
Sin nombre

With no one else in the line I talked to the clerk. However a biker with a snake tattoo on his arm and a red mullet came in with a shotgun. The Biker said, "Alright everyone hand over you money and you don't meet my friend twelve gauge". As he walked to me I didn't have time for this crap.

Grabbing the gun I pushed the barrel until it was aimed at the ceiling I then gave him a hard knee to the gut. Reeling back my fist I clocked him twice one in the eye and then the jaw. Turning I grabbed the five stacks of hundreds and left.

Getting back into the car Ned once more drove. In no time we stopped in front of my families house. Stretching my neck Ned asked, "You ready Bart?" Nodding I knew it was time to rejoin my family.

Walking behind him he knocked twice and opened the door. Ned said, "Hold here Bart I'm going to make your welcome home a big one." Nodding I heard Ned greeting my mom and sisters. Ned said "Well ladies I found a friend at the airport that wanted to come by to say hi."

Walking into the TV room I pulled back my hoodie to see the shocked and happy faces of both my sisters and my mom. But my littlest sister Maggie was the first one to say "Bart!" Jumping up from the carpet my ten-year-old sister hugged me. Hugging her I smiled happy to see her just as she was happy to see me.

Liza my fifteen-year-old sister came next to give me a hug. Lisa said "Good to see you big bro." Next was my mom she was sniffling in tears but still very happy to see me. After crying a little on my shoulder she said "Glad to have you home my little man."

Smiling at hearing my old kid nickname she gave me I nodded in thanks. Smiling at my family I turned back to Ned thanking him. Ned left and my mom asked, "How have you been honey?" I sat on the couch to say "Better mom and happy to be home too. Oh and I brought you all gifts." Reaching into my duffle I handed them each a gift box.

Liza opened hers to say "An original flash Jameson oceanography journal... thanks Bart." Maggie was the next opening her gift it was a silk ribbon for her hair. The purple ribbon had a small bunny in the middle joint. Smiling Maggie hopped to her feet and hugged me thankful for the gift.

Next my mom opened her gift to pull out a lovely red strapless dress. Turning to me my mom asked "Bart how did pay for these?" Smiling I said "While overseas I got a few jobs like my counselor asked to help me coop. It work and now a few businesses send me money because of all I did for them." This fact left Lisa and my mom surprised but Maggie just giggled as she now had the ribbon tied behind her head in a ponytail.

Hugging me Maggie said, "Thanks big bro I love the ribbon." Returning the hug I thanked her in return and asked, "Do you all want to go out to eat tonight?" My mom patted my arm to say, "Don't worry about that Bart I made roost chicken and mashed potato's."

Smiling I remembered how long its been since I last tasted my moms home cooking. Nodding I asked "If you all don't mind can I drop my stuff in my room?" My mom nodded and Lisa said she'd show me the way. Walking upstairs Lisa kept looking at me and smiling. Smiling back at her we got to my room in no time. Walking into the small room I saw that most of my stuff were either in boxes in a corner or in my slightly open closet.

Turning Lisa caught me in another hug. Hugging her back we didn't part until Maggie called for her. Lisa said as she was walking away ""Glad to have you back bro and hope we can make better memories." Smiling she ran off and I closed the door. Opening my duffle and backpack I started to take out my stuff.

But as I did a small wooden box feel from my pack. Picking it up I popped it open and saw a small medallion inside. On it looked like a handprint with a silver eye in the center of the hand. Putting it on I then read a small note in the box. The note read 'to any who find this medallion you will find that love grows and becomes something more. But be warned one who you love or else they will never stop loving you.'

I was confused at what the note said but I liked the medallion. Changing my clothes I now wore a blue t-shirt, black jeans, and sandals. Walking downstairs I saw Lisa reading the book I got her already. Smirking I said, "You still love to read like always sis."

Turning to me she smiled saying "Glad you didn't forget and I'm happy you came back Bart. After what dad did I didn't know how we would manage?" Pulling her into a hug I said "I came back cause I knew you all needed me. You all were there for me when I need to get help. Now I'm here to make sure I don't lose what family I have left. Lisa I love you, mom, and Maggie with all my heart. And I'm not going anywhere." Kissing her check I gave her a warm smile.

Chuckling Lisa turned back into her book but I still could see her slight blush. Before like I said I was a wild child. But after a few years away and exploring some of the world I had to grow up.

Lisa smiled to say "Thanks Bart we all love you too. And we'll be here for you too." Smiling mom called us for dinner and it tastes great. Maggie was giggle and Lisa still had a slight blush after our talk. Looking at mom she asked "Bart did you hear about your father?" Lisa and Maggie stopped and looked right from mom to me.

I finished chewing to say "Yes Ms. House told me and I sent money to help you guys get a lawyer." Maggie looked at me to ask, "I thought Mr. Flanders got a friend to help us? It was you?"

Nodding I turned to mom to add "Mom what dad did was wrong on every level. I knew that I had to return but at the time I couldn't just up and leave. So I sent the money and Mr. Flanders did the rest. Mom you Lisa and Maggie are all the family I have. And I can't lose you. Not after all you did for me."

Seeing my mom close to tears she sniffled and gripped my hand. Smiling back at her we finished eating. Back in my room Maggie and Lisa was sitting close by. Maggie asked "Bart what did you do while being counseled?" Patting her shoulder I sat on my bed holding a few papers.

I said, "I was working as a fisherman collecting tuna's in the Mediterranean. Now I know its going to be hard but remember I love you both so lets get back to being a family." Kissing Maggie's check she gave a giggle and Lisa stared to turn away. Both walked out when it turned ten and mom was saying good night from down the hall. Lying down on the bed with the lights off for once I was glad to go to sleep.

Well hoped you liked it and if you didn't well I don't care. Drop me a review and some other fun stuff and well see if this story will remain a one shot or not. I'll see you later!