

" ... hm.i. don't really know how to start ,I guess I can start by telling you my name . I am Carl Tessa ".

" and as you may already know ,i am a virgin who got caught in a unprecedented. event and I died hm I Know this is similar to the case where the geeky good boy virgin dies. and gets reborn with a badass system gorgeous face and a harem of beauties litterly waiting for him to just pick them up"

" but I don't know why I am different,most people are reborn for free but yet I have to protect some item I don't even know it's use , from beings that have powers that are just plain cheating , what's the point of been overpowered when you're enemies Don't play fair there's no fun in that "

" I was summoned before some item with a conscience ,if you need a description sorry but all I could see is some bright light now this thing asked me if I wanted another chance in life born with any six powers I want , and as an anime fan I picked the best powers I could think of "

" now I know you may see my choice as stupid and may have better choices but I went with what I could think of , hmm firstly I went the ability to release an enormous amount of power from my body , second was an ability to completely reflect the intention of my enemy , third I went with the ability to become intangible , fourth I went with the ability of the greatest anime ehm sorry I mean my favorite character Satoru Gojo I asked for the passive ability infinity for those who don't know ,you guys must have been living under a shell but if you were to broke to watch him in action sorry dudes and dudets , now for my fifth ability I chose the ability of Beelzebub to instantly swallow all hehe I know maybe I was greedy with this one , then last but not least I chose eternal youth , only a dummy would pick Immortality but I am not one of them I am smart I don't want to living forever looking like a turtle "

" now the artifact agreed but said that there might be commas in my powers which I didn't really pay attention to I was told that I would be granted a power it personally decided , and it gave me some stats needed to survive it completely omitted the pat I had to protect anything only mentioning it when I am already being reborn "

" I didn't have to accept it but I was told the stupid stone seal had the fate of the universe I can't let it go after that can I? "

"well that pretty much as much as I can tell now but you guys wait to you see. my family they are the bomb literally. "

hm stay tuned the second chapter coming today you ready for it , how was the chapter not to shabby Don't you think if you like it add it

truth_2838creators' thoughts