Reborn as a kryptonian. Being born with absolute power comes at a price. Watch as verlin velrin tries to be a hero like Superman, but ultimately distances himself further and further away from humanity ........................................................................................ Update Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Picture is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down. Let me know.
Verlin immediately shot back towards earth, given that he was a few dozen seconds away. He watched as the ship released thousands of smaller ships, each darting towards Earth with an alarming speed.
" Desna, can you hear me?" Verlin's voice tranferring to the communicator on his suit as he accelerated towards Earth.
"Yes, I can hear you," Desna replied
"Are you seeing what's happening?"
"Indeed, I am."
"I'll have to get rid of the mothership first, it's weapons can do too much damage to be left up there, you'll have to deal with the smaller ships heading for Earth."
"I'll see what I can do, I'll have to use the Verlin-bots to manage the smaller ships."
"That's fine, just make sure to keep the technology away from human hands. Last thing we want is them using weapons centuries ahead of what they can understand to kill each other."
Desna hummed back, "Understood"
Verlin kept his focus on the Mothership as he approached nearer and nearer, he couldnt crash into it like he did the others, its far too close to earth to risk something like that, he would have to use gamma radiation to penetrate the mothership's defenses, and disrupting its internal systems without causing an explosion that would endanger Earth.
When he was 5 seconds away from Earth, Verlin began slowing down as his eyes started glowing intensely. Shooting out gamma vision was no different from regular heat vision, the only difference was that it was focused in gamma wavelength making it imperceptible to the human eye. So although his eyes would be glowing from his perspective, no one would be able to actually see the glow.
At the moment all Verlin was thinking about was making his heat vision have a large enough range to impact the entire ship, ' Think big, it will become big'
As Verlin focused his thoughts and energy on expanding the range of his gamma vision, he reached the space between Earth and the Mothership, he unleashed a beam of gamma vision from his eyes that got wider the farther away it was from him. He could see the ships defenses resist against his gamma vision.
The ship's defenses, advanced as they were, began to struggle against the onslaught of high-energy gamma radiation. Visible disturbances flickered across its shields, a sign that they were being taxed to their limits.
Verlin poured more energy into his attack, The ship's outer defenses started to degrade under the relentless assault. Verlin observed as the shield collapsed and watched as the ship recieved the full bombardment of gamma radiation.
The gamma radiation, now unimpeded by the collapsed shields, began to wreak havoc on the mothership's internal systems. Verlin's vision hit everything in the mothership including it's vessel's core operational systems, causing critical failures throughout. Life support systems began to fail, and propulsion engines sputtered and died.
With a sigh of relief, Verlin observed as the mothership became a lifeless hulk adrift in the void. Its crew now found themselves struggling for survival within a ship as the gamma radiation destroyed their cells , disrupting biological processes and rendering their advanced medical technologies ineffective.
Verlin's moment of relief was cut short as the city sized Mothership was caught in Earths gravity and began a slow, inexorable descent towards the planet. Although the ship was neutralized in terms of its offensive capabilities, its sheer size made it a catastrophic threat were it to impact the Earth's surface.
It didn't even take a second for Verlin to come up with a few plans to prevent its descent. He could break the ship into smaller pieces so they could burn up in the atmosphere , or use regular heat vision to evaporate the ship. But he wanted the information from the Aliens, although most of the ships systems have been damaged, they were fixable.
Deciding on a plan, Verlin quickly flew and positioned himself beneath the massive ship. He planned to carry it and land it in the arctic for his own use. As soon as he applied to strength to stop the fall of the ship, he realized the full extent of the damage his gamma vision had inflicted on the mothership's structure. The material had become far too fragile and began to crumble under the pressure of his touch.
He quickly switched postion to find a stronger part of the ship's hull, hoping to find an area less affected by the gamma radiation. Verlin switched positions more than 50 times and still couldn't get a good grip on the ship. At this point the mothership was already igniting from friction with its outer layers beginning to glow as it entered the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere.
"Desna, the Mothership is falling towards the Earth , and it's deteriorating faster than I can manage. The material is too fragile from the gamma radiation damage. I need you to make a surface i can push against without causing further damage."
Desna quickly responded, " I'll bring the pyramid, I can use the nano technology to create a reinforced area at the base of the ship."
"Alright, just hurry. With the size of this thing it won't take long before it hits the Earth."
Verlin could see the pyramid break out of Earth's atmosphere and rapidly approaching. And in a few seconds it reached the location under the mothership. Desna, fully aware of the urgency, activated the Pyramid of Solitudes' advanced nanotechnology. Streams of shimmering particles flowed from the pyramid, converging towards the rapidly descending mothership.
"This is as much area of the Mothership I can cover without affecting the Micro-stellar reactor." Desna informed Verlin through the communicator in his suit.
"It should be enough. My bio-electric aura will cover for the rest." Verlin replied, focusing on the task at hand. The nano-tech created a dense, solid platform beneath the mothership allowing Verlin to exert his strength without further damaging the mothership.
Verlin positioned himself directly beneath the center of the ship, he reached out and feeling the solidified nano-tech structure form beneath the colossal vessel. He pushed upwards, his muscles flexed as his hands planted firmly against the nano-tech platform.
The sheer force of his effort caused ripples across the reinforced structure, but it held strong, dispersing his force evenly across the mothership's base. Slowly, the descent of the massive ship began to decelerate, its downward trajectory altering as Verlin's counteracted the pull of Earth's gravity.
Around him, the sky roared with the sound of atmospheric reentry, a fiery corona enveloping both him and the ship. And slowly but surely the ship eventually came to a stop.
"How is it?" Desna voice came through
"Manageable, this time I can actually feel the weight." Verlin grunted.
"If you get tired I can assist with moving the ship."
"It's fine, I don't get tired. But I won't be to move as quickly with the mothership, moving too fast would not only risk further structural damage but would most likely damage the environment. This might take few hours to get to the Arctic."
"Alright, but how do you suggest we hide an object as big as a small city."
Verlin looked down, currently they were over the South Federation, where the Mothership casted a large shadow over the land, he could see some humans looking up and taking pictures of the structure while most were scattering around for shelter , panic spreading as news of the unidentified falling object had likely reached the masses.
Verlin shook his head, "No need to hide it, too many people have seen it, just put most of your focus on the smaller ships."
Verlin took a quick glance and saw there were few of the alien ships in the South Federation, the ones that were here, seemed to be going after some people, or more specifically enhanced humans. He could also see his look alike bots moving to destroy the smaller ships.
"Speaking of smaller ships, where are they?"
"A large portion of them seemed to be going for the Hidden society HQ. Given what we know, the extraterrestrials most likely saw them as the biggest threat."
Verlin eyebrows scrunched slighlty, he had seen thousands of those smaller ships fly into Earth's atmosphere, he found it hard to believe only a few dozen of them went to the South Federation, " When you say a large portion exactly how much do you mean?"
"An estimated 87%"
P.O.V Chloe
Chloe looked at the families moving further away from the point of conflict, The West federation and North Federation have concentrated their attack on the East Federaton, although the East federation have been resisting on their own with little support from their allies, the South federation. But even with resistance there was only so much they could do.
And looking at how the situation is moving, the East Federation would be the most likely to collapse first. Chloe was lost in thought when a small family of three walked towards her with a weary smile on their faces," Thank you for being here" the father said with a heavy bow, his voice tinged with exhaustion and gratitude. "We thought we were done for until you showed up."
"There's no need to bow , just doing what I can to help," Chloe responded, her voice firm yet compassionate. "You need to head to the nearest refuggee camp. It's going to be safer there."
The father rose from his bow and nodded slightly, the expression in his eyes turned from relief and gratitude into fear as his gaze shifted past Chloe to the sky behind her. Chloe turned to follow his look and saw what had instilled such terror; an aircraft, sleek and menacing, bore down on their location.
It was unlike anything she had seen before, it had no obvious propulsion or wings. It definetly isn't human made, and neither Hidden Society nor Verlin had any aircraft that looked like that. As Chloe assessed the alien ship, it didnt give her much time as it shot a barrage of laser beams directed towards her.
Instictively, she moved to block the attack from the family that was beside her, bracing for the impact of the laser beams. The beams struck her squarely, sending her reeling back hitting the family of 3 behind her.
'Not even a Hello?' Chloe thought to herself as she got back on her feet. She turned to the family that had been knocked out by the force of the attack. She quickly scanned them for any injuries, 'Unconcious, with a few bones broken. They were still alive, and that was all that mattered.'
Chloe whirled around to find the alien vessel, a flash of movement snatched her attention. A metallic oval hurtled towards her, too fast to evade. It burst open on contact, metallic tendrils whipping out to envelop her. Taken back by the novelty of the technology, the capsule had reformed around her, the metal tightening like a vise, attempting to restrain her movements.
Feeling the capsule leaving the ground and shooting upwards as the alien ship reeled it in. Her muscles tensed, fibers and sinews straining against the metal prison until, with a concerted effort, she shattered it. Debris clanged into oblivion as Chloe emerged
"Im getting tired of this sheninanigans." Chloe breathed as she floated in the air.
The small ship, recognizing the failure of its containment strategy, pivoted to face her once more. It once again unleashed a barrage of laser beams, but this time, Chloe was prepared, diving headlong towards the onslaught, she made herself intangible as the lasers harmlessly passed through her body as she continued moving towards the ship.
Before the ship could even begin an evasive maneuver, she was inside. What she saw had confirmed her suspicion, this ship wasn't made by anyone she knew. And the split second she was inside the ship, she turned tangible and grabbed a hold of the alien, making them both intangible before exiting the other end of the ship with the alien.
Chloe's swift maneuver left the ship behind, momentarily adrift before it came crashing down. Chloe focused her attention on the aline in front of her which was once again tangible as she let go. It was small, child like in stature with pale yellow fur, with 2 compact eyes and 2 antennae on its head.
Chloe watched as it squirmed and writhed on the ground its large eyes wide with terror. Its pale yellow fur bristled, and the antennae twitched erratically,
"Whats going on?" Chloe blurted out loud.
A monotone voice came from behind her, "It's suffocating."
Chloe spun around to see what looked like an identical version of her friend, "Verlin?"
"No, It's Desna."
Chloe was a bit confused but didnt delve too deeply into it and asked, " How is it suffocating? Its breathing air."
"The atmosphere," Desna elaborated. "Its home environment likely has a different composition. Earth's atmosphere is toxic to it."
"Is there anything you can do to help it?"
"There is, but there's no point. Not to mention that it is suffocating, the gravity on the planet seems too much for it to handle. It won't last without extensive care."
Desna continued as he walked towards the alien, " I do find it interesting. These extraterrestrials don't match the description of the extraterrestials Verlin ran into previously. Even though they seem to originate from the same Invasion fleet."
Chloe raised an eyebrow, " How long has the invasion lasted?"
"The Mothership's were detected by Verlin approximately 2 minutes ago. Luckily Verlin has neutralized all of the bigger threats. All that's needed is to deal with he smaller ones." Desna said as he reached his hand for the alien.
Chloe grabbed onto the bots hand, "What are you doing?"
Desna glanced at Chloe, his voice the same as ever, " The creature is in obvious agony. I'm simply putting it out of its misery."
Chloe's eyes widened in shock, "But you said, there was a way for you to save it."
Desna paused, looking back at Chloe with a measured gaze. "Saving it would mean extending its life in conditions it can't naturally survive in. The care it requires isn't something we can afford amidst an ongoing invasion. More importantly, even with care, its quality of life would be far from humane."
Chloe didn't say anything and continued to stare at Desna but the grip of her hand got tighter.
Desna continued, " Verlin has already destroyed their Mothership, they won't be able to return to their planet. And don't forget this creature had attempted to kill you, if it could have it's way you would be dead or even worse captured."
"That may be true, but its a sapient being. And it want's to live." Chloe replied.
Desna met Chloe's persistent gaze, his expression unchanging, " I don't quite understand your reasoning, I had previously thought your compassion extended to only humans. Perhaps, because they have a similar physiology to you."
Chloe shook her head, " All life is important, Just because this being is an alien doesn't make its desire to live any less valid than humans."
Desna was silent for a moment, "Fine, but only because it would be counterintuitive to continue wasting time arguing."
Chloe's grip loosened as a flicker of relief passed through her eyes. Desna turned his attention back to the alien creature, "If you want to keep it alive, it would be best to get it back in its ship, but i would have to add sedatives in whatever it breathes to avoid it from causing trouble."
Chloe nodded, understanding the practicality behind Desna's conditions. "Okay, let's do it."
Desna instructed, "Help me get it back into its ship."
Chloe lifted the alien and brought it back into it's ship, given the nature of the ship, the crash landing did little to damage it. Chloe using her intangible abilities easily passed through the hull of the ship, finding a compartment that seemed like a cockpit. She placed down the alien before going back out and bringing Desna inside.
Inside the cockpit, the tip of Desna's index finger opened up, and a fine mist filled the air around the alien, its body relaxing as the sedatives took effect. He then sealed the compartment, ensuring the atmosphere would remain stable for the time being.
"So you just carry sedatives around?" Chloe questioned as she reached her hand out.
"They work best for non-lethal counter measures." Desna responded as he took Chloe's hand. Desna continued, " I'll be taking the ship to the arctic, so it won't fall into human hands."
Chloe turned them both intangible as they walked out of the ship, "What are you planning on doing with it?"
"Keeping it from human hands for now. We'll make a decision about it after the attempted invasion is dealt with." Desna replied as he started lifting the ship off the ground.
As Desna levitated the alien ship skyward, "Also, I might call it an Invasion but, the pattern suggests the extraterrestials aren't predominantly here to take over the planet. I'm 99% sure they came specifically for enhanced humans."
Chloe paused, considering the implications of Desna's statement. "So.... the Hidden Society?"
Desna hummed, " There are thousands of these ships there."
Chloe's eyes widened as she quickly rose to the sky and sped off in the direction of the hidden society. With the ship above his head, Desna quickly followed behind and transmitted a message to her suit, " The top speed of your suit is mach 70, by the time you get there the battle would be most likely over."
"So you expect me to just let the aliens capture all the enhanced humans in the Hidden Society?" Chloe retorted as she continued to accelerate.
"I never said the situation was dire, the Hidden Society had been preparing for the invasion for some time now. And there are hundreds of Verlin-bots there for support. It won't be long before the battle is over. Your attention would be best focused elsewhere."
Abruptly, she decelerated, hovering mid-air, "Alright, if you're sure they have it under control at the moment," Chloe said. "Where should I focus my efforts?
"Enhanced humans in the East Federation are more scattered and could use reinforcements," Desna replied calmly. " The West and North Federation have a more concentrated force of Enhanced humans, with the extra help of Verlin-bots they should be fine. And Verlin is currently in the air space of the South Federation, so the ships there won't be a threat."
Desna continued, " The East federation could use an extra hand, I'll send you the coordinates of the ships that I have yet to tend to."
"Alright but before I do that, here's something I need to take care of first." Chloe said
Before Desna could respond, she streaked away at supersonic speeds, retracing her path back towards the area where she had left the unconscious family. While the Verlin-bot Desna was in control of continued its journey to the arctic.
Chloe arrived back at the site in a matter of seconds, The previously unconscious family was no longer where she had left them, they had regained conciousness and were now being guided back to the camp by other refugees.
With a sigh of relief she turned her attention to the coordinates Desna had sent her. Moving in the direction of the coordinates as she quickly reached supersonic speeds.