
Reborn as an Vampire

Givemesomecupcakes · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Vampire Progenitor

The world swam into focus in shades of crimson and black. My head pounded like a war drum, a throbbing that threatened to split my skull in two. Groaning, I tried to lift a hand to my head, but met only with sluggish resistance. Panic jolted me awake. My limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, like I was wading through chest-deep molasses. Where was I? What had happened?

Memories, fragmented and hazy, flickered to life. Books, mountains of them, lining towering shelves. The scent of aged paper, leather, and dust. Escaping into fantastical worlds, where heroes battled dragons and brave souls wielded magic. My eyes snapped open, the harsh crimson light searing them. The air felt thick and heavy, like it was saturated with something unseen.

Then, I saw him.

He was a colossal being, shrouded in darkness. His form shimmered and wavered, impossible to discern in detail. But there was power emanating from him, an aura that crackled with raw creation. It felt like standing at the epicenter of a storm, the sheer force of his presence threatening to vaporize me.

"Welcome," boomed a voice that resonated in the very core of my being. It wasn't a human voice, not in the traditional sense. It was sound woven from the fabric of existence itself, a primal utterance that spoke of beginnings and vastness.

"Where...am I?" I rasped, my voice rough and unfamiliar. It felt like sandpaper scraping against bone. Even speaking was an exertion in this strange new body.

The colossal being boomed once more. "You are in the cradle of creation, young one," the voice rumbled. "A world I have brought into existence, teeming with possibility. But you are not merely an observer. You are a part of it, a seed sown in this fertile ground."

A sliver of fear coursed through me, a primal terror of the unknown. Yet, a spark of curiosity flickered to life. This wasn't the world of my dog-eared fantasy novels, but it was a world of magic nonetheless. A world where anything, seemingly, was possible.

"And what role do I play in this grand design?" I dared to ask, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.

The colossal being seemed to shrink ever so slightly, the oppressive force around me easing a fraction. "You," he boomed, a hint of amusement now in his voice, "will be the first of your kind. A creature of the night, a being of shadows – a Vampire."

My blood ran cold. A vampire? The creatures of countless horror stories, the pale, bloodsucking fiends that haunted the pages of countless novels. My mind reeled. Was this a nightmare? Some twisted joke?

The being continued, seemingly sensing my turmoil. "Fear not, young one. You will be granted the knowledge and tools you need to thrive. A cultivation technique specifically tailored to your vampiric nature, the highest grade possible. A system to track your progress and guide your development."

A flicker of hope sparked within me. Tools? A system? This wasn't just some random curse, it seemed. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way to survive, even to thrive in this strange new form. As the colossal being continued to speak, outlining my role in shaping this nascent world alongside other firstborns – a mighty dragon, a wise elf, a cunning demon, a stoic dwarf, and the first human – a sliver of determination hardened within me.

This world, this colossal expanse waiting to be explored, might reject me. But I wouldn't go down without a fight. I would learn to control my newfound hunger, to master the darkness within me. I would become something more than just a monster. I would become a legend, the first Vampire, the one they would eventually call...well, that part of the journey remained to be seen. Right now, survival was the name of the game. And with a newfound resolve, I took a tentative step forward, the crimson light reflecting in my unfamiliar eyes. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, but I was ready to face it, one step, one bite, at a time.