
Reborn as Eevee

I died trying to rape a tigress. Yep you didn’t read wrong. So I somehow met god because of it and then ended up reborn in the pokémon world. I’m telling you to read those warnings, or you got no one but yourself to blame. warning: pokemon x pokemon, pokemon x female trainer. MC will stay as a pokémon. MC will become OP. yes MC will Fuck many different types of pokemon, not only humanoid. yes this will be degenerate.

ExaltedCrow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

A New Life

Deep within Viridian Forest a miracle happened, an egg seemingly appeared out of thin air. The egg floated in the middle of the glade before it slowly landed in a natural wooden pedestal. The egg gently trembled upon landing, almost as if to show the world that He has arrived, before it slowly stopped trembling.

A few months later the egg began to stir again.

(MC pov)

My head hurts, it pounds and it pounds. These foreign memories slowly fill my head, a gift from heaven since time immemorial. Memories filled with knowledge that would help any newborn, egg moves.

'It seems like I've got knowledge about Double Kick and Wish, that will be quite helpful'. I then focused on the new knowledge, how to activate wish. If my theory is correct then using wish before being born would correct every genetic mistake I have.

So that's what I did, I gathered the small amount of power I had and then used wish. I felt all my power swiftly drain and then I blacked out. If I was still conscious I would notice how my muscles and bones got denser, and my hair seemed even more luscious.

*yawn* 'that felt like the best sleep I've ever experienced', was my first thought upon waking up. Not long after I could feel my stomach roaring at me to get sustenance. My body, now filled with power, easily stood up within the egg, and then I crushed it.

The first thing I noticed was not the overwhelming brightness, nor was it the beautiful scenery, but it was the energy. It looked like the whole world was filled with unlimited energy, the air, the trees, even the ground. 'So this is the pokémon world. It's so beatuiful", emotions very running wild in me, happiness for finally being born, curiosity to what I would find on my journey, and perhaps the biggest one, anticipation for all the different pokémons he would fuck.

After some time my emotions calmed, and that's when I noticed what Pokémon I've become. 'So I've become an Eevee', beautiful brown fur covered my body, and some snow white fur around my neck and the tip of my tail.

'Before I admire my own body more, I should try to find some food', and so I started to explore the glade I was born in. It quickly became apparent that this place was filled with berries 'perhaps another gift from god?'.

Oran berries, leppa berries, figy berries, razz berries, pecha berry, and even some sitrus berries. I tried some of every berry, and I gotta say they were very delicious. Perhaps the human side of me still made me prefer the pecha berry because of the sweetness and leppa berry for the spicyness. I even tried to spit some of the seeds from the berries I ate so it would grow later.

After eating I could finally explore this place for real, but this heaven in this forest wasn't too big. It perplexed me somewhat that there was no traces of other pokemons nearby, but in the end it didn't really matter.

So my next choice of option was obvious, train. 'I could either try to train my moves, or I could build strength/agility', remembering how much energy wish needed made me steer towards training my body. Not just training, I was also familiarizing with my new body. Since I was still very young, not even a day old, I started with no extra weights.

Thus I began to run. I was running on the edge of the glade so I also worked on balance and perception. I ran as fast as I could for a couple minutes, then took a break, and repeat. Over the next few days I became a lot stronger and faster. After every training session I could feel my muscles get stronger, perhaps this fast development is a boon of being newborn and also using wish before being born.

On the fifth day I woke up with some small claws, which means I finally can step up my training. I then set my eyes on a tree, and practised climbing. Not only climbing, I was also holding a stick with my tail while climbing. After just a couple tries I managed to learn to climb.

Then I started to jump between branches, and I gotta say it was pretty difficult. Over the next few days I continued with this.

The improvement could be seen, gracious control over my body, strength that a newborn shouldn't have, and flexibility that would shame even a tentacruel. I was most likely the strongest newborn pokémon since Arceus herself.

'Perhaps using wish as a way to sleep is too broken', I thought. I slowly went towards the little water source close to the center of the glade. I saw my reflection, and I looked nothing like the little Eevee I was only 9 days ago. I was getting big, perhaps even as big as a regular Eevee. I then took a bath, and I couldn't help but take a look at my dick. It has grown a lot since I was born. 'It should be around 20cm erect', I thought back to the horniness I felt when waking up, and how my dick stretched the whole underside of my body.

'Perhaps I should leave soon' I thought while enjoying the water. This relaxation didn't last long, before I started my next and final workout, swimming. Learning to swim as a pokémon was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. Perhaps all the other training made me ready for this though.

And so I continued swimming until I was exhausted. When I got back on land I went into the the small nest I've made of leaves, and before I succumbed to exhaustion, I made a wish. Then it went black.

uploaded just so I know how much 1k words look like.

Next chapter won't be out for some days most likely. Don't expect anything though..

Also there will be no chapter of any kind of MC before arriving as an egg in the pokemon world. If you didn't realize the only "cheat" he got was to be able to see all the different energy elements.

Well, if anyone got an idea for my story just comment.

ExaltedCrowcreators' thoughts