
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter 18

As we came out of the circle we were introduced to a city made of gold 'this is exactly like asgard from the MCU except its not floating in space'

"this place is better than Grigori I mean look at this" I said as I looked at dad

"I know" he said simply as he sighed

"I mean this place makes Grigori look like trash"

"Okay enough of that it's time to get moving" he said as we walked on the rainbow Bridge but we're stopped by a lady in armor

"greetings lord Azazel my name is Schwertleite and I will be your guide" she said as a boat landed in front of us and she got on "if you would this boat will take us to the palace we're you will meet lord Odin now please come" she said as she got on 'oh ignore us why don't you.... tch rude old hag but I can't do anything that could ruin this' I said as I got to the boat and sat down and took out my headphones that I made because everything in this time is still shit and I had to recreate everything from my past timeline like smartphone and a giant flat-screen TV 'what did you think I was going to wait ten year just for a phone nuh fuck that and I'm not going to sell it I have more important things to do like fixing the faction and running my hunting business which I still need a name for' so I placed the headphones on and listened to music that I had to recreate and looked at the city below

'why is it so bright I mean the city is all kinds of awesome but it's fucking bright' I

"women with the armor" I said as the valkyrie looked at me as I took off one of my headphones

"my name is Schwertleite it would be wise of you to use it" she said in a threatening manner as she held her sword

"and it would be wise of you to not threaten me as I don't take to kindly to that... But I will let it slide this time and how long will this little ride take" I said as I turned my attention back to the city

"sephiroth this is not the time or place we are here to sign a treat and I don't need you fight anyone today" dad said as with a serious look in his eyes

"I understand that..... that's why I've been so quiet this whole time but fine I'll shut up" I said as I placed my headphones back on

"thank up"

"are you not goi-" what ever she was about to say was cut by my headsets music and I turned from her as her face became red with anger 'must not like being ignored huh like I care' I thought as I switched sounds and played "Pride. Is. The. Devil" by J. Cole 'huh good thing I made a machine that could take songs from my head' I was forced out of my thoughts as I dodged a spear aimed at my head as I looked at the direction it came from to see the valkyrie with a very pissed expression so I just looked at her smiled and waved at her as I went back to looking at the city as she was about to attack me dad stopped her 'good she would have most definitely died if she had attacked again' I said as I ignored everyone 'damn thus is slow' I thought as it felt like hours but as I was about to say something someone tapped on my shoulder I took one of my headset off as I looked you to see Tobio Ikuse

"hy sephiroth right" he said as I just nodded "well I was just wandering if you would like to come sit with us and talk while we here don't you think" he said 'well I am bored and it wouldn't hurt'

"fine" I said as I got up and want to his group and vali was sitting on the frame of the boat like the edge lord he is "don't you want to sit down like a normal person I heard it's better then sitting like that you know"


"Okay man you do you man " I said as I sat with the slash/dog group and we began talking about all kinds of things as time seemed to go faster as the boat came to a stop

"we have arrived" she said as the boat landed and in front of us was a giant castle covered in gold as four people were waiting for us

"greetings lord Odin" dad said as he walked to the old man 'I smell perverts'

"greetings azazel..... see you have brought the very best you have" Odin said as he looked at all of us

"yes but they are only here as bodyguards"

"hmm the white dragon emperor, Slash/dog and the Fallen Strom god you certainly bring you best azazel hahaha"

"true but you've also brought you sons Baldur, Thor and who is this girl next to you" dad said pointing at the one lady in a business suit

"oh don't worry about her she just a girl with no boyfriend" he said as he laughed as azazel followed him but I payed them no mind as my focus was on a certain individual who was approaching us

"I CAN NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN FOR THE GOOD OF ALL ASGARD THIS TREATY WILL NOT HAPPEN" said a giant of a man 'why the hell is he so big' as he jumped high in the air with his axe raised as he come down with it aiming for azazel

*Booooom* as a dust cloud was created from the impact

"well I was expecting this to be one of those boring meetings dad use to force me to go to but this just got better" I said as the dust cleared and was standing in between azazel and the attack as I had blocked his axe with my sword and a smile on my face

"wha-" he was cut of as I used my free hand to punch him in the gut as he flew to a nearby tree and knocked him out

"huh what a let down I thought he would be able to take my attack..... Tch big for nothing" I said as Odin came up to me

"that a very impressive blade you have there boy" he said as he looked at my sword

"thank you"

"where did you get it"

"I don't know I found it on the wall" I said truthful

"I see that you don't want to tell me is that correct" he said as he looked disappointed

"correct" I said with a blank face 'better to leave it at that'

"well then shall we continue this inside I would like to get all the miner details out of the way and maybe you all could stay here for a little while longer since one of my people attacked you"

"we would love that Odin" dad said as we went inside and spent a good three hours in the meeting room as they discussed the details of the treaty but to be honest it was just a treaty that was for use to trade and buy materials from each other because thanks to me I was able to work on a lot of things and also force dad to actually do something for the fallen as we were able to create a magic system that increased our strength as a faction but the faction is not only fallen angel but human who have sacred gears and power but unlike the church we don't kidnapped and brainwash them we actually used my spy robot to spy on them and if there in any danger or pose a threat we save and offer them protection and a place to live without having to worry about being killed or turned into a slave but if they are the problem our first cases of action is to knock them out and kill if needed. If they are physiotherapy we kill without question. The faction is actually at peace right now and dad and the other general have made it clear that anyone who disturbs the peace will be severely punished and there were several cases were some fallen decided that they were not going to follow the rules but since dad and I know it was going to happen soon or later we made a system that monitors all our new additions and so if they were ever mistreated in any way shape or form we know immediately and the ones responsible were exacted or sent to prison for reconditioning which was them being trapped in their own heads as the lived as a normal human in this world and 9 out of 10 it works and they are able to live with humans or high breeds with no problems since they know how it feels like to be us but the ones who can't are killed and after five long years we were able to get everyone to get along and live as equals but there are still some that don't feel that way but they have slowly been dieing out and the amount of fallen who use to cause shit have gone down so our faction is at its golden age if you could say. We are now on step two: alliances because if the other factions see us growing to quickly and becoming to powerful they will most definitely ally just to destroy us and that must never happen my future depends on our faction since I've been preparing for 666

So in this alliance with asgard we got there matels which are the strongest and most useful in all the supernatural world and knowledge on runes and blacksmithing but dad asked for some thing extra which was the Dragon King Fafnir which by some surprise Odin agreed saying it was a chance to get rid of the lazy dragon and only asked for our technology and knowledge since we have increased ours so it was a fair trade but 'why haven't the other factions done this already I mean we are getting free shit and good quality shit if I might add like is everyone in this world an idiot and dad is the same like if it wasn't for me kicking him out of his lab and made him focus on the faction we would have stay on the same spot as the devil and angel became more powerful and our faction was reduced to nothingness as our number had already dropped because fallen angel are very very very arrogant and would do shit because they felt like it and 8\10 times were killed because of it and the shit they wore was so fucked like you know the outfit raynare wore well turns out most fallen angels wear shit like that to combat so I made some changes to the outfits of the fighting force to the ones that are wore by the knights in final fantasy 15 which in turn created a chain reaction which caused others to dress properly inside of looking like they are about to get on they hands and knees and ask you to spank them. 'the problem we have now is that everyone is either in full black or white or both but it's better then before so it's a win in my book'

Anyway after that was done thor got up from his seat

"now that that's over let us feast and drink to our hearts content HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHAl ha!" he shouted as he raised his weapon and lightning discharged from it and within minutes they had prepared a very large room as the asgardians had filled up the room and within seconds they laughed, drank, ate and fought

" this is going to be fun" vali said as he was ready to charge into the fighting 'you know I've noticed that vali tend to act differently when I'm around and he relaxes'

"I know look at all that food and the fights are going to be fun oh and vali try and get a girlfriend here there are a lot of strong woman here that can and will kick your ass and I know how much you love powerful women" I said as over the years I had come to realize that vali is not gay no he just like strong women that can hold there own and don't need to be saved it actually made so much sense when I found that out and why he always rejected kuroka and was never seduced by her or anyone else and trust me a lot have tried but non have succeeded

"I have no idea about what you are talking about but you are right.... let's go kick some of there ass and start a food eating contest"

"I've never been so proud of you in my entire life let go" I said as we jump forward but

"no come here you two" azazel said as he grabbed us by our clothes and pulled us to him "first of all I want you two to not drink any alcohol and also limit your power to high class since I can't stop you from fighting but other wise have fun" he said as he released us 0

"we're not children we know"

"true we were going to do all that already maybe not limit our power but still let's go vali!" I said as I jumped into one of the fights with vali behind me as we were welcomed with punches to the face and that we glad returned

(azazel POV)

"huh" I sighes as I watch vali and sephiroth jump into one of the fight as the both got punched got up and went into the fight and started beating them up with smiles on there face

"hmm lord Azazel" I looked to see Natsume and her team looking out of place as the just stood on the sidelines with me


"what are we supposed to do now that everything is sorted" she said a little uncomfortable 'makes sense they all grow up in a different environment than those two and the Norse and Japanese are on separate worlds'

"hmm we will probably leave tomorrow so you have two options go ask the valkyrie we came with to take you to a room so you can call it a night or go have fun like those two" I said as I pointed at vali and sephiroth as sephiroth just suplexed someone though a table and vali was fighting with a valkyrie that was holding her own against him at the same time the were fighting others and they had smiles on there face 'oh this is interesting'

"but we can't just"

"oh right you all aren't use to this and those two have been in these kinds of environments since they were young but I say go eat, drink and fight just have fun and limit you power" I said as I walk away as I want to sit down

"ah azazel enjoying the feast" a voice said for behind me as I turned around to see Odin

"I am but I'm just no feeling it"

"ahhh I see it's those two boys that are the problem" he as he pointed at the two as they tag teamed thor

"yes there have been growing at such a fast rate that I don't even know if there still need and if it wasn't for sephiroth I would still be in my lab as my faction fall apart" I said as I laughed a little 'to think that I have been so neglectful for so long'

"well you live and you learn plus your still young and you have done a good job with those boys I mean look at them" he said as sephiroth tackled someone and vali got thrown to the side by the same girl he was fighting

"oh I see one of your boys is fighting with Hrist this should be interesting she is quite a beast that has a love of fighting" he said as we dodged a large body that was thrown at us

"you don't say"

"HAHAHAHA those two are true Vikings as they fight with spirit!" a very loud voice for behind us as we turned around to see thor with a large piece of meat and a larger cup 'didn't he just crash into the wall a second a go and were did he get the food from' "its been years since we have had this much fun HAHAHA!"

"very true it's been a while since we've had a feast like this" Odin said as she stroked his beard and looked at the women with a smile that has gotten my building sliced

"yes! you must visit with those two every time you come hahaha but I must leave and join in on the fun as my brother's have also joined" he said as he ran to the main floor as I looked around I saw that he was right and his brothers were all over either drinking or fighting as I looked around I also so that the Slash/dog team have also joined in

"are you sure this is okay Odin I mean soon your people may get hurt" I said as I see sephiroth R.K.O two people into the floor

"HAHAHAHA don't worry about them because if they cannot handle this than what's the point of calling us Vikings.. oh it seems your long haired son has started a food eating competition come azazel boy let us go to see who will be the winner" he said as he walked to the large gathering of people with sephiroth and a few big Vikings as well as thor and Koyuki joining as they ate 'oh I feel so sorry for them because sephiroth is a black hole when it comes to food' and after a few hours sephiroth won as the feast went on for hours until the kids began to pass out one by one the fall Tobio with Lavinia, Natsume and Shigune on one of the table as the had passed out from drinking, Kouki was on the floor with sephiroth since they went back to fighting after recovering from the contest but out after an hour of that but the most surprising thing was where I found vali and who he was with

You see vali was sleeping next to the girl he was with this whole time 'I was almost scared that you would never get a family of your own I'm going to have to speak to him later'

"I know your awake you don't have to pretend to be asleep girl"

"was I really that easy to see" she said in a very very calm voice which was odd as during the feast she seemed like a total different person

"yes but that not important right now as I have to get then to there rooms so if you don't mind or do you want to go with him I don't mind"

"yes I would like that"

"good now if you ever hurt my boy I will send you to purgatory okay" I said while I still had my smile and used my circle to carry them all to there rooms 'I want to be the first one to see them when the wake up tomorrow'

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