
Reborn as a SCP

Leo was a surgeon in the foundation who had dedicated his entire life to the foundation, entering their ranks as a surgeon's assistant the moment he was qualified. He had seen everything from agents with minor injuries up to agents who had sustained major trauma to their bodies and had lost body parts, even operatives who were affected by SCP's. However, through thick and thin Leo stayed loyal to the foundation. Eventually, Leo qualified for a level three clearance level, all he had to do was complete a minor operation on an executive agent of the foundation. However, the agent mysteriously died and Leo was found responsible for the death after a trial. Leo lamented everyone as his hate for the foundation grew. "I dedicated my entire fucking life to your cause, I have saved hundreds of your operatives and this is the fucking reward I get!?!" After Leo found out he was scheduled to be tested on an SCP that could cause a horrendous death he rebelled, resulting in him dying. When Leo died, there was only one thought in his head. "Why am I the one who must always suffer? All of this happened due to the corruption of others, I've just been a puppet in the grand scheme of everything, the foundation is a predator, and I was the prey all along. The entire foundation, no, the entire world is corrupt. It should all be purged in order for a new beginning." Suddenly, Leo heard a mysterious and dark voice calling out to him. "Do you truly wish to purge the world? To create a new one?" Leo thought he was going insane for a second but still responded. "Yes, that is truly what I want. But before that, I want to trample those who wronged me in this world!"

lazylizard · แฟนตาซี
196 Chs

Final assault

Another call followed from a bit further away.

"The fuck do you mean he is armed? You made sure to put in the request that his gear would be supplied at the meeting point?"

Leo didn't recognize this voice but things started clearing up to him.

The entire request was a setup, he had his own suspicions but he expected MC&D to at least filter some out.

Leo recognized the voice of the person who he shot in the collarbone, it was Doc.

Leo slowly started moving forward towards the hiding place of Doc, this time he would not let her go that easily.

He silently cursed himself for letting her go that day, if he just chased her down instead of accepting that she got away, but now it came back to bite him in the ass.

When Leo rounded the corner he did not see Doc, all he saw was a puddle of blood.

Leo heard the wind whistling again and saw another dart land right beside him, embedding it in the soil.

Leo quickly calculated the trajectory of the dart and aimed at the place it got shot from.

There was a woman with pitch-black hair laying down on the ground beside a fallen down dried-up tree and a rock.

Leo quickly hit the ground to minimize exposure.

Leo heard footsteps and saw Doc running towards the woman with black hair while holding a bandage on her collarbone.

Leo raised his weapon to shoot but was met with an unpleasant sound.


Leo quickly ejected the magazine and loaded another one in, this was his last.

He took aim again but Doc was already behind cover.

The other woman also didn't peek, she was probably treating Doc.

Leo took a look sideways and saw that another agent had take aim on him.

Leo quickly got up and dove for cover behind the vehicle.

The needle barely missed his arm and Leo ducked behind cover.

He looked below the car and saw that the agent was closing in on him, he could see his feet.

Leo aimed at the agent's legs and shot in full auto.

Almost all the bullets hit and the agent collapsed to the ground, yelling in pain.

There was a massive hole in his calf since Leo shot from a close range.

Leo didn't have time to hesitate and shot two more rounds into the back of the agents head as he was crying for help.

"Two dead, two injured, one uninjured and a sniper, are there any more?" thought Leo.

He took a look around and didn't see anything.

He knew that they were playing the waiting game, Leo was on a timer after all.

Leo had about fifteen bullets left, give or take.

He already knew that he probably wouldn't be getting out safely, he had already reached the 7.5-minute mark and at this point he felt and walked like he was drunk.

He was mostly just stumbling, his body didn't do what he wanted.

Leo started stumbling toward Doc's position, he wanted to correct the mistake he made in the village now.

He expected Doc to just fuck off and retire after what she experienced.

Leo stumbled towards the rock, barely holding his gun up.

The moment he rounded the corner of the rock he saw a shadow move in on him.

He shot a couple of bullets towards it but they went haywire.

In the next second, he saw the stock of a gun going toward his face.

Leo tried to dodge but it was to no avail.

The stock of the weapon connected to his face and he quickly dropped down on the ground.

He wasn't sure if it was because of the stock to the face or the tranquilizer, but he couldn't move his body at all.

Leo felt a knee pressing down on his back and soon heard some muffled words.

"Doc! Pass me the restraints!"

Leo felt something wrapping around his arms and legs before passing out.

[New mission by Sogrith.]

[Mission: Escape containment.]

[Reward: Unlimited shapeshifting slots.]

[Bonus mission by Ion.]

[Mission: Steal data regarding sarkic groups of interests and escape containment.]

[Reward: 5/8 of Nadox's seal.]

Bonus chapter 2/2

Once again, thanks to Rangobango and some other people for taking the time and completing the challenge, your private rewards will be issued soon.

lazylizardcreators' thoughts