartfelt smile or atleast what it looked like to Kunti.

"Huh, So I woke up directly to the abandoning part. Even though by there conversation I can understand her point of view but I don't understand what to feel pity or be angry at her for making this very decision making (OG) Karna suffer. "

Srivastav or now Karna wake up and first thing he saw was a thing that started all the drama that led to that destructive war.

He was supposed to wake up early but the system took too much time to integrate but the waiting paid off as he saw the system panel in front of him . Seeing that he unconsciously drew a beautiful smile on his face.

Seeing the innocent face, she started weeping again thinking what she is about to do

"Sorry*sob* Putra I am really helpless, Please forgive your mother."

Seeing the smile Kunti's stone cold heart melted and she broke down crying on the shore, clutching tightly the basket continuously apologising over and over. That innocent smile he gave to her shaken her belief but she quickly steadfastly her decision. She quickly pulled out all the jewellery on her body and put it in the basket.

"Please lord Surya take care of my- no Our son. Please I beg you *sob*."

She didn't dare to look at Karna's face again and after closing her eyes, She slowly let go of her grip from the basket.

Just as the grip loosen, River stream directly dragged the basket with it, Carrying it towards the unknown destination.

Kunti watched the basket fading away in her field of vision, Her sight was burly and tears kept coming out of her eyes continuously without sign of stopping but she didn't say a word, She just kept her eyes on the floating basket until it finally disappeared.

" *Sob* My first born is gone Priyamvada. He fin-finally gone."

Finally Kunti said a word and started crying again in Priyamvada's arms. No matter how cold hearted she tried to be even to save Karna for criticism from the society, she was still his mother. Though she still thought she made the right decision but pain didn't lessen because of it. She cried holding Priyamvada for long time before finally calming down and going back to place.

Karna said to himself, his tiny body now currently lying in the basket. Thinking of the scene just now. Though he knew what was going to happen, he still felt pain in his heart. After all, which son wanted to be abandoned by his mother? Face of kunti just overlap with own mother as Srivastav.

He also did not know that Kunti had that big reaction when she committed the sin. When he saw tears in her eyes, He doesn't know why for a moment his heart felt restless. 

Karna thought about it and went back to sleep. After all, he can't help it. He is still a newborn baby who needs his 18 hours of sleep.

Karna quickly fell into a deep slumber and because of that he miss the notification of the actual system. 

To be continued...

(A/N : Hey guy comment below and vote me with power stone or golden ticket)