
Reborn as a Pig: Kingdom

Takashi is a company worker who found himself unemployed after offending his boss.The reason for his termination was he was not listening to his boss, which angered the boss. As Takashi sat on a bench, contemplating his next move, he was struck by a meteorite and died. However, that was not the end of his story, as he soon found himself reincarnated as a pig with a system panel. Determined to become powerful, Takashi sets his sights on achieving greatness. Follow his journey as he navigates the World and strives to reach the top. --- Discord link ↓↓ https://discord.gg/TzScrr33S2 ↑↑

Godfather_Gambler · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 3 New Ability

After finishing his meal of fish, Takashi noticed that his food bar was at 89/100, but his attention was quickly drawn to the Ability section of his user interface. There, he saw an unfamiliar ability named "Improved Underwater Vision". Curiosity piqued, he clicked on the ability to read its description.

The description explained that Takashi's eyes had evolved to adapt to the underwater environment. His vision was now significantly clearer and more detailed in water, even in low-light conditions. This newfound ability enabled him to navigate and hunt more effectively underwater, while also helping him to identify and avoid potential dangers. Takashi's enhanced vision also gave him an advantage over other predators, allowing him to spot other fish and potential prey from a greater distance.

As he pondered the source of his new ability, Takashi considered the possibility that it may have been a result of eating the fish. However, he also remembered his ability called "Adaptive Evolution" which allowed him to enhance his physical abilities by consuming the flesh or essence of other creatures. Regardless of the source, Takashi was grateful for his new ability."

As i made my way towards the river to check if my vision in water is clear by using my ability so it might be good thing for me to hunt some fishes in the water

Takashi decided to put his newfound ability to the test by making his way towards the nearby river. He could feel the excitement building inside him, knowing that he now had an advantage over other predators in the water.

As he approached the river, he peered into the crystal-clear water, marveling at how different everything looked through his enhanced vision. The water was teeming with life, with schools of small fish darting about and larger fish lurking in the shadows.

Takashi waded into the river, feeling the cool water rushing around his legs. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and letting himself acclimate to the environment. Then, he opened his eyes and gazed down into the water.

The first thing he noticed was how much more detail he could see. The patterns and colors on the fish were much clearer, and he could make out individual scales and even the texture of the riverbed. He also realized that he could see much farther in the water, giving him an advantage over other predators that might be lurking nearby.

With his newfound ability, Takashi felt confident that he could catch some fish for dinner. He carefully scanned the water, looking for any signs of movement. He spotted a school of small fish swimming in a tight formation and slowly began to move towards them.

Using his enhanced vision, Takashi was able to track the movements of the fish more easily than ever before. He moved slowly and deliberately, trying not to startle them. As he drew closer, he prepared himself to make a sudden, swift strike.

Suddenly, one of the fish darted away from the others, and Takashi sprang into action. With lightning-fast reflexes, he grabbed the fish in his mouth.

He marveled at how much easier it was to catch fish now that he had improved underwater vision. With his enhanced abilities, he was able to hunt and navigate underwater more effectively than ever before, giving him a powerful advantage in this environment.

As he made his way back to his place with his catch, Takashi felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that his ability to adapt and evolve was what had allowed him to thrive in this harsh wilderness, and he was excited to see what other abilities he might develop in the future.

As the sun set and the forest grew dark, Takashi decided to check on his progress. He opened the panel and was pleased to see that his experience point had increased from 0 to 1 out of 100. He had a long way to go, but it was a start.

As he looked at his food bar, he realized that his hunger was at 100/100. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had caught enough fish to sustain him for a while. He scrolled through the panel, hoping to find a new ability, but to his disappointment, there was nothing new.

As Takashi stood up from his lying position in the grass, he looked around to make sure there were no dangerous animals nearby. He approached a nearby tree and started digging a hole using his hooves, trying to create a makeshift shelter for the night. Despite his animalistic strength, it was still a challenging task to dig a hole in the hard ground.

He persisted with his digging, pushing his limits to create a space that could provide some protection from the elements and keep him safe from any predators in the area. The dirt and debris scattered around him as he worked, the smell of earth filling his nostrils. Takashi was determined to make the most of his surroundings and survive in this unfamiliar environment.

As he dug deeper, he felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that his hard work would pay off in the end. The hole was getting larger and deeper, and he was able to create a space big enough to shelter his body. Takashi stepped back to assess his progress, satisfied with what he had accomplished.

As he settled into his shelter for the night, he felt a sense of pride in his ability to adapt to his new surroundings. His animalistic abilities gave him an advantage in this environment, and he knew he could survive as long as he continued to use them to his advantage.

Takashi sat inside his makeshift shelter, made from the hole he dug earlier. He looked over the system panel on his wrist, taking note of his current stats. His name read "Takashi (Pig Form)", indicating his current state as a pig. He was only level 1, with just 1 experience point out of a total of 100 needed to level up.

His attributes were listed next, showing his Strength at 3, Dexterity at 2, Constitution at 3, Intelligence at a staggering 105, Wisdom at 22, and Charisma at 7. His skills were limited, with Foraging and Rooting at 2, and Running at only 1.

However, he had two abilities: Adaptive Evolution, which allowed him to enhance his physical abilities by consuming the flesh or essence of other creatures, and Improved Underwater Vision, which allowed him to see with much greater clarity and detail in water.

Takashi's current status was also displayed on the panel, with his health at 100 out of 100, hunger at 86 out of 100, and thirst at 83 out of 100. As he looked over his stats, Takashi couldn't help but wonder what other abilities and skills he might gain in the future.