
Reborn as a Beetle in the Immortal Realm

The main character was an average man in his past life who had a deep, hidden desire for power, which was suppressed all his life because of the rules of his past world. Now reborn as a beetle with the potential to challenge the heavens in a world where the law of the jungle reigns supreme, he can let this deep desire fully emerge, which will help him survive and thrive. Because the main character is reborn as an insect, he doesn't have a strong affinity with humans. To make matters worse, immortal cultivators have a deep hatred for magical beasts as they are eternal enemies, which will lead the main character to be seen as a villain by the humans of this world, and with his ability that needs him to devour other life forms to grow, his position as a villain is evident.

DaoistPinkLotus · ตะวันออก
20 Chs

Fighting for the Strange Flower: Part 1

What should I do now?

I was still cautious about that flower since I didn't know its effects, but I didn't want to let another creature eat it since my body desired it so much. Maybe it was some really good stuff?

Whatever I was going to decide, I had to decide fast; the donkey was getting closer and closer to the flower.

But thankfully, it didn't move incredibly fast since its whole body trembled uncontrollably, and so did its legs, making it only walk towards the flower and not run.

"Dammit, donkey, why did you have to put me in such a tough spot!"

Seeing the donkey getting closer to the flower, I couldn't resist anymore. That flower was mine, and no donkey was going to steal it from me!

With my mind made up, I immediately put my full strength into my five remaining legs, crazily running towards the big donkey.

This immediately attracted the attention of the donkey. Seeing me approaching at such a fast speed, its eyes immediately turned red, and with its shaky legs, it started to madly dash towards the flower, its mouth spewing huge amounts of saliva as it ran, painting a crazy image.

Now, two pitch-black creatures with horns on their heads were running at full speed towards a strange flower, and the earth trembled under their frantic charge.

"Dammit, I won't make it in time!"

Since I had hesitated for a bit, the donkey had gotten closer than me, and after it started running, I noticed that its speed was very similar to mine, making it hard for me to get to the flower before him.

Also, I had lost one of my legs, which had decreased my running speed somewhat. Still, I wasn't going to give up. Seeing that running wasn't going to cut it, I decided to bend down, accumulate strength in my legs, and catapult forward with all my strength.

With a strong whoosh sound and a terrifying boom from the cracked earth, I was flung into the air, moving towards the flower like a cannonball let loose.

The donkey panicked immediately, seeing me getting closer and closer to the flower. It decided to follow my example.

With another strong boom from the earth, the donkey also flew towards the flower at an exaggerated speed.

Since I had jumped sooner than it did, I made up for the distance difference, and now we were both approximately the same distance from the flower.

Even though it took a while to explain this, in reality, all these actions, from me dashing towards the flower to now about to collide with the donkey, happened in the span of 3 seconds!

The strong collision from our horns hitting each other produced a loud sound that sent shockwaves for dozens of meters around, making many trees lose their leaves and small animals run madly.

After the strong collision, the donkey and I were flung backward with just as much strength as we had flown with.

After barely coming to a stop, I looked towards the flower. It was about 20 meters away from me, and on the opposite side, the donkey stood, staring at the flower, and then at me.

Our eyes locked in, both our bodies were trembling madly from the effects of the flower. Saliva was flowing like an endless ocean.

If any other creature saw us right now, they would think we had lost our minds and were two crazy beasts fighting to the death.

But I knew that wasn't the case. The donkey, even with its red eyes, hadn't actually lost its mind. Only its body acted in a crazy manner, just like mine did.

Incredibly enough, this donkey was actually on par with me when it came to physical strength, even though its body was way bigger than mine. Its strength was way beyond what a normal beast its size should have. I had the strong feeling that this black donkey with an exoskeleton had some Beetle blood in its body.

This would explain why it could put up a fight with me when it came to physical strength, even if it wasn't as pure as mine. Its superior size still made it have the same amount of strength.

It seems this is going to be a hard battle. This flower might be some really good stuff. I can't give up on it. So be it. I haven't had an actual battle with a worthy opponent ever since I came to this world. My opponents were always too strong or too weak to actually have a battle with.

Even after thinking this much, in real-time only a second had passed. Ever since I had grown strong and my brain grew bigger, my speed of thought had increased to an exaggerated amount.

I could now have complex thoughts in just a second, which was extremely necessary since my speed had increased so much that if I couldn't think this fast, I wouldn't be able to run at full strength.

Immediately after I had that thought, the donkey jumped towards the flower madly once again.

"Don't you even try, stupid donkey!"