

Although the entire Sarifal region is under the control of the Octarine tower, it was not the only magic force within said region.

There are a few organizations that call Sarifal their home as well, naturally they all exist as vassals to the Octarine tower and pay tributes, taxes and respect to the tower in return for protection.

… and for being allowed to continue existing, of course. But that was just a minor detail.

One of these organizations was the college of the Purple hand. Their headquarters was in the Kazzat kingdom and they had the most influence there as well.

The Octarine tower did not see these vassals as threats at all, but they were not fools either, that was why they made sure to suppress them at every turn.

Keeping a close eye on their movements was always necessary.

Next was, the tower of Secrets, one of the five factions of the Octarine tower had the most presence and influence in Kazzat.