
Reborn as a Troll

A modern man reborn as a Troll in a fantasy world.

GoldDragonMachina · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Demon Slayer

Celly tracked down the Demon in two days and stalked the Demon for an additional day.

As I taught to collect information about the Demon she is hunting before attacking. As while I can afford to fight blind to a certain extent. It is much riskier for a human to do it.

When she was finally ready to attack, she had set up a field of her choosing. A mildly thick patch of forest she set with various traps. All she had to do was lure the Demon over to the area. Which should not be hard. Given that Demons do not temper their emotions or desires.

I watched through a hawk spirit high in the sky as Celly generated a dark red javelin and launched it at the unsuspecting Demon. The Javelin hit it's mark and went through its stomach. The Demon nearly keeled over from the blow.

It screeched out into the air and then pulled out the javelin that pierced through. This Demon had two legs, two arms, but four extra appendages on it's back like mantis scythes. It looked at the wound in anger, as the regeneration was slow, and painful. An effect of the Demon Slayer Magia magics.

A stronger attack would have stopped regeneration completely, but the Demon would have noticed such an attack.

The Demon looked around angrily for the attacker and spotted Celly. Just like she wanted. Celly then ran away to her prepared field.

The raging Demon followed exactly how she wanted. When the Demon tripped the first trap, it was surprised. As dark red spikes erupted from a hidden magic sigil. The spikes only injured a leg, but the wounds were healing so slow it was negligible.

Celly then activated other traps the conjured dark red barbed chains that wrapped the Demon up and restricted it's movement. It roared in pain and desperation as it tried to escape. I could see confusion and fear on its face. It has never encountered such magic before.

Celly then appeared in front of it. She summoned the Vileheart Stake. A spell specifically for attacking a Demon's Heart. Which theoretically guarantees a one hit kill if it hits the Demon's heart. Celly stakes the Demon with it in the heart and it does die in one hit. As the saying magic spreads out from the heart and kills the rest of the body.

Celly perfectly executed a Demon hunt. No mistakes, no injuries, no problems. I was extremely impressed at how well she had done.

I had my spirit hawk fly down and land near her. I spoke through it, "Exemplary work Celly, return home. We have much to discuss now that you are a blooded Demon Slayer. One of so very few."

Celly merely nodded her head and started traveling back home immediately with a big smile on her face.

It took her a day and a half to return.

I had a warm meal prepared for her. When I opened the door to welcome her I said, "Welcome home Celly. Congratulations on killing your first Demon. A feat humans rarely claim credit for."

She beamed a smile, "Thank you Mr. Taln. Hopefully the first of many."

I beckoned her inside to eat and rest. I saved the discussions for tomorrow. After she sleeps and regains her energy.

So that next day, I discussed her future with her.

"Celly, you are now strong enough to face the world alone. Even Demons, that put great fear into the hearts of all races can be killed by you. What would you like to do now?"

Celly thinks deeply for some time before answering, "I want to go around the world. I want to kill Demons and teach others how to kill Demons too."

An admirable desire.

"Celly, that is an admirable desire for your future. If that is the path you take, I will support it. Now let me tell you. As you have killed a Demon, Trolls will see you differently. We Trolls despise Demons above all else. To be a Demon Slayer, is to be respected by Trolls. Trolls will not attack you, or anyone with you. It i possible for them to be friendly with you too. Unless you attack them first of course. They will know instinctively from being near you too."

Celly smiles thankfully, "I'm happy you support my choice Mr. Taln. I'll come to visit you whenever I can too. I won't forget. How could I ever forget anyways?"

I smile back, "Good girl, no more calling Mr. Taln. I am Uncle Taln from now on. For your flight, I have gifts for you."

The gift appear in my hand...like magic. A spear, a short sword, a book, a set of armor, and a ring.

"These are all made to kill or defend against Demons. The ring is proof that I have taken you as family. Any being that sees this will know that making you their enemy will make me their enemy. The book is for to use to teahc the Demon Slayer Magia to others."

Celly takes the gifts brightly, looks them over once. Then puts them down so she can jump on me in a hug. Which of course doesn't cover me at all with my 20ft stature. 

"Thank you Uncle Taln.", She says sincerely.

We end the hug and I ask, "Where will you go first?"

She answers, "Well, I think the Uther Kingdom will be first. It is a human nation and the closest. My old village was funded by the Uther Kingdom."

I nod, "A fine choice. I have long since been able to send my spirit familiars far. The Kingdom was unstable due to civil war until the end of last year when a victor was decided. Prince Geralt Uther defeated the rebellious chancellor and was crowned king."

After a bit more discussion, it was decided that Celly would set off in 5 days. Which would be spent preparing traveling supplies and spending some time together before leaving. We fished in the river, made some clay pots, had magic fun, and feasted outside.

When it was time for her to leave, I left with her to escort her to the edge of my forest territory. When we reached the edge. We stopped. Celly's brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and wore a leather and fur traveling outfit with some comfort enchantments.

I sigh with a grin, "Well, this is it Celly."

She looks up at me with a bittersweet smile, "Yes it is Uncle. Thank you for all these years. See you later."

Celly took a breath, and ran off in excitement.

I stood and watched for minutes until I could no longer see Celly's figure in the distance. I then started a leisure walk back home.

A walk of reminiscence.