
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · แฟนตาซี
184 Chs

The Dark Elf (1)


I'm changing the release schedule to Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday @0700 (Webnovel timezone)


Cas watched as the orcs charged.

She saw the students cowering in fear.

She watched as Professor Zovreth clashed with the big orc.

She should have felt fear like the other students or the professor's eagerness. But she didn't. She only felt rage. Rage at one person.

This rage had been building for the past six months when she awoke under a tree and saw Olivia overlooking a town that was being destroyed. Olivia had told her something that ignited that spark of rage and only grew over time.

When her master was unconscious, Olivia made sure to flame the fire that was her rage. When he woke up, Olivia made sure to capitalize and drive a wedge between Cas and her master, further feeding that flame.

Even though her master could see through the deception, he was forced to play along because he feared Cas getting hurt. Now that flame was a raging inferno that kept building.

She was supposed to be the one to protect him. That was her mission in life, and she couldn't even do that. So now he was threatening to toss her aside. They promised to walk side by side forever, but now he was so far beyond her reach that she could hardly see him, and instead of holding a hand for her to grab onto. He forged ahead without looking back.

It's not fair. She thought.

She has known him the longest. She has been with him the longest. She has seen what he was before his change. She has seen his highs, as well as his lows.

So why was she tossed aside like garbage?

With no outlet for that rage. It began consuming itself, becoming stronger, and an endless cycle began. What would break first? The flame or the container.

Unfortunately, the container broke first.

As Cas watched the charging orcs, something inside of her snapped, and before she realized it, she was standing in front of the charging orcs, who grounded to a halt.

"I hate you all." She said quietly as she unsheathed Requiem, which her master had given her.

"Oi, she-elf, what's wrong with your face?" One of the orcs asked as he pointed at her.

Cas didn't say anything as she put a hand on her face and realized she was smiling.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she removed her hand from her face. "I'm not good enough for you to use?"

Not waiting for an answer, she charged the orcs, who were caught off guard, and when she was within a few meters of the nearest orc, she pointed at it with her sword.

Requiem is a magical sword that, when one channeled mana in the weapon, could transform according to the user's will and desires. What made it difficult to use was that it seemed to have a will of its own and would often class with the user. If the user weren't strong enough, nothing would happen. But if one could overpower its will, one would obtain a powerful weapon.

Cas imagined a spear, and the sword became surrounded by a faint white light. A moment later, it expanded, and the orc was unprepared as the now spear had pierced its chest. Only this was no standard spear. Instead, it was midnight black, and the blade itself was serrated.

As the spear was pulled out of its chest, the orc's eyes widened as he saw his heart attached to the spear coming out. That orc died moments later.

Cas grabbed the heart and crushed it as she looked at the other orcs.

"Next." She said and disappeared.

At her max speed, very few could keep up with her, and these orcs had no chance as she slaughtered them one by one.

Within moments she had already taken out five of the orcs, leaving nine left, only to drop down to six. As she launched wind blades at them, decapitating three.

"Stand strong." Cas said, eyeing the six remaining orcs. "It's no fun when you fall so easy." She added as she began laughing.

Cas was finally enjoying herself. She couldn't believe she had bottled up these feelings for so long. She felt good like nothing could stop her.

She enjoyed it as she slaughtered these orcs and wondered if this was how her master felt when facing weaklings. The feeling of power that nothing could stop her was intoxicating.

Slaying two more orcs, she couldn't help as another laughter escaped her.

Maybe after this, her master will look at her again. Maybe now that she was strong enough to stand beside him, he wouldn't have to protect her anymore. Maybe now she could kill Olivia, who was forcing her master to do things he didn't want to do.

Another orc fell.

Maybe now she could feel the warmth of her master again. She just needed to prove to him that she was no longer weak.

The three surviving orcs felt fear for the first time as they looked upon Lady Death herself and began to retreat. Only to stop as they could no longer breathe.

"My master taught me this." Cas said as she cast a spell.

The orcs could say nothing as they grabbed at their throats.

"Let's see how long you can last." She said while laughing.

Cas watched as the orcs struggled for a few more minutes before lying still, and she finally released the spell.

I need someone stronger. She thought as she observed the professor fighting.

Smiling, she released her killing intent that everyone in the vicinity had picked up on. Causing many of the students to collapse and the professor and the large orc to stop fighting.

Zovreth and Bulgan looked at the once beautiful elf, now covered in green blood and pieces of flesh. Zovreth said nothing as she disengaged and backed away. Unfortunately, her ability was running wild, causing her to become guarded and prepare for what would happen.

"Callista, stand down." Zovreth ordered.

Zovreth watched as Cas hesitated for a moment, and she breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize the Bulgan ruined everything in the next moment.

"She-elf, I'm going to enjoy my time with you." Bulgan growled as he charged her.

"Only my master is allowed to touch me." Cas said quietly as she, too, charged forward with a smile.

Shit. Zovreth said as she looked to where Maxamus and the other had gone.

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After resting this weekend, I feel much better.

I know that we reached 25 PS last week. So I will release a bonus chapter this week.

How will this affect Ciaran's plan moving forward?

SithLordAnocreators' thoughts