
Reborn As A Ring

On the border of a kingdom named Caradel in a deep and great forest a man could be seen running, being chased by a group of men wearing armor as arrows flew in the air. One striking true to its target striking the man in the shoulder nevertheless the man continued running. The man named Baranor, a young man who had orange eyes black hair and tanned skin with a slight scruffy beard was running for his life while thinking to himself. 'How did this happen?!' Baranor running out of air feeling exhausted, and the blood flowing from his shoulder running down his back mixing with his sweat, Baranor stared in front of him only to see a drop off nearly 100 meters in front of him. The men behind him also seemed to notice that Baranor was running out of time, as nearly every single one of them let out a grin, as they approached the edge Baranor slowed to a halt, as did the men behind him. "Give up prince! Just accept what's to come, after all the throne is no longer yours to inherit!" Said the man leading the soldiers "I will never! Not after what you did to my men, not after what he did to my father!" Baranor replied "Hmph! So be it, I offer you life just for you to accept death" The man stated "Life? Life! you offer me death now or later, do you really think i'd be stupid enough to hand over the throne after witnessing your coupe against my father!" Baranor replied "Hmm, it seems your unwilling even till the end, Very well, Archer's! Fire!" The man commanded Baranor was now stuck between a rock and a hard place either jump off the cliff to a seemingly doomed fate or accept the fate that the man in front of him was offering. As he thought what he should do he heard the command the man spouted feeling the stress of the situation and his adrenalin nearly running out he decided. He'd rather die by his own hands than give the man in front of him that satisfaction! As he thought this he immediately took a step back falling to his doom. The man not expecting this looked rather confused only for his face to twist into a grin. 'Finally! Good riddance my dear prince!' The man said as he looked as the boy fell through the tough branches of the trees below Baranor looking up at one of the men that betrayed him thought to himself 'Is this how i really die? Well what can i say, i tried, i gave it my all.......' As Baranor was accepting his fate he thought back on his life only to be filled with rage 'No! I refuse to accept this laying down! Quintin I will come for you! I will come for all those who dare raise their sword to their king! No matter what! even if i have to accept a deal from the devi-' that was the last thought Baranor had before he hit the ground When Baranor hit the ground he didn't even feel the pain, just the shock, as it traveled through his body as his eyes slowly blurred he built up all his will to not pass out 'I refuse! I have to keep moving!' Baranor thought as he turned his body over back up When Baranor was starting to lose hope he started to hear faint whispers as he looked at the direction the whispers came he saw a cave, almost as if the whispers were drawing him in he forced himself to crawl and keep crawling, no matter what Baranor refused to stop crawling. Finally when Baranor arrived to where he heard the faint whispers they became louder almost screaming in his head as he saw it, a ring, resting on what looked to be an ancient place holder for it. Baranor grabbed the ring and lay on his back as he gathered his strength and said "My Fate! Is my own!" As he slid the ring on his finger. -------------------- -Author here Just a quick disclaimer! This novel is heavily inspired by lord of the rings if you couldn't tell also it's because i only ever saw one other story on a ring.

Soul_Monarch000 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The Great Bear

The wolf who looked proud at its master the ring let out a small but audible groan as it was once again ordered to run around the outside of the cave. While the wolf was getting used to the changes in its body it realized how much faster it got and how it felt easier to move in its body. While Lunamir was watching this he was eager to test out just how strong this creation of his was. So Lunamir ordered his wolf to go out and explore the forest even though he knew it came with a risk however his curiosity and pride got in the way of his rightful thinking.

While exploring the wolf went to it's old cave since it had the chance to, and saw the ruins of his old nest and rummaged through it to see if he could find anything relating to his kind that used to life there. His family was attacked by a demon in the wolfs eyes killing and destroying his nest where his siblings and parents were only leaving him alive, albeit injured. The wolf feeling sadden at its lost let out a howl into the night sky.

With the wolfs eyes burning blue it continued forward searching for the one who did this to its pack as it ran fourth with no found determination in its eyes. The wolf settled upon a track made by a creature who was quite apparent bigger than the wolf. Nevertheless the wolf held no fear and followed the tracks, Lunamir watching this simply let it happen curious as to what would unfold. The wolf found the end of the tracks leading into a cave where the wolf could hear some creatures snores. The wolf wanting to sneak attack the beast quietly sneaked into the cave. 

Once the wolf could visibly see the bear Lunamir saw the pure size of the bear and realized how foolish the wolf was for even attempting to kill this creature. Just the power it could produce with its sheer size would have been enough to warrant caution. As it was a bear with brown fur and curved horns like a goat on the side of its head with a stature size of 3.6 meters. Although Lunamir saw no real merit into telling the wolf to attack the creature, it was no longer him that was doing anything and simply watched. The wolf started to growl slowly waking the bear but before the bear could do anything the wolf leapt at it gnawing at its face and slashing at its eye.

The bear enraged threw its huge body against the caves wall throwing the wolf off it as it landed not to far from the bear, catching itself as to not fall. With the blood of the bear dripping out of its mouth the wolf let out a growl attempting to intimidate the bear however the bear responded with a roar, shocking the wolf. The wolf however refused to give up as it circle down the bear eyeing it's every move. The bear doing the exact same thing to the wolf gave in and rushed to wolf, the wolf attempted to dodge barely getting out of the way in time.

The bear immediately turned and slashed at the wolf at it flew backwards making a whimpering sound as it picked itself back up. The bear not letting anything to chance pounced on the wolf bitting into its neck and flinging it back and fourth until a snap was heard.....

The wolf's lifeless body fell down onto the ground as the ring watched this happened all he could think was.

'Hmm, how unfortunate, well theirs always the future, even though that was quite an unfortunate ending it at least let me understand a few things about this world' Lunamir thought

'But still that was quite a waste it's unfortunate the wolf was enraged otherwise... Welp no need to cry over split milk' 

As Lunamir was pondering over what to do next he felt quite sadden at how he could no longer move around and experience the world. Although short lived he was also sadden that he was now once again lonely albeit that feeling was fleeting. So once again Lunamir waited but while waiting he decided to spend his unallocated stats. He decided for now, since he has no clue on what particular stats would be harder to gain than others that he would split his stats equally, but he would leave one incase of emergencies. For the skill point he would put it into his passive Mercy as it seemed to be the most useful as of now, only to see it go up a whole 2%.

'Yeah I thought so, in fact I bet most of my abilities are like that' Lunamir thought to himself

So Lunamir began to wait although he didn't have to wait too long, as only a few days passed until he would once again encounter a living being

*To present day*

Lunamir being bored waiting for who knows how long felt the presence of a being in fact to him it felt as if he could sense a being who would be more than just a beast but of intelligence. So he began to call out to whoever it was to get him out of this boredom.

'Hello! is anyone there? Please someone get me out of here!' Lunamir was practically begging to be let go

As if answering his calls he so something make its way to him more accurately someone! Lunamir didn't know who this man was but he didn't care! all that mattered to him was that someone was going to get him out of this dammed cave. However when he saw the sight of the man he was shocked.

'Well he doesn't seem to be in a good shape' Lunamir thought to himself

Lunamir watched as the man crawled his way to the place holder for him as he grabbed the ring and lay on his back as the man gathered his strength.

"My fate! Is my own!" The man said as he slid the ring on his finger

Lunamir watching this happen felt the man pick him up and slide him on his finger although a weird feeling it wasn't unpleasant Rather it was just weird for Lunamir who considered the ring his body and himself a man.


Connection with host granted

-Banishing host Baranor from death

-Granting Baranor new title: Ring bearer


Once the connection was active both Baranor and Lunamir were connected as Lunamir witnessed the tragedies and the life of Baranor and down fall of his family. Lunamir simply watched as the man before him has his injuries healed and half his body took on a wraith like appearance although quickly disappearing. Baranor however was in what appeared to be a deep sleep while he himself was also witnessing his own upbringing and downfall cursing those who betrayed him. Although a gamble Baranor put his full trust into this random ring he found in a strange place and hoped it would do something to aid him. Since long ago rings were always seen as a token or symbol of power, wealth, or greed, but from the stories the court wizards would tell him as a boy, rings made by masters of their art were either powerful tools of power or of destruction. They would bring either order or destruction and in his lifetime Baranor has seen many rings, simply made to flaunt someone's wealth or to increase someone's power, however he has never once seen a ring that called out to someone or that had such a blinding glow to it.


"What? Where am I?" Baranor asked himself

As Baranor was looking around he rubbed his temple trying to remember what happened, due to the blood loss and slight head trauma he was dazed, however it all came rushing to his head. As he made another gasp for air he looked at his index finger witch held the ring he came across. Baranor felt the power surge through his body from the ring as he looked at his body where the injuries were only to find them fully healed. Baranor looked at the ring once more and said

"This ring, I have never seen anything like this before! With this I might, I just might have a fighting chance. All I have to do is gather my forces once again and I will pay my uncle his dues!"

"And how do you expect to do that in this forest?" Lunamir thought

Baranor who couldn't hear him instead heard slight whispers however instead of a deep and dark feeling he instead felt a more gentle and light feeling as if the voices were an angle whispering into his ear. Baranor although confused on what happened walked out of the cave exploring his surrounding and hopefully figuring out what this ring could do. Lunamir couldn't directly speak to Baranor but he sympathized with the man although he was curious on how strong he could be and if he would be worthy to use his power. Although Lunamir thought a ring having a sense of weak and strong would be weird he just felt that he had to judge the man before him to see if he was the right one or not.

'I would feel rather displeased if I was used by a weakling' Lunamir thought

So as to see whether this man could be a rightful user of this ring he issued a quest to the young man surprising him.


-Quest: Approval

-Defeat the great bear of the forest

-Rewards: Skill: Domination

-Description: Prove your strength to the Ring of Light gaining the Approval of the ring as its new bearer


Baranor although surprised kept his composure and carefully read the mission description.

"Hmm a quest? First time seeing one not issued by the church or guilds. Well a bear huh? Shouldn't be too hard." Baranor said aloud

While Baranor was busy reading the quest and thinking of his next course of action, Lunamir was busy looking at Baranor's information.


-Name: Baranor Tark

-Title: Ring bearer

-Level: 17

-Passive: Caradelian Swordsmanship: Increases the efficiency and speed with a sword by 20%

-Passive: Commander: Able to issue orders efficiently and keep troops motivated for longer periods of time

-Passive: Keen eye: Increase in observation skills by 35%

-Passive: Determination: Able to push past ones limits: Tenacity 35%

-Passive: Banished from death: as long as the being Baranor Tark holds the ring of light he is banished from death and can be reborn once he has gathered efficient mana from the surroundings, the ring decided the wearer will not age

-Active: Time Dilation Lvl 7: Increases the amount of information the brain absorbs making 1 second 1.27 seconds: Mentally tires user and increases mental stress longer periods may cause permanent damage

-Active: Inspiring presence: Causes a morale boost among troops and instills trust and discipline Requires no cost but has a difficult activation

-Active: Sword Aura lvl7 : Coats sword in a blanket of mana increasing its cutting and piercing properties by 35% 5/mana per second

-Active: Mana Cloak lvl 3: Coats one body in Mana temporarily increases stats and defense for 5 minutes Stat increase 15% Defense increase 20% Cost:250 Mana



-49 Str

-38 Dex

-45 Con

-32 Spr


Lunamir looked at Baranor's stats and thought 'Wow not too bad, honestly its surprising he was that injured'

When Lunamir was thinking what Baranor's stats plus his were he was quite shocked and thought the bear definitely didn't stand a chance with Baranor's stats as high as they were.

"Well, time to track me a bear." Baranor thought to himself

Did some changes to Baranor's stats to match up what i have planned for the story and to make him more fit for a swordsman that does use man but doesnt focus on it and a quick explaintion for stats Str is not only well strength but also for speed and dex is for reaction time, slightly speed and coordnation and sense con is the durability of ones body and increases ones hp spr is the strength of ones magic abilities and how much mana a person can hold I am currently trying to revamp some of the stats to make things such as health and mana points make sense and skill points are not really a thing its mostly just honning skills to make their level increase so its a special thing to certain people / things kind of like forcing one's pontential to the surface

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts