MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(Laharl/Carnage God POV)
Location the Nethervoid-The Top of a Lone Mountain of Creation
I was overjoyed that my wives were almost fully healed, their eyes restored but not at their full capacities they've not longer needed such attending, and also no longer felt pain or have high sensitivity in their eyes.
After we enjoyed our roast feast last night, and share a long bath togather, we simply spend time together...
We relaxed all the while "yesterday", before I left to start my spawning of a new elder daemon and in turn he'll spawn a race of Carnage/Horror daemons to spread fear and dismay across the stars, I spoked to Kiira earlier this morning asking my lovely Succubus Queen that I needed her best daughter amongst the Hell Seductresses, she smiled at me as she struted at me and kissed me with so much love, lust, and hunger, once we broke the kiss with a trail of saliva connected to our mouths.
Kiira told me, she'll send her best to him later...which lead to now.
I'm currently soaring across the Nethervoid, heading towards the lone mountain where I created Iron Maiden 666, and Gleipnir.
That mountain has started to become my new "workshop" in my realm and from the word of my daemons some Cultists have started to make that Mountain, hallowed grounds in the Nethervoid...a natural monument that represents inspiration, creativity, and creation itself.
It gained the simple moniker of the Lone Mountain of my opinion it's name could use some work, but I gain a new landmark in my realm just as my siblings, gain several locations and landmarks in their realms, as lore dictates...but just like Game Workshop, they mention something about anything a location, character, or object and you never get much information other than some honorable mentions in one or a couple editions...
I flapped my wings as I continued on my flight eventually arriving at the mountain, which now has several altars of my Cultists, erected on the sided of this great violet mountain.
Flying straight towards the top, the open area covered with the aftermath of my testing and basic training I did with my chain, the Gleipnir.
Landing hard against the open area covered with broken boulders, rocks and lashes from my chain long ago.
I decided that while, I wait for the hell seductress that Kiira chosen to appear I will train more with my chain...I must confess I'm also curious what it can do should I add my new magic through the chain as well.
With my Gleipnir's ring glowing brightly on my right claw, an performing a whipping motion and manifesting itself was an astral maroon colored chain, I extended it as much as I needed and with a swing I cut a large chunk of the side of the mountain, I saw as it gave way and fell.
With a smile in my face a started spinning my chain in the air then caught it with my Claw of Hades, I'm still impressed with the power and lethality of my Gleipnir, and this was just in it's based form.
Time to finally test the chain's compatibility with not only my other powers and divinities, but also the addition of my Fire & Metal magical powers as well.
First Darkness...tightening the grip on my chain turning the once astral maroon chain into a black and violet becoming almost like a shadow...that's when the thought came to me.
I swung my chain a couple of times before I aimed at a spot shrouded in shadow in the mountain top, as my chain reached out I dove into the shadow like a pool of liquid, I can still feel it and also along with everything that is happening inside the dark, commanding Gleipnir and the darkness to continue until I felt another opening inside the darkness and mentally instructed my chain to head towards it.
Then the other end of the Gleipnir, came out of another shadow some meters to the right where I send it through originally, I had one last test I swung my arm, and in turn the chain hard to right in a forceful turn and the two ends of the chain started to get closer to the edges of their respected shadow.
And with my added strength, the chain cut through the rocks in between both shadows and came out the darkness, fully extended as I spun it a couple time, before commanding my chain to retract and grab it in my clawed hands, cutting off the flow of Darkness reverting it into in main maroon state.
Holding onto my retracted and shorten astral chain in my hands I can suspect that my pyromancy with just turn the chain into litteral fire, while metalmancy I'm not I started with fire magic.
And just as I suspected the astral chain became literal fire, while I can hold it, it was magical fire I swung it and wrapped around one of the chucks of violet earth cut from my previous tests with said chain, upon it binding around the target it started to set the rock a blaze...which meant any magic or power I use on Gleipnir, grants me more options to not catch, bind, restrain, torture, or even slash at my targets which greatly pleased me.
Just when I was about to test what the Lore of Metal, can do to my chain I sensed a high-daemon of lust approaching the mountain top, so I cut the flow of my magic released the rock and Gleipnir faded back into the ring...
(Nurgle/Plague God POV)
Location the Plague Garden-The Eternal Swamp
I must say last evening was very delightful, the music, and merriment really soothed my rotted soul...laughing a bit as I thought of the last thing, I'd on my head.
After I left my home in the festered Blighted Mansion, I headed north to the vile, mold cover rocky terrain of the Garden, with my objective to enter the true swamplands of my Garden, all because my other children have told me that my greater daemon, Ku'gath Plaguefather has made the swamplands, his domain.
It was both a lovely and important stroll I was taking through the Plague Garden, stomping through the putrid landscape, I was blessed with seeing all my flowers, mushrooms, fungus, and other decaying and living source of Plague and Life, thrive, die, rot, and be reborn all around me.
Careful on my as to not harm my lovely plants, and children I events made it to the center's edge and saw a putrid, vile Swamp at edge of my vision, causing me to smile.
So I headed straight towards it...
I step into the green swamps, resembling a horrific bayou the horrific smell were utterly retching and racid...ohh soo lovely.
Countless of my darling plague toads, were soaking and swimming around these vile wetlands, all happy with my arrival stepping into the thick green, infested, muddy waters of the Eternal Swamp I went deeper into this delightful place heading for the Festered Sewers the dwelling of my Great Unclean One, and near to be ascended Ku'gath Plaguefather and his Flesh Legion.
Location the Plague Garden-The Eternal Swamp, the entrance to the Festered Sewers
In the deepest and dankest part of the Eternal Swamp, was Ku'gath's dwelling being such a favored child of mine, I re-created his dwelling from the Old World to serve as his home and laboratory for the new plagues and poxes he will concoct for me.
[Just imagine a larger, and deeper Nurgle-like sewer like the one from Ku'gath's opening in TWW-3]
I sensed countless of my daemons inside the rock made entrance with a open rusted gate, as the waters of the swamp flowed into the vowels of the underground sewer.
I know that Ku'gath and his minions have sensed my retched presence, as I felt them swarming out the depths of the sewer to meet me, as I wait for them, I laid down and soaked in the muck and horrid cold waters of my Swamp, as I wait for my Greater Daemon to appear before me.
After sometime a small horde of nurglings, and plaguebearers came swarming out the Festered Sewers, they all came to welcome me and the nurglings ever the little scamps started to climb over my massive bloated body, playing on it and even jumping off of it to dive in the swamp-water.
Lastly came Ku'gath himself my great unclean one, mounted on a palaquin carried by hundred of little and eager nurglings.
He greeted me with a tone of great excitement and eagerness to hear me, I laugh a bit before addressing Ku'gath, "My child...rejoice...I have...great...plans and...purpose...for you." I explained that within the Immaterium, all three of, Khorne and Laharl are in a complicated but close relationship with each other, and not only we're stronger but greatly different from our weaker counterparts of the Old World, as Ku'gath knows loving this new world and the amazing power of the Warp, vastly eclipses the Realm of Chaos.
Also that he is actually much more happier serving me over my weaker counterpart, which greatly pleased me so I told him about one of the mayor differences between, us the Warp Gods and the Old World Gods is that we possess Elder Daemons, superior servent that act as generals not lieutenants of our legions.
Reaching the power of demigods within their daemon kind and I told him that I've chosen him as my first Elder Daemon, he was a gasp, until the nurgling knocking out his stupor and back to reality as he accepted which was all I needed to begin...
Standing up from the mucky waters of the Eternal Swamp, I started channeling the powers of the Warp through my hands, bending it to my foul will.
This cause the whole Swamp, to bubble and release fumes of putrid, rotting stench as flies and other pests started to gather and manifest in the surge of my hazardous power.
My bone-clawed hands were surrounded by a lightsaber green and dark green energy swarming with flies and oozing neon green slime, that poured down my hands and fingers onto the vile, murky waters below as I said to Ku'gath, ", ready...Ku'gath? I'll confess...and but...worth it." I saw as the Greater Daemon, with some difficulty stand up from his palaquin, and the nurglings holding said palaquin scamper away.
Pointing my arms at the Great Unclean One, pouring a massive amount of the ruinous powers of Plague, Disease, Decay and Death onto my most favored greater daemon.
As the powers surge into Ku'gath he immediately screamed as he felt his body, form and power completely change.
I saw this transformation take place the greater daemon, started to grow in size becoming a true behemoth as his antlers grew in size and length, a bunch of spikes burst out his decaying flesh from the elbows, shoulders, and back.
Stretching out and roaring I saw as the great maw on his belly grew more teeth and started spewing very runny bright yellow-green puss that dripped between the lower teeth and down the edge of the infected opening that served as both a lip and belly.
Ku'gath's fingers also started to change similar to my own, all his fingers all the purple and burgundy gangrenius flesh was ripped and torn revealing long, large, sharp bone-claws, just like my own they were covered in green vile but the joint had a small sharp, curved spike on them.
Lastly his eyes glowed a deem lightsaber green, and more pustules, infected sores, and sick spots on his new humongous body.
In reality Ku'gath Plaguefather has become a even colossal mimic of myself like all Great Unclean Ones, only having a more closer appearance to my ascend form than my birth state years ago...
As I stop flowing my powers through Ku'gath, the first Elder Daemon of Plague was brought to his knees and his new bone clawed hands buried in the wet mud using it to support his girth and drastically change of power, as I heard him panting, and gasping for air.
As the nurglings rush to aid Ku'gath, helping him stand but now it would most certainly that Ku'gath would need a much bigger palaquin and a lot more nurglings to carry him, before ending this I spoke to the "recovered" Ku'gath Plaguefather, "Ku'gath...congratulations!!! Hahahehhehe. You first...Elder...Daemon of...Plague. I'll honor...of owning...and guarding...the...Eternal greater...heights...of infection. I'm...really...looking...forward...for...this child."
Sensing his happiness and growing pride, Ku'gath swore to me that the Eternal Swamp shall be cared for, making me smile as I bid farewell and started making my way back to my dank home within the edge of the Garden of Blight.
(Khorne/Blood God POV)
Location the Blood Lands-The Brass Citadel/The Gore Fortress, the Skull Thrones of Khorne
I and Valkia...spend our first a married couple together...we're laying on the brass made ground between the Skull Thrones using her wings to cover our naked forms...I hate to admit it...but Laharl might be right about intamency.
When I return sometime ago...I was so overwhelmed with joy and relief of my wife's recovery that I hugged, kissed...and...laid with Valkia we spend soo much time together, in the thralls of emotion, excitement, violence, and...groaning mentally since I know that when Laharl, finds out about this he is going to annoy me to no end...lust...
I adjusted my right arm that is on Valkia, holding her closer as I'll enjoy myself with...some whatever Laharl calls it, with my wife before I start on my business in the Blood Lands.
Location the Blood Lands-The Hunting Fields
I spend several days, resting with Valkia until she awoke and we share one last kiss and re-equipped our respected armors.
She even told me "I was a beast." which filled with a sense of pride, after we departed Valkia left to her daughters domain the Gore Tower, while I headed far west of my domain.
I still had to place the essence of the Slaughterbrutes into my domain, and since the landscape I was heading towards was formely the territory of the Flesh Hounds, until the daemonworld I made for the Flesh Hounds and Juggernauts to have endless hunts and mass spawning for my legions.
This vast space shall now spawn my great hellbeasts, and just like the Juggernauts should a herald prove himself I'll personally make one of these slaughterbrutes bound to the herald, making a new chariot force inspired by the Gorebeasts, I'll name them Massacrebrute Chariots.
They'll cause blood and gore throughout the Battlefields but first...I rised my right arm, channeling my dark powers through said limb, until my arm is coated in a scarlet colored aura and with it so was the essence of the Slaughterbrutes, flowing through my arm.
Then I placed my right hand on the red ground of my realm pouring all my power and my essence of the Slaughterbrutes directly into the Blood Lands, causing the realm to shake and tremble by the surge of my power!!!
The area started to crack and shift, as a huge mount of red earth started to mold an underground Warren.
I sensed as the rage, bloodlust, ferocity, and brutal killer instinct of my newest blood beasts was starting to form and spawn.
Not a moment after I'd removed my hand from the ground, and stood up straight I heard roaring and suddenly two new Slaughterbrutes emerged from the Slaughterbrute Warren, the Hunting Fields shall be the perfect spawning grounds and territory for these hellbeasts until I call them for battle, as I heard more slaughterbrutes were starting to spawn and climb out the warren I decided my task was done.
Before returning to the Gore Fortress, I decided to wander my realm as I rarely do so, as things were about to get more interesting I could feel it.
(Laharl/Carnage God POV)
Location the Nethervoid-The Top of a Lone Mountain of Creation
I stood at the edge of the clearing on top of the mountain, as a pinked haired winged high-succubus came to my line of vision from the maroon sky of the western side.
She landed gracefully in front of me, in a kneeling position she was quite beautiful and sensual with spiky pink hair, the lust, dark desires and other sick insane though and emotion overflowed from the Hell Seductress, she was completely perfect for becoming not only the fifth Elder Daemon of Carnage, but the main component of my plan of creating a very unique daemon unlike anything that Chaos has ever spawned, similar to in some parts to Syll'Esske from AOS.
I'm going to use both a FAC, a FGDC and this Succubus to create something similar to various fates of mythology from the Greeks, the Sisters of Fates, (Clotho, Lachesis, & Atropos) from the Norse, the Norns (Urd, Verdandi, & Skuld) and the Morrigan, I'll make three separate entities that are as one.
I bluntly said to this hell seductress, "The favorite daughter of my beloved, Succubus Queen..." going silent as she rised her head to me and I started to walk closer to the succubus, I continued to speak, "You been selected, to ascend above even your sister Hell Seductresses. To become the only elder daemon, amongst the succubi and join Ba'al, Mordred, Nidhog, and Beelzabub as one of my generals and children."
Stopping just in front of her, as she'd ask me, "I'm not worthy, Dark Harbinger. I'm but a unknown succubus, under the Dark Matriarch." with her voice sounding of uncertainty and doubt, this made chuckle and grin, as this is one of the mayor differences between most of my daemons and my brothers free will and individuality...but not only do I trust my beloved wife, but could feel this Hell Seductress was perfect to become the fifth Elder Daemons, the Morrigan Triarch...that will be their name as a unified entity.
I reached out my left index claw, of my clawed-power gauntlet placing it under her chin so she can look me in the eyes.
With her undivided attention I told her, "Kiira choose you, I choose you, you're more than worthy to ascend to the ranks of the Elder Daemons, you'll be the representation of various forms of madness...all you have to do is offer everything to me." this Hell Seductress listening to my words, she nodded giving me everything to make this elder daemon trio-in-one.
I told Aillia to use a Free Absolute Creation and a Free Greater Daemon Creation together with the Hell Seductress, as a base.
Aillia responded with a cheery, (Right away, Lord♡ (^v^)) and just like that two balls of light manifested from my being, floated a bit above before they spun and merged into a large source of light before flowing straight at the pink, spiky haired succubus.
Bathed in a pillar of light, I immediately used my [Greater Ascension] skill, while also using my [Infernals] divinity as well to mold and create not only one but three entities...the first amongst them shall represent the haunting paranoia, and the ugly descend to utter madness.
The second shall represent delusion, escape from reality and almost a dark fairy tale like wimpsy which is why I based this one of the Triarch, after a darker Alice in Wonderland vibe, and lastly I designed the third of them to act as a seiren which voice and melodies drives all into either total madness or throw into a lust fuel haze of devotion, dependence, and utter insanity.
This once singular high-succubus' silhouette started to split into three figures, the left the tallest, the center wearing some hat-wear and the right was the shortest with what appears to be a horn and a set of pigtails...I noticed, five glowing pink fussia eyes within the pillar of light, and said pillar was fading away it revealed my new daughter trio, the Fifth Elder Daemon of Carnage, the Morrigan Triarch.
First was the tallest, the one with black, blackish green and grey colored dress which had a horror gothic vibe, with a lot of frill, intricate patterns, and withered but still living black and dark violet roses on her long dress-skirt.
A large amount of black Chaos accessories with amethysts, garnets, and purple gold encrusted on them these chains, necklaces, and charms hanged from her neck, horns, long pointed ears, wrists, and dress.
She had short black, violet, and pink colored curved horns coming out her long black hair that fell pass the height of her elbows, along with obsidian black withered devil wings spread out from her back, she has pale white skin that turns blackish grey on her hands which are quite wicket in appearance, with sharp, long nails.
This is the eldest and one can say darkest of the Triarch, her personal name is Clo'thoa Dementa, the Wailing Daemon Witch, I completely based her on a gothic, dark forest witch that possesses my "Lore" of magic, plus her own special abilities.
For those that don't know Clo'thoa could be considered a "Dark Beauty" in it lays her power and unique form/abilities to induce madness on her victims.
While her upper left of her face is exposed, revealing what can be considered a beautiful Maiden, she wears a porcelain feminine mask with the eight-point painted across of it, the reason for it is underneath that mask is a horrific, nightmarish monster that can break mental fortitude, and her wails destroy what remains of sanity which she can use to drive souls insane if the mask doesn't filters her voice, not only that but she is armed with a special staff.
Taking some inspiration from the mythological Morrigan, I spawned her with a black raven staff with dark runes etched on the black wood.
Clo'thoa bowed before me first speaking in a distorted, graspy voice, "The first of the Triarch...Clo'thoa Dementa, greets her father and master..." seems that the dark, creepy persona and representation I designed stuck into her as she swore fealty, my newest daughter.
Next in the center was my version of a Mad Hatter...
She was quite beautiful, with mauve short colored hair, and smooth, silky white flawless skin, and teal and pink colored eyes with a teal lensed golden monocle on her right eye, she has a noticeable feminine physique even in her gentle-woman style clothing, her luscious lips, pointed ears and impressive bust size were not obstructed by her clothing.
She wore a large teal and violet top hat with a black & white checker patter on the side, with a mauve lace tied on the rim and a couple of playing cards a daemonic jester, a blood cover Queen of Hearts, a headless king of spades.
She has on, a long sleeved mauve colored shirt with a deep teal sleeveless vest over it with a pocket watch resembling the eight-point star placed inside the front breast pocket of her vest, around her neck she has a dark teal long tied with a mouse skull as the buckle of the center and a pair of fingerless dark teal gloves with amethysts stone knuckles.
A long light violent pants with teal and pink spirals trailing down her pant legs, a black suspenders that went over her shoulders on the strap that was on her waist a bunch of trickets a 7-diamond card, a small chain connected to a pincushion skull, and a pair of elegent black and white shoes that had a mauve colored checker pattern in the heel area.
This is Hather Pandamonica, the Madame of the Locusts and Dementia, she has several insectoid (locust) traits on her body from the dark teal carapace on her lower back that hid her insect wings, plus I gave her the ability to sprout and retract several insect limbs like sharp sickles.
She smiled at me with wicket sharpen teeth, a smile filled with wickedness and sadistic nature overflowing from it, she did a twirl as a clockwork staff appeared in her left hand, with a cresent black blade in the edge with spining clock-hands acting as extra blades for this staff, she leaned on it like a cane with her right hand on it as she removed her hat and made a extreme bow, with a silky, feminine voice in a British accent which was laced in madness she said to me, "Good evening. The Madame, Hather Pandamonica, present herself my dark father. Also can we have a spot of tea, to celebrate the spawn that came out the rabbit hole." Clo'thoa reprimanded her for her forwardness, but Hather she play it off.
Hather is quite a eccentric and flamboyant, with a twisted sense of humor and she is the litteral embodiment of a schizophrenic descent to darker madness.
I designed her to be quite deadly in close combat not only with her sickle like staff, but her sproutable insect sickles, but her greatest asset to her sisters is aside from her cunning, I gave Hather a blinking ability which releases spores that induce illusions, plus she is able to cause mental attacks that cripple and weaken their victims, making them easier prey.
(I'd designed Hather to resemble the Monster Girl Encyclopedia: Mad Hatter with some customizations.)
And lastly I looked at the "youngest" of the trio her name Monica Madwhisper, the Twisted Seiren.
She was cheery, flirty, and quite rowdy as she was white skin beauty with a large set of breasts, incredible curves, and luscious legs.
Monica is the shortest, and youngest with a single pinkish purple curved upward horn on her forehead, she has bright pink hair held in a pair of big spiky pigtails, she has long pointed ears and a small purple and black eight-point star mark under her right eye.
She has a huge pair of burgundy devil wings and a long burgundy colored tail with a huge sharp sickle blade at it's end, Monica uses it a natural weapon holding it right now in her left hand.
Monica wore and is a punk style idol as I designed, in truth I'm a bit inspired by several characters I-No & Elphelt Valentine of Strive kinda of funny my inspiration came from the same series but whatever...
Monica wore a exposing maroon bra that eccentuated her large, round breasts, a rose pink colored leather jacket open a in the front with a white corset covering her belly, a pair of maroon wristbands modeled after eight-point star with sharp white spikes, rose pink colored fingerless gloves, a large maroon belt with a chain wrapped around hooking some skulls baring my mark on them.
She wore a short-shorts in white, maroon and pink with a checker pattern on the right thigh area, and knee high white heels with a long shoelace that went all the way up.
Monica is the true sorceress of the Triarch, able to use the Lores of Fire & Metal, she's armed with a microphone staff in silver, black, white, and pink with a woman holding onto her mic, amplifies her power her voice can be use as a weapon like the future noise marines, said singing will also empower any succubi that hears her songs as I highly believe my Morrigan Triarch will have a lot of succubi under their command.
As Monica represent the corrupted and debilitating descend into addiction, dependence, and obsession.
Her voice...her singing will corrupt and twist countless of souls into her insane thrall just like the event of the Emperor's Children in the Maraviglia composed by Bequa Kynska.
If I know my future sister Slaanesh, she'll absolutely want Monica in her harem and service...maybe even replace the Masque as her dancer and I ever allowed that, plus Monica would never betray me, or her sacred Mother Goddess, Kiira, I also made it that these sister shall always be as one and together another fail safe so none can face them or take them.
The Sister Trio of the Morrigan, argued a bit with each other before Clo'thoa gain control over her younger sisters, Hather and Monica, reprimanding them for their shameful display in front of me, she begged forgiveness for her younger sisters, I told them I wasn't offended or care, I wanted them to act freely and naturally in my presence like their brothers Ba'al, Mordred and Beelzabub.
With the Triarch finished swearing fealty and being relieved I wasn't angered, they excused themselves as they flew away, as for now until they made their own cloister, they'll use Kiira's Palace of Depravity as they base...I might use them as the guards of Slaanesh's future border into the Nethervoid, but I quickly discarded that plan, the Triarch, Clo'thoa, Hather, and Monica were better serves causing Carnage across the Materium, and leading daemonic invasion than acting as wardens like Mordred that counter all of Khorne's daemon, and Beelzabub does Nurgle's.
I'll have to create an a exclusively lust orientated Elder Daemon, to guard the slaaneshi border in the future but now I must focus on the creation of my Elder Daemon of Horrors.
Using another FGDC, a small orb of light manifested in front of me.
It was time to create my next Elder Daemon, it read my thoughts and desires before it burst into another massive, towering pillar of light taking the silhouette of a long armed humanoid over a giant horse.
I immediately used my [Greater Ascension] skill along with my [Infernals] divinity to fully aid my design and empower my newest son, I already decided on his name Phobos, named after the Greek God of Fear.
The silhouette of Phobos, started to change growing in size, as ram like horns started to sprout on the head of the humanoid, roaring and thrashing as my power and divinity was finishing the final touches as the light faded revealing Phobos in his horrific majesty.
Taking great inspiration from the Orcadian/Scottish folklore of the Nucklelavee.
It was withered daemonic humanoid with long arms the nearly touched the ground for an upper body merged to actual giant horse.
Phobos was covered in black fur both his upper half and the horse lower, with dark grey skin tone.
Phobos has a pair of large, thick ram horns with almost skeletal like face eyes, nosehole and mouth blazing crimson with the horse being the same, roaring from both mouths as the black fanged teeth of Phobos' upper head was clearly revealed.
Speaking of the literal horse lower body it was powerful, dark, and majestic with a shadow made tail and mane, but the main trait is the pair of long black, sharp forward facing horn on the side of the horse-head, it has sharp-teeth like the upper body does.
Like lore in both mythology and SPC, not only does Phobos have extremely long four clawed-appendages which are strong it possess a connection to horror itself which is aligned to lost hope and helplessness in battlefields, able to banish and appear in any battle to collect the lost and the fallen.
I made Phobos able to sense fear as well so he can trackdown all living mortals abandoned on desolated battlefields, he is able to be harm in any form of physical mean, acting as my harvester and reaper across the Materium, but the greatest power I bestowed to this the primordial nuckelavee is being able to spawn lesser daemons of himself the Nucklelavee that resemble exactly SCP-3456.
As Phobos stood towering over me, he looked down straight at me, and as a show of respect he placed his right arm on his chest and bended forward, while his horse lower its head and bowed to me as well.
He spoke to me in a daemonic voice, "I thank you, father for granting me life and purpose. I'll shall harvest all the souls for your glory and name, all shall know to fear and reverence the Dark Harbinger as his humble servent, the Equinox, rides out through the battlefields of mortals." I smiled accepting his words and oath to me.
Next he reached out his arm and black substances pour out his massive clawed palms, once that black substance hit the violet mountain ground a black mass started to form, as horse naying echoed and emerges from the black masses were a couple of nuckelavee, skinless resembling exactly SCP-3456 meaning his power works perfectly, Phobos nodded his head as he rested his arm on the horse's neck area, and like a nightmare they banished from my sight.
Finishing Phobos and he has already lead his small herd to the Materium to haunt and collect bodies and souls for my legions.
I contacted Aillia, as she said to me, (Yes, my Lord. I should tell you, my Lord you should check your latest updates from the rewards and status later.) seems that my latest creations have caused a shift of things, I'll check them later in Aillia's suggestion.
But that will be later as I asked her to bring up my Pantheon List, and a blue transparent screen popped up in front of me and I started examining it.
Chaos Gods
1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Trust, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Horrors, Domination, Desacration, Oblivion, Madness, Creator & Relics.
Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Shi'lanorai, Norscans, Conquerors, Carnage Corrupted, Chaos Cultists of Carnage, the Insane, the Demented, Builders, Makers, & Designers.
Rank: Mid-High
Faction: Chaos/Carnage
God Artifacts-Ragnarok, Claw of Hades, Iron Maiden 666, Gleipnir.
2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, War, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Courage, Glory, Combat, Pride, Honor, & Martial Honor.
Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Warriors, Berserkers, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.
God Artifacts-Unmaker.
Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 89%, Enemy 22%, Submission Progress 64%
Rank: Mid
Faction: Chaos/Blood
3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.
Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.
Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 63%, Enemy 46%, Submission Progress 44%
Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen
Faction: Chaos/Blood
God Artifacts-Slaupnir, Loceplex Daemonshield.
4.Nurgle, Chaos God of Plague, Disease, Pestilence, Decay, Death, Sloth, Despair, Rebirth, Renewal, Stagnation, Life.
Worshiper-Plague Daemons, Sick, Diseased, Plague, Suffering, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.
Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 44%, Enemy 56%, Submission Progress 36%
Rank: Mid-Low
Faction: Chaos/Decay
God Artifacts-Worldblighter.
Carnage Patheon
Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Trust, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Horrors, Domination, Desacration, Oblivion, Madness, Creator & Relics.
Worshipers-Daemons, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists.
Faction: Carnage
Highest Deities of the Pantheon
Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.
Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah
2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.
Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.
3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.
Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.
4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.
Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.
5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.
Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.
6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.
Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Daemons.
7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.
Worshippers-Brutes, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.
Low Deities of the Pantheon
Elder Daemons of Carnage-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.
Worshipers-Scryers, Daemons, Seers, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.
Worshippers-Daemons, Warriors, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.
Worshippers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.
Worshippers-Flies, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
5.The Morrigan Triarch, the Tree Sides of Fall to Madness and Insanity.
Worshippers-Insane, Broken-souls, Witches, Hags, Seirens, Succubi, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
5-A.Clo'thoa Dementa, the Wailing Daemon Witch of the Nethervoid.
5-B.Hather Pandamonica, the Madame of the Locusts and Dementia.
5-C.Monica Madwhisper, the Twisted Seiren of Madness.
6.Phobos the Equinox of Unimaginable Horrors.
Worshippers-Nuckelavee, Souls Losts at War/Battlefields, Soldiers, Fear-Striken, Condemned, Abandoned, & Chaos Cultists.
Elder Daemons of Blood-1.Skarbrand, the Rage Incarnate.
Worshippers-Blood Warriors, Bloodthirsters, Blood Daemons, Berserkers, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.
2.Karanak, the Apex Hunter Beast of the Blood God.
Worshippers-Bloodcrazed Beasts, the Claws of Karanak, & Feral Cultists.
3.Zsash, the Lord of Burning Shadows.
Worshippers-Scions of the Flame, Chaos Fire Sorcerers, & Balrogs.
Elder Daemons of Plague-Ku'gath Plaguefather, the Foul Lord of the Eternal Swamp.
Worshipers-Plagued Infested, Nurglings, the Hopeless & Plague Cultists.
Named Heralds
Carnage:L'litha, the Rising Succubus Herald.
Blood: Skulltaker/U'zuhl, the Rising Sacred Executioner.
Ascension-50.00% Skulls Collected: 444.
Plague: Epidemius, the Tallyman of Nurgle.
As Aillia said I have gained a mayor update to my Pantheon List, but at long last I finished my new elder daemons, and powerful ones at that in Morrigan Triarch case is versatility and cooperation they'll destroy anyone and drive various souls to Madness, while Phobos and the Nucklelavee shall be not only my harvesters of souls and fear itself across the Materium and quite possibly beyond, as they collect the dead and those lost in abandoned battlefields, all those taken shall become daemonhosts if their alive, and new Flesh Horrors for my wife Scalpel Bleedinhart.
With this Carnage, Madness, and Horror shall spread much faster and further across the Materium, not even that inhuman, abomination of nature, the Anathema would be able to stop it...even before the Dark Agr of Technology, this world shall only know Chaos!!
All that remains is for Phobos to multiply his new breed of daemons across Nethervoid and start harvesting from abandoned battlefields in the Materium all the while I have to speak to Crystallyl...
It was time for us, to truly bind to one another in love and was time for the Eighth Daemon Queen to rise.