
Cosmic Wave

A/N: This chapter the mc is leaving the planet, im going to start diving into the Pantheons as he has defeated them.

Juno POV

I was currently flying towards the city, or whatever the beings on this planet called it. I landed directly outside of the city and walked in so that I did not draw too much attention to myself, I saw that instead of walking they would instead move around in these bubble like contraptions that allowed them to ascend higher and higher into the air, as they had unbelievable tall sky scrapers.

After some sight seeing, I found out that they were called Niburunans and that they were known for their impeccable advances in technology this world was practically perfect, as they did not have wars over their beliefs and their views of what should become of this world. This planet, was practically a save haven free of any disease and death.

Well that was until now, there was a wave of cosmic radiation that was heading towards the planet. Even though it had not even made impact with the planet, some Niburunans were dying due to radiation and the death toll was increasing at insane speeds. Most of the planet was segregated, as the lower half was full of Niburunans who were not treatable as their condition had gotten too bad for any doctors to handle. The upper half, were for those who had been put into stasis as there still a small amount of hope for them.

I stepped out of the bubble like sphere and flew down towards the lower half, I believed that I would be able to heal them with the power I had granted myself, and if it wasn't enough I could always get more. The strange thing, was if this planet was so advanced how had they not have found a cure for this even if it wouldn't prevent the deaths for when the wave hit, it would have at least prolonged whatever time they had left.

Once I had fully descended to the lower level of the city, I could not even put into words what I was currently seeing, there were dead corpses piled together on the ground and people that had looked like they had not eaten since the day they were born, their flesh was turning purple, as it was slowly rotting and falling off their body. This disease had only cured half a year ago, if this was to continue the Niburunans would be extinct before the actual wave itself would hit.

I went to the pile of dead bodies, and decided that I was going to try to bring them back. In the future, a planet like this could be some use to me in the future. I raised my hands and shot out beams of cosmic energy, I was trying to infuse the dead cells with energy, so that their body systems could spark to life.

Their bodies, were beginning to regain their colour and patches were skin used to reside were beginning to regenerate, my energies began to glow lighter and lighter. The area around me, became cold and damp as if a new entity had arrived and on top of that, the power that I had bestowed upon this body were beginning to run out.

I began to draw more and more power from my Celestial body, but still something was holding me back. Then I realised, resurrecting the dead was like going against the natural forces of the universe. It was mistress death. Why wasn't she interfering, I assume it had something to do with her being an abstract entity within the world.

I began to pour in more and more energy, after a while the energy illuminated the surrounding area until it dimmed down. ''ghur..arg'' I looked to see that one of the resurrected Niburunans was trying to speak. It looked like it's motor skills had not yet returned.

Now seeing that, I could heal those who were affected by the wave of energy I sent my consciousness back to my Celestial body. I made myself visible to the people of the planet, while giving them a psychic suggestion of what I was about to do. I flew up to the atmosphere and sent out a pulse of cosmic energy that would purge any traces of the radiation from their systems.

I saw that, some of them were kneeling and praising me for saving their race. I summoned my ship and flew towards the wave of cosmic radiation, that was was travelling towards the planet. I summoned my scythe and began to absorb the radiation into it, as there would have been no where else for it to go.

After a few minutes, all of the radiation had been removed from the area. I took one last look at the planet and flew off as there was nothing left for me to do.

A/N: I could not think of anything to do with the planet so im just going to abandon any ideas I had about it as they were all just dull, and this chapter was just made to create new opportunity's for the mc.