

I died, simple as that, and now I'm in a void of energy. I've been consuming a lot of energy since I got here but it seems never-ending. There is also no concept of time here so I don't know how long I've been here. Just as I was about to rest, I saw another being creating something that looks like the universe. Then after, he creates Earth, or at least it looks like Earth. The being creates 6 beings. I later learn that those beings are Nyx, Erebus, Chronos, Tartarus, Eros, and Ananke. That means the first one is Chaos. If my memory serves me right, I am most likely in the Percy Jackson Universe. I then rest while continuing to absorb energy.

When I wake up, I see that it is still the Primeval Era. The other primordials such as Ouranos, Ourea, Aether, and Hemera, have been born. Currently, they are in a meeting so I decide to go visit them.

Teleporting there, they all looked startled at first then they raise their weapons.

Nyx: Who are you!?

MC: I am....'Hmmm, I don't have a name so I can pick it myself, YAY' I am Helix, the first being, god of Vectors, Forces, Matter, and Energy.

I don't know how I knew my domains but they kind of just flowed out of me. But once I said that, I felt like a hidden power inside me unlocked. In a flash of Platinum-Black, I was wearing armour and holding an ever changing weapon. Just by looking at it, I could tell that they were unbreakable. I could also tell that my skin and bones were unbreakable.

Chaos: That is not true! I am the first being!I was...

Helix: ...born from the void, then you created the universe and everything in it, Yeah I know.

They looked quite startled because no one really knows the story. I just looked on in amusement because they're faces were quite funny. I decided to leave at that to go train my powers, brain and weapons because I want to be the best. Also to go around, absorbing energy so I could be more powerful. But also to enjoy myself. I am basically omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. I will also make sure to have some fun. And maybe, when I'm done, I'll try to go to the MCU... ;).

This is kind of tuff for my first story, but I feel like I'm doing okay. Feel free to leave suggestions please.

Marvel_Olympiacreators' thoughts