

Seeing Vanessa practically glowing like a majestic being, Shi Tian was finally able to witness her power for the first time. 

The air around her seemed to shimmer with otherworldly energy.

And he had suspected that Vanessa was orchestrating something when he observed her actions near the entrance of the Horology Restaurant, but the details remained shrouded in mystery. 

However, it seems like his doubts will be cleared soon. 

"How much do you know about Esper's class, Nathan?" Vanessa's smile held a touch of coldness as she turned to him, her gaze piercing. The question hung in the air, laden with significance.

"Not much, aside from the fact that the Esper class is considered more specialized compared to a Magus class," Shi Tian replied, his tone reflective of his limited knowledge. 

He had encountered information about different class types, but the specifics of the Esper class had remained relatively obscure.