
The Same Dracula?

"More and more trees. We're out of this soon." Mark said before coming to a stop.

He turned around.

Krista and Elisa nearly collapsed to the ground.

"Get a couple of hours of sleep. We should be out by the next time we stop."

"Are you... Serious...?" Both Elisa and Krista crawled towards a tree.

The trees that covered the ground were still dead, but they were taller, had more branches, and were much more numerous.

"So tired..."

"Good. Sleep, then we'll-"

"But I can't sleep."


Mark turned towards them, and both were staring with half-open eyes.

"Still waiting... For that story..." Elisa said.

The Moonlit Feline nodded.

"You can barely talk. Just go to sleep."

"That's not..." She yawned. "Entirely true."

"Right." Mark closed his eyes and feigned sleep for a bit.

"Stories are important... You know?"

"I don't have any stories to tell."

"Not one?"