
Reborn As Kai Parker | TVD/TO/Legacies

A story about one Atlas Tyme; from rebirth to struggling in a family who treats him like an abomination for something he can't control. Read and experience the process that made Atlas- now named Malachai- live up to the horrid expectations of those around him.

EternalStud · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
6 Chs


I hate my writing right now but I've had this for a while, so try to enjoy it. If it's as terrible as I believe it to be let me know. See you next year.


Waking up early in the morning I stretch. Trying to will away the tiredness and wanting to sleep away I get up. I had informed the Martin's the night before that I get up early in the morning to work out, so if I accidentally wake them up by making noise they'll know it's me.

Hopping in the shower I reminisce about last night. Today is a Thursday and since I know Elena has school I'll do some things in the meantime. One of them is applying for a job at Mystic Falls General Hospital. Becoming a Health technician is something that will occupy my time and the pay is nice.

However, that is something for later as right now all I need to focus on is getting ready for my run. Washing, finishing, drying myself off, and getting dressed I make a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Normally I'd make something more protein concentrated instead of unnatural garbage but celebrating the first morning out of prison is well deserved. After washing and putting my now empty bowl in the sink, I go and grab an iPod and headphones.

Putting them on and unlocking the door, closing it, and relocking it I start a well-paced jog. It's incredibly misty and cold, my warm exhales becoming nothing more than a frosty breath of diminishing heat. It's 5 in the morning and I doubt any students are occupying the track, or I'm guessing they have one. It would be quite weird if a high school didn't have a track.

Almost no one is out right now, anyone that is awake is in their car coming and going to and from work. Or are like me, getting their workout for the day done in the morning. In my past life, I envied those who had the drive to do this in the morning, considering the temperature right now I'm a little disbelieving on how I'm doing this.

Reaching the school I stop at the fence where I'm met with a custodian walking in with their morning coffee. Greeting him I say "Hi, um sorry-" Letting out a breath I smile and take off my headphones, turning the volume down so it doesn't interrupt our conversation.

"-I was wondering if I could use the track to train." Finishing the sentence by pointing to the previously mentioned area, the custodian waves me off with an "I don't care."

"Thank you." Expressing my appreciation I wave at him as I go, putting my headphones back on, turning back up the music, and starting off I head towards the track.

Once I get here I mark in my mind where I'm starting. Considering this is the first official test of my new physique I may as well aim high. Deciding to run a few miles and then see if I want to do more. Since I want to test other parts of my power I plan on doing sit-ups and push-ups and pull-ups, you know the full 10 yards.


While running I think of my time cut short in the prison world, I didn't even get to research more about the transforming into elements spell I wanted to learn. Nor did I finish reading up on more languages, nor did I take a picture in the president's office as the original Kai did. Starting to become a little frustrated my breathing gets more labored, partly from the several miles I've run at a continuous pace and my anger at wasted opportunities I took for granted.

I had time to read more and look for more applications of powering myself up but instead, I did things I could do at any other time like read stories and paint. Of course, I enjoyed doing those things, but I don't think I'll enjoy the possibility of not being strong enough in the face of a power greater than my own. Especially when I had the opportunity to surpass that power and took it for granted.

Stopping my run after passing the predetermined mark again. Breathing heavily I count how many laps I've done, 26. Knowing 1 mile's worth of length is 4 laps I conclude I've done 6 and a half miles. Obviously, I haven't lost my ability to do simple division from prison.

Taking off my hoodie as even though it's cold, I'm sweating a lot. Looking at the time and seeing it's almost 6 I start doing suicides up and down the football field. The reason I'm doing this is that I felt the slightest burn of muscle tearing that occurs after working out. So I want to figure out if I can gain muscle growth naturally even after becoming enhanced.


Doing several different workouts and stretches I've come to the realization that the reason I feel that burn only for a second, is because of my enhanced healing recovering and making my muscle stronger than before. Smiling wide I pick up my jacket and start walking out to the entrance of the school.

And I'm being stared at, a lot. It's only natural though, hormonal teenagers see a super hot younger authority figure who has a practically see-through shirt on. It's narcissistic sure, but with my muscles pumped up with the endorphins running through my body because of working out, I look incredibly fit. Looking around I search for someone I can recognize to point me back home, yes I came here with the purpose of using the track but before that, I just aimlessly ran around hoping to pass by it.

Oh, there she is. Walking up with Bonnie I see my newly introduced neighbor and start walking toward her. Catching a snip-bit of their conversation I hear. "I accidentally touched Stefan, and I got a really bad feeling," Bonnie states in a tone of seriousness. Elena answered in a tone of 'really', "Is that it?"

Interrupting their conversation right as Bonnie was about to retort I say "Hey Elena-" Pausing to make sure she has her attention on me I continue. "-Can you point me out the direction we live in, I chanced upon here on my morning run and have no idea where we are." Finishing with a tone of confusion and hope I plead through my eyes for her answer. "Um, Yeah, uh, Of-Of course," Clearing her throat and putting her hair behind her left ear she looks back up at me with an adorable expression.

Pointing to her right, my left she says, "Yeah, just that way. Once you pass the grill take a left and you'll be on our street." Nodding I start walking in that direction while facing her and say, "Thank you, also you're still showing me around today right?" Raising my eyebrows I wait for her answer, which isn't very long considering she nods a moment later, waving me goodbye saying, "See you later."


In my room, after greeting and speaking with the happily married couple I'm bunking with, I put away my iPod and headphones. Usually, when I paint I don't listen to music, feeling like it interrupts my free-flowing creativity and transferring of imagination onto the canvas or page. It's just a personal thing, some people like music while doing artistic activities, some don't, I fall into the don't category.

Of course, this doesn't mean I don't like music, on the contrary, I love it. There are just some instances where music disrupts more than helps. Sitting down in front of the empty canvas and closing my eyes I take a deep breath through my nose, hold it for a few seconds, then release it from my mouth. Repeating this process several times I reopen my eyes and feel completely focused and calm.

No more stress from various future dangers plaguing me, no anxiousness from possibly creating a bad image of myself in front of Elena, no fear of the known future changing with my small interferences, nothing. Dipping my brush in a charcoal grey that's been procured on my palette, I make long, thick lashes, creating a background for my newest masterpiece.


Setting my brush down with my now paint-stained hand, I stand up, stretch and twist my back around side-to-side, cracking and reliving pressure gained from sitting in the same position for hours. Exhaling a sigh of pleasure I look at my now drying work of art. The simple mirage of colors, obvious but not overdoing it light cascading into the area, glimmering slightly on the still being drawn sword.

The facial features of the person are unidentifiable, however, anyone whose seen this anime knows who he is. The clan symbol is half-obscured by the drastically different shades of color, one bright and the other dim. Hair styled back and upward, bangs falling onto the sides of his face. Having an outfit on from his time serving with and being under an extremely dangerous antagonist from the show, he seems ready for battle. Fitted with wrist guards and kunai holsters, the sword-wielding missing-nin is looking for something in the grey mist shadowing the area. With green shrubbery and light volumes of smoke, we can see a beautifully painted Sasuke Uchiha wandering the unknown. (Works not mine, Kudo's to whoever made it.)

Smiling I turn around and look at the time. It being 3 o'clock already I hurriedly change out of my clothes, now with some black slacks and a matching shirt and socks. Although slacks aren't my main choice for an outfit, it is still something comfortable and it doesn't look bad.

Passing by the Martin's while waving goodbye I head over to Elena's house. We never specified a time and I have no idea when she gets out of school. Running my right hand through my slightly long hair and knocking with my left I put on a smile. The smile is half out of anticipation for tonight and half out of wanting to 'woo' whoever answers the door, preferably my guide.

Hearing footsteps approaching the door and an "I'm coming" from the person inside, I'm greeted with the large wooden door opening, not very far, only about 30 degrees wide, with a head of dark blonde, possibly strawberry blonde hair greeting me. I'm quite tall myself, standing around 6' 3' I frequently stare slightly down at people when I speak to them unless of course, there a freak of nature standing at 7' tall with the ability to single-handedly pick up trees with little to no effort.

That doesn't happen much though, so here I am staring down at Elena's aunt, who by all accounts is quite gorgeous herself. Reaching a height of about my upper chest she looks up at me with curiosity brimming in her eyes. Wanting to be the first one to speak I said, "Hi, is Elena home yet?" My tone is friendly and soft-spoken, however, it doesn't give the effect I was looking for.

Eyebrows scrunched together and eyes narrowed, she scrutinizes me and says, "Why would I tell you, your some stranger." Not even trying to hide her hostile tone she finishes by trying to shut the door. "Okay wait a minute-" Holding the door open with my right hand I hurriedly let out, "I'm new to town and your neighbor across the street, last night I was coming back from the Grill and ran into Elena- she being incredibly nice offered to show me around town so I can get used to the area." Speaking a lot in one breath, I exhale when she stops trying to close the door on me.

Looking her in the eyes I say, "The reason I asked if she's home yet is that we never decided on a time and I had no clue if I should go to her school and wait for her- actually that would be incredibly weird if I waited outside of school for her and she thought I was stalking her or something. Wait sorry-" Rambling on about possible scenarios and whatnot probably isn't a great way to make an impression. However, it does give the person listening to you an opportunity to help you, wanting to satisfy their own need to do good.

Holding her hand in a sign to stop she interrupts me with a "No it's totally okay for you to wait for her right now, she's at cheerleading practice and I have to leave right now, so it's best if you wait there. Of course, only if you'd like to." Smiling at me to calm my nerves, definitely amused at how stressed out I am.

Backing away and stuffing my hands in my pockets, I sheepishly smile and look down at my shoes, playing the role of someone who is embarrassed as easily as breathing. All those years of practice before my imprisonment are surely paying off right now. Turning and walking down the steps at a fast pace I wave and say, "Alright, thank you!"

Starting to jog towards the school I'm waved off by Jenna with a, "No problem!"


Arriving at the side entrance to the field I look around for Elena among the cheerleaders. Not seeing her I head to the bleachers where I see the one and only Stefan Salvatore. Playing with his ring and looking out at the football players practicing, you can almost taste the longing he has to join them. I sit to the very left side of the bleachers, facing the football players but still incredibly near the cheerleaders.

I can hear them speaking amongst themselves while stretching, some excited to see someone they know participating in cheer for the first time, some talking in hushed voices about boys or some irrelevant secret they'll forget about next week. Advanced hearing is awesome for gathering information, however, this type is useless in almost all applications.

Focusing my hearing on football now I'm greeted by the ear-piercing whistle noise, followed by yelling. Mr. Tanner really doesn't like Tyler if this sentence is anything to go by. "Mr. Lockwood, is there anything your good at? Cause it isn't history, and it sure is hell, isn't defending the ball!" During the last segment of that sentence, you could hear his voice getting louder with each syllable. Tyler however, doesn't go berserk with all that werewolf anger in him, even if he hasn't triggered the curse yet. Instead, he replies with a resigned tone saying "Yes coach!"

"Do it again!" Walking away Tanner waves his marker at him as a signal to get moving. Although I find this funny, I can't laugh at it as Stefan may pick it up and be confused at what I'm laughing at. It's not like I'm super scared of him, no, It's more of a want to not be found out yet. It gives more of a surprise if you got close to someone who thinks you are a regular human, then you telekinetically snap their neck when threatened and their like, "You are a witch! How could you not tell me!"

Anyway, I digress, hearing a certain bennet witch say excitedly, "Oh my god! You're here!" Hugging each other quickly while smiling Elena says, "Yep-" Letting each other go and Bonnie taking a step back, still smiling uncontrollably while Elena continues, "Can't be the sad girl forever. The only way to get back the things that were is to do things that were."

Lunging down and stretching as she turns back towards her friend and says, "Oh and you're coming to dinner tonight." Following her example, Bonnie replicates her stretch and replies with, "I am?" Confirming her question with a hum, the doppelganger replies with "Yep, you me and Stefan."

Seeing her friend's face fall she says with a tone leaving no room for complaint, "You have to give him a chance." Making an excuse to escape she says, "Tonight's no good." Quietly chuckling I berate Bonnie for having such a bad lie. Although it was made up on the spot, her face gave away everything anyway.

Seeing her friend's disbelief she changes the subject by saying, "Have you seen Caroline? I've texted her like a hundred times." Scoffing out a laugh at Bonnie's evading eyes she says in a playful tone, "Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennet." Bringing out her full name for the jokes she catches her eyes again. Turning to change positions while still maintaining eye contact she says, "You're going to be there."

In a tone of defeat, she says, "Fine, I'll go." Getting her confirmation set a smile on Elena's face and she leans down to toe touch while saying, "Good." In the show, this was the end of the conversation but something happened completely unexpectedly. "So,-" Bonnie starts back up, her tone casual as if she was talking about the weather. "You gonna tell me about the guy from this morning? Will he be at this dinner as well?" Not looking at Elena she touches her toes as well, facing her knees.

Hearing this Elena gasps and says, "That is a great idea! Hopefully, that'll make up for the fact I forgot to mention I had practice." Sitting back up and resting on her hands Elena continues, her tone berating herself, "God I hope he doesn't hate me for ditching him like that." Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she leans her head back and rests for a minute.

Me- seeing the perfect time to interject- say, "Why would I hate you?" Hearing my sarcastic and faux curiosity-filled tone, Elena opened her eyes and inhaled sharply while staring up at me. Resting on my forearms that sit on the rails I stare down at her, smiling mischievously. Laughing a little she holds eye contact and says, "And how much of that did you hear?" Her tone harbors no guard, only curiosity and playful anger.

"Not much, only enough to know my new neighbor and her friend want to invite to a night of dining. With, another guest of course." Elena keeps the smile and says, "You know, it's rude to eavesdrop on another's conversation."

"How could I not when such a pretty lady mentions me?"

"How did you know I was talking about you? If you didn't know I'm quite popular around these parts, another guy could've spoken to me earlier."

"Because no other guy would've been as memorable as me."

"Oh really? Quite the ego you've got there."

Having enough of our playful banter Bonnie injects herself between us metaphorically by saying "I'm sorry to interrupt Elena," Smiling up at me sheepishly as if awaiting something I say "Names Kai, yours?" Nodding at me she replies with, "Bonnie." Turning back to her friend she continues with, "But seriously where is Caroline?"

Elena took a quick swig of water and then said with a shrug, "I don't know. It's not like her." Bonnie stares at her for a second, then glances at me and grabs her phone saying "I'll try her again." Taking my eyes off her for a second I meet Elena's again and say, "So, a raincheck on that tour?" Feeling the playfulness come back, she starts to smirk a little. Opening her mouth to reply she's cut off by the sound of an engine, one belonging to a light blue car blasting music with the blonde in question residing in the passenger.

"Oh my god," Bonnie said, with obvious disbelief at what she was witnessing. "That must be the mystery guy from the grill." She says when Caroline and the guy driving her kiss. "That's not a mystery guy. That's Damon Salvatore." Elena says while starting to stand up. Bonnie quickly stands with her while saying, "Salvatore? As in Stefan?"

Getting out of the car Caroline struts towards the duo and says, "I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind." Passing them she eyes me for a moment, blows me a kiss then turns around to address the other cheerleaders saying, "Sorry I'm late girls I was, uh, busy." Elena turns back to eye Damon as takes off his glasses and raises his eyebrows once to her, most likely as a greeting. Narrowing her eyebrows at him as he drives off, she holds an expression I can't place. Hearing Caroline spout some routine for cheer she quickly focuses her attention on that.

Watching them start the routine, or more accurately, watching Elena clumsily learn the routine was a nice way of relaxation. Especially when her eyes would catch mine sometimes and she'd blush in embarrassment at failing. Of course, I don't want her to feel disheartened by this so I cheer for her. Giving words of encouragement and whatnot, though, this makes her blush even harder, and finally when Caroline's seen and heard enough she says to Elena, "Elena sweetie," pausing to make sure she has her attention then continuing. "-Why don't you just observe today. Okay?" After Elena starts to walk off she directs the cheerleaders again by saying, "Okay let's do it again! From the top!"

Seeing Elena walk to the back and give up trying to follow the routine, I can see she spotted Stefan running onto the field. Sporting a little smile she walks to the bleachers to see him play better. Although a little annoyed she hasn't berated me yet for earlier, I don't show it when I speak down to her. "What are you doing Elena?" Catching her attention she eyes me with amusement at what I assume is from my earlier stunt. I'm quite surprised she isn't mad at my cheering though, not a bad surprise, contrary to it.

Continuing my question from earlier I say, "Come sit up here, it's a better view." Patting the spot next to me to signal where to go, she walks around the bend not breaking eye contact, only after sitting down does she look back to the field where we can hear Matt saying, "Blue 80! Blue 80!"

And so we sat there, enjoying each other silence while watching the new wide receiver play spectacularly.


Arriving back at her house to have dinner, Bonnie, Elena and I prepare the food while waiting for Stefan to show up. Well, it's more accurate to say we changed where the food resided from prepared packaging from the store to bowls to serve guests. Elena grabs two such bowls from the cupboard and while she's walking back Bonnie says to us, "You explain it. So last night I'm watching nine-o, commercial break comes on and I'm like- I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's the guy and the girl with the bench- he flies to Paris and back. They take a picture." Bursting out laughing Elena says, "Oh come on, that commercials on a constant loop."

Distributing the food to both of us while Bonnie relents and says, "Fine. Well, how about this." Pausing and looking up trying to piece together a way to say something without sounding crazy. "Today I'm obsessed with numbers. Three numbers- I keep seeing 8, 14, 22. How weird is that?" Looking between both of us for input then looking down to move the food to a bowl. While she does so, Elena and I glance at each other, smiling a little while doing so as we have roughly the same idea. Nodding to me, Elena turns to Bonnie with a serious expression on her face, easily masking her amusement.

"Maybe we should play the lottery." I chuckle as she smiles and Bonnie's face fills with annoyance. Elena continues still breathing out a laugh with, "Have you talked to your grams?" Helping Elena change the location of the food I take her bowl from her and smile as we catch the eyes of one another. This has happened so much today, and yet, I still haven't tired from it.

Dumping the food in Bonnie replies to Elena's question with, "She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. I don't wanna be a witch-" Turning towards Elena while continuing on "Do you wanna be a witch?"

It's obvious with how Elena replies how much she dislikes the idea of becoming one. "I don't wanna be a witch." Seeing a great opportunity to inject myself into this conversation I question, "And why not?" Looking up at me Elena sees I'm addressing her with my curiosity.

Smiling a little she says, "Well it depends on what I could do as a witch wouldn't it? If I'd have a wand and a broom, or maybe if I could heal the inhabitants of the land I reside in. It totally depends on the environment too. Like, let's say for example that the reason I'm a witch is because of a cursed bloodline and I'll have a bunch of demons coming after me for my power. Or maybe we could say-"

Before Elena could ramble on anymore the doorbell rang, during the conversation she started walking towards me, now standing chest to chest we freeze at the closer proximity, or more accurately she freezes as I begin to back away to the door saying, "I'll grab that. How about you guys grab some serving spoons yeah." Although this sentence was directed to both of them, I was still on focused on Elena. Damn that doppelganger allure, it's so hard not to get lost in it.

Turning around and walking to the door I'm greeted by another round of knocking. Quickly opening the door I see the broody Salvatore doppelganger, smiling I introduce myself saying "Hi my name is Kai, you must be Stefan. It's nice to meet you." Opening the door wider I gesture to him to come in.

Seeing him staring at me no doubt confused, but still polite he steps into the home while replying with, "Nice to meet you too." Taking off his shoes next to mine, we walk towards the kitchen to grab the food. Arriving there I'm greeted by Elena grabbing plates from one of the cupboards, upon hearing us she turns around and says, "Stefan! I'm glad you came." Setting the plates down she puts her hair behind her ear, something I've recognized she does when she's nervous.

Distributing plates to everyone I go to grab some utensils, me knowing where they are with a scan of my magic. It's like a pull to where the object you're searching for is, something stupidly simple. Opening up the drawer I tune out their conversation in favor of speaking to Bonnie whose right next to me. Whispering in her ear I say, "FYI, I think being a witch would be cool." Turning to me she smiles in gratitude at my comment.

(That's it for right now, apologies for not having a complete episode, just really don't want to write right now. I've also done sections of this chapter in segments several weeks apart from each other and if you can identify the split, I don't know, you'll get one of those golden stars from the elementary school days. Bye now).

Sleep is needed.

EternalStudcreators' thoughts