
Reborn as a Paladin in a Fantasy World DROPPPED

Alexandra is no fool, not the type to be self-righteous or blame others for their decisions, but she is what many would consider a fool. She is the type who would save someone else, even if she had to pay dearly for it. Many would consider it cringe, foolish, and dumb -She was told about the hero syndrome more times than she could count. She never really cared however, someone had to do the right thing, even if others wouldn't, people like her were what society relied on to form, and it is them it needs to function. She met many people, friends and enemies alike, and by the end of her short mortal life, she was satisfied with the good she had done in the world. In return for her great deeds and sacrifices, she died a peaceful death at the age of 18, exactly a month after her birthday. Her heart problems cut her life short much to the dismay of her loving family. It seemed however that her adventures were not over yet, as another world needed her aid. She didn't know how or why, but as her soul left her body, she could feel the pleas and cries of hundreds of thousands, shouting into the ether for aid. Perhaps God had a plan, maybe God is evil, Alexandra did not care, for her mission was clear. She will protect and provide for the weak, she will fight evil no matter how vile it is, and for as long as she can, she will ensure that good triumphs. It's arrogant, it's self-righteous, but that is simply who she is. ------------------ Disturbing content is in this novel or is heavily hinted at, reader discretion is advised. I will make chapters whenever I feel inspired If you want to support my work, here is my Patreon: patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A short life

Sup! Alexandria here, would love to invite you for some tea... but it's too bad today is a sad day.

My life has been full of excitement and thrill, much to the dismay of my doctors who were pretty much begging me to stop pushing my weak heart beyond its limits.

They said that I would die at 30, well jokes on them, I speedran that shit and am now on my death bed at 18! Ha! That's a world-record pace!

Not really, poor people are dying as kids because of heart problems, I pity such people.

...I don't understand why I'm not as sad or anything, I guess I'm just on some really high copium and deflection right now, that's the only explanation for why I'm not shaking in fear right now.

My parents are sitting by my side, both of them in their forties, relatively young if you ask me.

Mom still looks like an absolute bomb, those genes I thankfully inherited! Dad as well, his profession as a construction worker really boosted his already jacked physique to another level, no wonder Mom got swept off her feet.

As for me, I have long brown hair, brown eyes, and a pretty good physique, though I'm not ripped or anything, just healthy.

I have to say, I'm pretty happy with my looks, and my friends constantly reminded me of it whenever I felt down, so my ego is sky-fucking-high.

Nah I'm just kidding, and besides, none of that will matter in a few minutes, the beeping of the heart monitor is a constant reminder that my life is swiftly ending.

Even now, I could feel my heart twitch as my breathing grew shallower, the monitor would only confirm that it wasn't my imagination.

It's a strange feeling, knowing that little thing in your chest is about to go on permanent strike and simply end you cause its tired of your shit.

I regret nothing though, in fact, if I could choose between a short but active life or a long but slow one, I would always choose the former, simply cause I made a huge impact.

In these eighteen years, I have visited 58 countries, learned 12 languages, and helped save 253 people from donations of bone marrow and blood to reporting abusive relationships and other things.

I even made the news! And with the help of various charities and fundraisers, I was able to do all these things, my body will be used for science after I die too, so that I can be helpful even after death.

I could never understand the people who had more than double my expected lifespan and chose to do nothing with it, I guess if you have a lot of something you don't appreciate it until it's gone.

I suddenly felt a warm touch on my hand -seems like my heart was too weak to supply heat to my arms properly- I looked over and found my mom silently sitting and trying to smile despite the horrible situation.

I felt bad for her, no parent should have to bury their child, but there is nothing I can do for her except be happy till the end.

My dad, the stoic masculine man he is, was pretty good at keeping his composure, though even his subconscious betrayed him as I could feel his shaky breath.

I took a deep sigh, and after a minute of peaceful silence, I said what I knew would be my last words in this world.

"I love you both so much..." My voice was way weaker than I expected, and I felt lightheaded too, my heart now too weak to supply blood to my brain.

And then it stopped, the eerie long beep of the heart monitor signifying my death.

I could see this as I rose above my body, I could see my mom crying her eyes out as my dad tried to comfort her while his own eyes filled with tears, which did break out eventually.

This was the first time I've ever seen my dad cry. So that spoke volumes about the shock I felt while looking at him.

Doctors rushed into the room with Defibrillators, trying to shock my heart back into motion, each pulse of energy caused my soul to move back a bit closer to my body, but after the fourth pulse, my soul broke free from my body and the doctors gave up.

My soul soon broke through the atmosphere, the Earth truly is a wonder to behold from space, though I couldn't see any stars because of a certain big lamp blinding me.

What a pain, the stars would look beautiful from up here.

I felt my soul being pulled somewhere again, but just as I was about to surrender myself to the sensation, I could feel a scream.

Not hear, remember, sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, but I could feel the terror and pain behind it.

This scream is not from this universe, but from somewhere else, somewhere distant yet close, from a place familiar yet alien, but none of that mattered to me.

I could hear people begging for mercy, I could feel the filth the people lived in as if I was covered in it myself, and it made me shiver.

The Earth had its own share of problems, but it was a utopia compared to whatever the other place was.

The pull still tried to force me somewhere else, somewhere peaceful and nice I could tell, but I wasn't interested.

People needed me, and as cringe as that sounds, I have to help.

That's called morality.

And so, I, Alexandria, set off towards a troubled world, unknowingly setting off ripples through the universe and throwing a wrench in God's plan.
