
Battle of Supreme Swords... Part-5.

*Clank* *Clink*

Rio and the clones' swords hit each other again and again, making noises that resounded throughout the empty hall.

The swords that the clone is using is just an extension of its body, and if it were someone else's clone, Rio could have directly used his 'Soul Splitting' the moment their swords touched each other.

However, because this entity is Rio's clone, it possesses 'True Immunity', meaning that many of Rio's potent abilities will not affect it.

'Moreover, it's currently completely ignoring defense and is going for full offense…'

Rio literally killed all of its allies right in front of it after all; the clone is a bit angry over that matter.

'I guess I will also be quite a bit angry if my friends get killed right in front of me… Also, I will become as reckless as this clone…'

'I wonder if I can actually fill this weakness though…'