
Ruckus on planet Namek

With Krillin and Goku leaving Gohan and Bulma behind to search for the dragon balls, Gohan begins to meditate to try and get a grasp on his new powers.

(Strange. Even though whatever that energy was at the base of my tail has assimilated with my body, it still feels like there is something more there. Something there is calling to me like a faint whisper. What could be stopping me from accessing it? It may be a waste, but I wonder if the Namekian dragon would know the answer.)

After an hour or so of meditating, Gohan feels like he has gotten a good grasp on his current powers. Letting Bulma know he would be right back, Gohan goes for a quick bath to wash off after his giant ape transformation. Getting a good glimpse of himself, his father was not joking he had indeed hit a growth spurt. Whereas he had originally been around 4', he was now 4'7 with his hair reaching just past his shoulders.

"Elder Guru I have a question. When the dragon balls are gathered could I make a wish? During my training, I have reached an impasse with no clue as to what is blocking my progress." Gohan

"I believe that can be allowed as thanks for your assistance" Elder Guru


"Lord Frieza your brother Cooler will be here in 1 hour. Shall we call for the Ginyu Force aswell" Henchman 1

"I would rather not have to deal with those buffoons at the moment. In the meantime Zarbon, Dodoria do be getting ready to fight. And just to be safe" Frieza says as he slowly transforms into his full-powered form.

"Yes Lord Frieza" Zarbon and Dodoria answer with a purple glow about their body


Roughly 50 minutes later Goku and Krillin return with the dragon balls.

"Nail, please summon Porunga and grant young Gohan his wish" Guru

"Yes, Guru" Nail says placing the dragon balls in position before saying " Takkaraput pop Porunga pupiritt paro!"

With a flash of light, the sky turns dark before Porunga erupts from the dragon balls.

"Gohan what is your wish?" Nail

"There is a strange energy in my body that is blocked by an invisible barrier, what is it and how do I access it?" Gohan

Repeating Gohan's wish to Porunga, the dragon gives a low growl before it begins to talk

"Half Saiyan known as Gohan, the energy you are detecting is the racial ability of the Saiyan race. When you are finally able to access it you will be able to transform into a form known by your people as a Super Saiyan. To be able to access the form a Saiyan must first be strong enough, which you are. As a bonus the Saiyan behind you, once you are roughly 5 times as strong as you are now your strength, will be at the level to be able to attain it. As for how to obtain it, there are 2 different ways. One way is to become under heavy emotional duress, and the other is a pure need to become stronger. To quote one of the ancient saiyans, the form comes in response to a need, not a desire." Porunga

"So what I am feeling is my ability to become a super saiyan, neat" Gohan

"Is there any other wish that needs to be granted?" Prounga

"Anyone else have a wish they want to be granted?" Nail


"Lord Frieza what is that!" Henchman

"I'm not sure. Wait large dragon like creature, dragon balls. THATS THE WISH GIVING DRAGON" Frieza says dashing through to wall of the spaceship towards Porunga followed by Zarbon and Dodoria

"I think we are all good. That energy, something is approaching get ready" Goku says

"Well well well. I see a filthy monkey. While as much as I would love to talk with you I must wish for immortality" Frieza says dashing at Goku

Sensing just how strong Frieza is, Gohan goes Kaoken x20 stopping Frieza from attacking Goku

"Well it seems the little monkey is a lot stronger than I thought" Frieza

"Don't underestimate me just because of my size" Gohan says hitting Frieza with a hook kick sending Frieza into the air

"How about we fight up here away from the others" Gohan

"If that is where you want your grave to be so be it" Frieza says as the 2 begin to fight.

It did not take long for Gohan to realize that Frieza had the advantage in terms of raw power, but he had the advantage in skill allowing him to go toe to toe with Frieza.

While Gohan was fighting with Frieza, Goku was fighting with a transformed Zarbon and Dodoria. When they originally arrive, Goku thought he would be fine against them before purple energy erupted from their bodies increasing their power drastically. With the use of kaioken x20 Goku was barely able to keep up with their assault but his stamina was rapidly draining while Zarbon and Dodorio were still going strong.

Just as the 3 get into a beam struggle that Goku was losing, a Ki blast from Krillin hit Zarbon in the back of the head doing no damage. Before anyone can make another move a purple beam hits Dodorio in the side. While the blast does not do much damage, it does enough to distract Dodorio that his beam's power is lowered. Taking advantage of the distraction Goku pumps his kaioken to x21 allowing his beam to overpower the two of them killing them both. As Goku's body is completely exhausted and bleeding from every pore of his body, Krillin flies over to Goku to give him a senzu bean.

"Thanks for the assist there Krillin without your hit, I don't think I would have been able to beat them" Goku says as Krillin lands

"What do you mean Goku my blast didn't do any damage" Krillin says

Before Krillin can hand Goku a senzu

"Galic Gun" Vegeta yells

As the beam comes toward them Goku barely has to strength to push Krillin out of the way as the beam hits the right side of his body vaporizing it. Thankfully Goku had just enough energy to use one last Kaioken to be able to avoid taking any immediate fatal damage from the blast, but without taking a senzu he would inevitably bleed out from either the missing arm or the backlash of the kaioken x21.

"HAHAHAHAHA I'VE DONE IT. YOU SEE THAT KAKAROT IM STRONGER THAN YOU HAHAHAHAHA" Vegeta says as his aura slowly turns purple as well. With the purple energy invading Vegetas mind the only thought on his mind is to kill Kakarot, even if it costs him his pride.


Even with the intense fight between Gohan and Frieza, Gohan did his best to keep some of his attention on the fight between his dad and Frieza's goons. With a Kaioken x25, he knew he would have the speed to break away from Frieza and assist his dad in his fight for a split second, albeit the damage it would do to him.

"DAD NO" Gohan yells before dashing toward Goku

"Looks like the filthy Saiyan got done in by his own kind" Frieza says before laughing "I guess I called my brother for nothing

"dad please don't die" Gohan says landing next to Goku

"Is Krillin ok?" Goku says with a cough

"I'm alive Goku, but the senzu beans. I'm afraid Vegeta's blast destroyed them" Krillin

"Dad there must be some way we can save you" Gohan

"It will be ok Gohan, I'm sorry I won't be able to see you grow up more but just know I will be watching over you from the other world. And son just know I am proud of you and how strong you have become." Goku says as the light in his eye slowly fades away

As Gohan watches Goku die in his arms, something in Gohan's brain snaps as a yellow aura with a slight tint of green begins to surge around his body. As his aura slowly transitions from its normal white into the yellow green-tinted aura, Gohan's body begins to bulk up. Growing from his original height to 5', Gohan dashes at Vegeta in a rage before grabbing his arm and ripping it off.

As the purple aura on Vegeta recedes, Gohan uses a Ki blast to completely vaporize the ex-prince of all Saiyans.

"G-Gohan are you ok?" Krillin asks

"Krillin get to the ship with Nail, Guru, and the dragon balls I feel another strong power approaching and I will not let dad's sacrifice be in vain" Gohan

With a chuckle, Frieza flies towards Gohan to begin their fight once more.

I tried to write the wish in Namekian but I couldn't find any form of a translator or anything like that.

Let me know what yall think!

Also in case you were wondering why Gohan is treating Goku like his dad, refer back to the training in the time chamber. The feelings the original Gohan had influenced him.

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts