
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter 5:thank you

Two hours that's how long it took me to get most power from leaking out but what surprised me us how easy it became, I mean it also helps that I've been channeling it through out my body to open up my channels since they have been sealed and I'm able to turn my demon marks on and off but I can't bring out my darkness to use it outside my body and all the time were it actually came out was when I was extremely angry so I think that the key to my power is anger but we will have to test that out later for now I need to learn how to completely control my darkness and light and make sure there are no leak

I've also been thinking of things to make me stronger and so far what I have is

1 make my own secret gear with its own balance Breaker this is number one because I am a super genius and my dad made his own secret gear so I have a head start

2 get as strong as possible because this is the world of highschool dxd where to survive you need to be the strongest or have the power of boobs and plot armor which I don't have but what I have are my wish and that currently need to be trained, my full counter wish is also a problem that I need to train because I only have the knowledge of how to use the technique as I must train on actual do it and but from studying my body and magic I've realized that Ive been subconscious activating it at random

'Okey now that I've actually got some of my power in check it's time to learn how to fly because if sephiroth can do it so can i' I said as I focused my magic into my back and my wing popped out of my back I started moving it around 'seems its grown and has gotten dark'

"I hope you not planning on trying to fly with only one wing it could be dangerous and could lead to your getting injured again" a voice said as I looked around to see venelana stood on the sidelines with grayfia alone since the girls had got bored and left but what caught me off guard was the fact that she was actually worried about me ' I can sense other peoples emotions now yeah no Im going to find a way to turn that shit off before I start feeling them'

"I don't see how dangerous it could be as the worst that could happen is a few scratches and broken bones nothing I can't handle and besides I've been through worse remember" I said with as smile as I turned around and pointed to my back

"I know but that doesn't mean you have add on to what you have and you just got healed a few hours ago at least let us get a doctor to check on you before you do anything that could be dangerous to your health" she pleaded with me as she looked me 'why does she care its not like I'm one of he servants or they so called family'

"lady gremory is right you need not do anything to harmful to your body as it may still be recovering in the inside" grayfia said equal worried as venelana 'now grayfia what going'

"I don't understand why you are so worried about me it not like you know me or anything like that so why I you acting like that is it because you want to butter me up so I will agree to being in the little girls peerage or something because it won't work" I said as they looked shocked at what I just said 'Okey this is getting a little out of control I need to fix my mind soon'

"NO! That not it we were just trying help you by use the pieces to try and save your life as all forms of healing magic did not work on your and the only thing we could do was stabilize you as you kept on crashing and you showed no signs of heal it was the only thing we could think of" she said as she had walked close to me and bent down to my level and looked me in the eye

"I know you are hurting right now and are currently trying to find a way to escape from your emotions and you wear a mask so people don't get to close and you have no trust for us but you don't have to worry you can trust us we won't hurt you and won't I let anyone to hurt you okey" she said as she gave me a hug 'huh like thats going to work' I thought as I felt something wet rolling down my face

"what this" I said as I touched "tear how's tears are these" I said as I continue to touch my face "oh there mine huh" I said as the tears didn't stop as I was hit by sadness of the loss of my mother as every memory I had of her come rushing the good the bad everything I experienced with her and now she was gone and the true me never had the chance to be with her

"AHHHH IT'S NOT FAIR IT'S NOT FAIR WE WERE HAPPY, WE DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE SO WHY WERE WE TARGETED IT NOT FAIR JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE TO SCARED TO DO ANYTHING TO MY DAD THEY HAD TO COME AFTER US!" I said as I cried and my power was slow being released burning venelana but she did not let me go she just kept on hugging me

" it's Okey let it all out Okey "she said as she tried to soothe me

" lady gremory "grayfia said as she saw what was happening to venelana and tried it get close to help her but was stopped by a look from venelana

" it's just not fair "I said as I pulled my power back inside as I tried my best to stop crying "I promise I will find every single person involved in my moms death and I will rip them apart piece by piece"i said as she let me go and she had slight burn marks on the side of her face 'that right dark matter can stop the healing process of anyone lets try to absorb that power back if i can' I said as I touched her face and closed my eyes and focused on absorbing back my power after a minutes her injuries began to fade 'must be her natural regeneration'

"what happening my burns are fade away away why? they wouldn't have healed this much if the were new" venelana said as the burns on her face healed

"yes that was my power it stops the regeneration factor of the body but if I remove the power from you your body goes back to normal" I said as I walked towards grayfia

"hands" I said as I demanded for her hands as she looked at venelana as she nodded and so she gave me her hands as the looked much worse than venelana face as her hands had second degree burns

"hope there isn't any permanent damage" I said as I pulled out as much of my dark matter as I could from her but it wasn't much and it would most definitely leaver a nasty scars but it won't be that bad I think 'wait how did she know my magic burns don't heal'

"wait how did you know my magic burns don't heal I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have burned any of you" I said as I looked at the two females as they looked surprised at what I just said

"oh yes you see everytime you crashed we had to use an old devil healing technique to stabilize you and it involved skin to skin contant so we had to sleep naked in the same bed as you and sleeping with you" venelana said this with a smile on her face like it was no big deal 'oh yeah no morals anime world'

"that's weird but whatever" I said

"I don't think it's that weird I've done it for my son plenty" she said again with her smile not leaving her face I looked at grayfia

"did you also sleep with me like she did or what" I asked her

"yes because we were the only one who could handle your power with out being seriously burnt by it" she said with a straight face 'huh first time slept with a beautiful woman but I was unconscious this sucks' I thought as I sigh

"anyways as you know you magic power is very dangerous to us because light is very toxic to us and your is on another level and the energy you released subconsciously was very harmful and the injuries we got would not heal even when we used items that removed your light magic" venelana said

"yeah that your problem you were only trying to remove my holy magic not my darkness not that you could" I said as placed my hands behind my head

"darkness ? Is that some kind of secret gear we not know about" grayfia said as she questioned me

"no its my power or bloodline power as I read about it in one my moms books want to see" I said as I left up my arm and channeled my darkness into it as black marks appeared and started moving around in random directions with my arm having a slight purple glow

"oh I see like the my power of destruction in a way" venelana said as she compared our powers as she lit her hand up with a red black energy

"I think what does that do by the way" I said as I pointed at her P.O.D 'got to act the part of a child I guess plus they risked a lot to keep me alive so they got my trust'

"we guess as the name say it destroys anything it touches without leaving a trace of it but what does your do" she said very proud of it

"well from what I've read it does a lot of things like healing, stopping the bodys regeneration of people it touches but there are more powerful things it can do but I haven't mastered it to be able to do anything other than those two"

"wait healing? Then why did it take so long for you to heal from your injuries" grayfia ask as venelana had the same question

"oh yeah I think it's because I awoke it recently and had to mix in with my light power so when that was done it began to heal to bad that took a week but oh well I'm alive" I said as if it was no big deal

"Okey but you still need to go see a doctor before you do anything too straining to your body I wouldn't want you to get injured" venelana said as she walked over to us

"huh fine you win but i have something to say" I said as I stood in front of them and did a small bow with my head" thank you both for taking care of me when I could not I deeply appreciate it but don't think I am going to bow to you again I'm only doing this because once and never again "I said as I lefted my head to see them smile like crazy

" ~Ara Ara so the little angel is being awfully kind don't you think grayfia~ "venelana said to grayfia

" ~you are correct lady gremory I would why the sudden change of attitude after he heard we slept with him~" grayfia said 'Okey that was way out of character for her'

"~your right maybe we should sleep with naked more often~" venelana said 'oh they trying to tease me and get me embarrassed it would have worked if I was not a 16 year old in a childs body with no hormones infecting me'

"I see what you are doing and nice try but not good enough to get me embarrassed"I said as I looked at them with a smile but I could see that I ruined their fun but not giving them the reaction they wanted "anyways I agree to see this doctor so when is he coming" I said as I look at them with a bored look as I really wanted to fly

"oh that right but lord and lady sitri are coming to bring sona over for a play date so we'll ask lord sitri to take a look at you to see if you are in tip top condition and there are a few thing I have to care of before that" venelana said as she began to walk

"wait what am I supposed to do while I wait" I asked her before she left as she stopped and looked at grayfia then me

"do as you please and grayfia will be helping you with anything you need until your father comes to pick you up" she said and left before anyone of us could get a word in

"so gray-chan what can I do for fun around here" I said as her eye twitched with irritation

"first of all don't call me that second I am but a maid I can't tell you what to do but if you are asking for my opinion you could go play with Lady rias and akeno and maybe apologize to them" she said still a little irritated about the treatment I gave

"you mean the one who wouldn't shut up about making me a slave and the other who could not stop sending dirty looks at me yeah no fuck that anyway venelana said you are strong right" I said as I looked at her

"lady gremory but yes I am one of the strongest devils and please stop swearing its very rude" she said with another scary looking smile that promised pain 'to bad for her she didn't scare me'

"Venelana anyway I want you to spar with me and tell the level I am at in strength" I said as I got into a Taekwondo stance as I remembered it a documentary I watched in my old life and because of my high iq it was easy to copy the moves and with my new body and power I will be able to do some of the without a problems

"I don't think so you can't do anything to straining to you body till the doctor gives you the OK but I can tell that you magic power is on the level of a low high class fallen and it's potent to so mid high class but since you still lacking in control you are at a lower level maybe mid low class but I have seen some improvement since you have been awoke and it would not take long from you to be able to use 100% of your power" she said as she explained to me

"fine do you have any 'how to learn magic for fallen angel books' or something like that for me to read" I said as I relaxed from my stance and want back to looking bored at life

"yes and if you would follow me to the library I will be able to find the books you need" as she began to walk with me following behind her as we talked about things anything since again it took a while to get to the library

(grayfia POV)

As we entered the library I told sephiroth to go find a seat while I quickly looked for the books he wanted and I found a large book the sephiroths father written about fallen angel and how they powers worked 'perfect this should keep him busy for a long time' i thought as I pulled the book out and made my way to him

"here you go this is a book your father wrote about fallen angel and how they power work" I said as I gave him the large book and without wasting time he began reading as I left him there as I want back to my other duties

(time skip)

I returned to the library to see the boy smashing his head into the table

"stupid stupid stupid" he kept saying over and over again

"what seems to be the problem" I asked a little concerned about what was going on

"huh gray when did you come in anyway I've been doing it wrong this whole time" he said with his head on the table

"Okey what have you been doing wrong if i may ask"

"well you see I've been trying to push my magic out with force but it turns out that had to relax and let it flow out" he said as he banged his head again and lifted his hand up and a small dark purple and gold flame lit up 'it impressive how fast he's learning all this it would usually take some devil weeks to do what he has done in a few hours'

"I guess that's why you are currently in banging your head in" I said

"yes I mean fuck and this little flame here is proof that I am idiot but anyway I want to go test out what I can do with this new found knowledge so can we go back to the training ground" he said as he got up from his chair and placed his hand behind his head and walked over to me

"are you not going to finish reading that book surely you couldn't have read all the pages there are more than a thousand pages in it" I said as I looked at the boy as I to get him to finish reading

"oh yeah Im like a super genius and i have a photographic memory so I only need to look at a page for a second and I already know everything about it cool huh" I said with a prode smile 'it makes so much more sense why he is able to do all this things with in a fraction of the time it's because he may

maybe as smart or smart then lord beelzebub and his father' I thought in shock because I remember that lady gremory used to tell me stories about lord lucifer and beelzebub childhood and how beelzebub was only able to get to sephiroth level of control after a week of training this child is truly amazing 'but he must never hear me say that his ego is already too large and I don't want to be the one to help create another riasr

"huh I came to inform you that lord and lady sitri have arrived with Lady sona for the play date with Lady rias and lady leviathan has decided to come as well"

"Okey anything I need to do worried about" I asked

"no" she said as she turned around and began to walk away




Hello readers I would like to thank you all for your support and comments I read them all and if I don't answer you then that's because if I answered I would be giving out spoilers and I hate that shit but anyway thank you all