
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

CHAPTER 28(Finals)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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After Naruto finally knocked some sense into Neji, it was time for the match everyone was waiting for.

"JIN SATSUJIN VS GAARA OF THE SAND!" the proctor announced.


"Looks like your genin is late Lord Third, how about we postpone this match until he arrives." The Kazekage said, sitting to the left of the Hokage.

"Alright," With a single hand motion the message was conveyed.


"what?" "No way!" "C'mon!" The many annoyed groans came from the crowd, everyone had been waiting for the boy who destroyed Kunigakure and the sand prodigy to do battle. Now they were forced to wait even longer. As Temari and Shikamaru enter the arena a select few people were dealing with other emotions.

"Kurenai, why isn't Jin here?" Kakashi asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Sitting next to him Kurenai can be seen constantly fidgeting in her seat.

"I... I don't know, he disappeared 2 days after the preliminaries and never showed up anywhere"

"What!" Now Asuma joined in the conversation. "Did you tell the hokage about this, something could of happened."

"He said not to worry, that Jin is in good hands, but he wouldn't tell me anything else" She said, clear worry in her voice as her precious student is missing.

"Maybe pervy sage knows where he is" Naruto suddenly says.

"Uh, pervy sage?" Sasuke now questioned from nearby.

"Uh, yeah"

"Well Jin better gets his ass here before my match with Shino, we're up next damn it!" Says Ino, clearly upset at not having seen him for a month.

"Won't be much of a match" Shino quickly adds.


"Settle down kids, your friend will be here don't worry," An unfamiliar voice said from behind the group.

"PERVY SAGE" Naruto immediately yells.

"Master Jiraiya" Asuma, Kakashi and Kurenai say aloud.

This revelation shocks most of the group, all but Naruto have heard of Jiraiya and know about him. A living legend stands before their group.

"Do you know where he is?" Kurenai questions.

"Yeah, the kids got... talent. Sent him with a teacher of mine to learn a thing or two. If they doesn't get here in time I'll just reverse summon them to the arena." The man says with a hand on his chin.

At his words, most of the group calms down, all but Sasuke really. Hearing that his 'Rival' had been recognized by a Legendary Sannin did no favors for his mind.

"What is he learning?" Sasuke asks.

"Huh, well sorry that's not really anyone's business. It's one of those things that you hope you never have to see in your life really. Let's just say it's a surprise for now. Ooo the match is starting."

As everyone proceeded to look on and cheer for Shikamaru they couldn't help but wonder what Jin was learning.

On the other side of the arena, however, the kage were having different thoughts entirely.

'Damn it, why the hell is HE suddenly back in the leaf' The Kazekage, Orochimaru in disguise lamented.

'Hmm, with him here everyone should think twice before crossing us.'

As both Kage consider the battle power Jiraiya presents, Orochimaru had already considered this long before stepping into the village. With a subtle glance, he ordered some of his spies to set up the contingency. They immediately took two scrolls and made their way to the other side of the village.

As all the matches proceed as normal and Ino lost to Shino in the most recent match it was once more time to call for the main event of this bracket, the match that will likely decide the winner of the exam.

"JIN SATSUJIN VS GAARA OF THE SAND!" the proctor called out once more.




At the new voice, everyone in the stands whipped their heads around to see none other than the legend himself, Jiraiya, leaping into the arena.

"Jin has taken his steps to ascend from SHINOBI to SAGE! Sages are always exactly where and when they need to be."

These words shock the people who understand the implication of such a statement for a moment before Jiraiya proceeds.

Biting into his thumb and pulling out a scroll Jiraiya places the scroll on the floor before slamming his palm into it.



In a poof of smoke everyones' vision is blocked. As the slight wind clears the smoke, everyone from the proctor and Gaara to the hundreds of people in attendance are shocked by what they saw.

Appearing before the crowd is a young boy with his eyes closed sitting on the floor with folded legs wearing only swim shorts. With a toad on his shoulder.

"Pa, did Jiraiya summon me to the arena at the very last moment."


"In only my shorts"


"Fuck," Jin says as he slowly rises to his feet, keeping his eyes closed before deactivating his Rinnegan.

"Uh, if you need a minute to change we can ju--"

"Don't bother," Jin cuts off the proctor's words as he disappears from the arena and appears in front of Ino. "Hi, I promise I'll get you a nicer one," he says before taking the girls' cloth hair ribbon.

Appearing before his opponent and leaving Ino a blushing mess he quickly ties it around his eyes before nodding to the proctor.

"I'm ready."

"Alright," As Jiraiya and Fukasaku clear the arena, "BEGIN!"

Immediately jumping backward Jin reaches behind his back for a moment before realizing he has no tools. "Whatever, it's only Gaara," his words surprise everyone in the arena, even the kage.

Pushing chakra into his legs while utilizing the Asura path to reinforce his body, Jin hits his top speeds and appears directly in Gaara's face, delivering a hard right and immediately knocking him off his feet before retreating halfway back to his original spot.

"He's so fast, was this the training he did this month?" Sasuke asks.

"Nope, the training he did was just about sitting still and relaxing, this is just how he always was. Hey Pa did he complete it?" Says Jiraiya standing with Naruto in this small group.

"Ha! That boy is far more talented than even you Jiraiya, but his talent is stopping him. His chakra sensitivity draws in energy too quickly so he couldn't balance it" Fukasaku says.

'So he was this strong when we fought in the preliminaries huh, I've got to get stronger' Sasuke thinks to himself.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Jin is moving around to avoid the slow but large piles of sand Gaara is throwing at him.

"You know this is too slow to ever hit me right, little TANUKI!" Jin says with a smirk on his face.

In the stands, the members of the sand are immediately on guard. This hint that Jin knows about the Shukaku inside Gaara could put their entire plan in peril.

Taking the moment of recognition provided by his reveal Jin dashes forward and gets behind Gaara before punching him in the back with much more force.


His sand armor completely shatters as he is ragdolled through the arena and ends up with his back literally against the wall.

"Mother...Wants...YOUR...BLOOD!" Gaara says to Jin, a creepy grovel in his voice as the sand begins to coat his body once more, this time however the sand is much more erratic. Far less graceful.

'Ok, Biju wants to come out, fine let's play.'

With a smile on his face, Jin rushes toward Gaara with his fist once more. As he is almost upon Gaara however.

"SAND TSUNAMI!" Gaara yells as a massive wave of sand erupts from the ground and crashes onto Jin.

"SAND COFFIN," Gaara says as he lifts Jin out of the sand for all to see, with his face revealed, surprisingly Jin has a calm look on his face.

"Mother will have, your BLOOD! CRUSH!" Gara yells out as he closes his open hand into a tight fist, but nothing happens.

"What, he should be a bloody mess right now, what's going on?" Temari questions.

"You really should practice more, natural talent can only take you so far, even with your level of talent," Jin says,c completely unbothered by his predicament. "Do you mind not throwing so much sand around, it gets in my clothes ya know."

"What, HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!" Gaara barely manages to say in the middle of an apparent mental breakdown.

"Because. Your weak, just like everyone else I've ever fought. If I wanted you dead you would be dead. If I wanted to take away your precious sand I could. Fighting for hate and all that crap will always have you weak" 'Man I really gotta work on my talk no jutsu bullshit'

"LIAR!" Gaara yells at him

"Watch me"


Suddenly the wall of force protecting Jin is dropped as the chakra in the sand holding Jin is absorbed causing him to fall to the surface of the now sand-covered arena.

"See, if I wanted to take away your sand it's literally that easy. So, can you fight without it? Hmm, Gaara OF THE SAND?" Jin taunts as he takes slow steps toward Gaara.

"I! I'LL KILL YOU!" Gaara yells as he sends another wave of sand at Jin.


'Shinra Tensei'


In an explosion of sand, Gaara is shoved against the wall so hard that both his sand armor and the wall crack. Standing atop the sand floor once more Jin decides to change his approach.

"If you're going to keep using sand, I'll make you work for it."


Slamming his palms into the floor, two mud walls are raised to completely seal the doorways to the arena, the only floor entrances. As the walls are erect and Gaara gets back on his feet Jin leaps backward.

Seeing Jin's movement Gaara immediately makes a sphere of sand around himself.

'Good, make your egg to bring it out, but first let's separate you from all this other sand.'


'Mud wall'

Pushing much more chakra into this Jutsu Jin raises one massive mud wall over three-quarters of the way up to the spectators' railings carrying Gaara's sand shell atop it.

In the stands, the spectators are both amazed and confused at what exactly he is doing by giving up the height advantage to an enemy with terrain advantage.



As Jin spews out a geyser of water, in mere moments the arena is filled all the way up to the level of Gaara's shell, the mud walls on the doorways acting as plugs for this massive pool Jin made.

"Hey, that's a lot of chakras and he doesn't seem to care. And I thought Naruto was a freak." Kakashi says aloud.

"Did any of you know he could do that?" Kurenai asks the genins around her receiving only silence as her response.


"What the hell is he doing now?" Sasuke exclaims.


Rising out of the water surrounding Jin, two large eastern dragons emerge and immediately begin to batter the sand shell.

"Hey, he did that with no seals, 44 hand seals reduced to an instant clap, and two dragons?" Asuma asks in disbelief, "Kurenai what've you been feeding this kid?"

"I wish I could take any credit for this, but this is how I got him," The jounin said, shocking everyone even more.

"WOW, HE WAS ALWAYS THIS STRONG?!" Naruto yells out.

Similar scenes were happening all around the spectators as everyone was shocked at what the hell they were seeing. This kind of power shouldn't be in the Chunin exams.

"Well he did destroy Kunigakure right, this kinda makes sense for that," Jiraiya quickly adds in.

As everyone is marveling at what they just saw, Jin stood atop the still shakey surface of the water as his dragons continued to assault Gaara's defense. 'If I crack it the Shukaku doesn't come out. If I don't attack people could get suspicious. Hmm, I need something that's non-Rinnegan now that everyone can see me up here. Fuck it no time better to get everyones' attention.'

Holding his palms up as he stretches his hands out in front of him Jin begins to gather chakra in both palms for his next attack.

'Twin Rasengan Strike, hmm that sounds dumb. I'll avoid using this Jutsu in the future anyway.' he thinks to himself and he holds a baseball-sized Rasengan in each hand.

"Master Jiraiya, did you teach him my sensei's Jutsu?" Kakashi asked in amazement.

"No, as I said, he didn't do any Nin, Tai, or Gen jutsu training at all this past month. This is all that I met him with. I didn't know he had Lord Fouth's Jutsu either Kakashi"

"Lord Minato's jutsu, this kid really is on another level," Asuma adds.

Rushing toward Gaara he slams both attacks into the sand shell, pushing against the strong defense.




As both attacks break through the shield and slam into Gaara, completely destroying the defensive jutsu and pushing Gaara through the far wall, what emerges isn't Gaara.

Standing where Gaara would be is now the partially transformed Shukakau.

As everyone is surprised by his monstrous appearance the Shukaku makes its presence known.

"FINALLY, FREEDOM!" It yells as it takes control of the sleeping Gaara. As Jin notices it gathering chakra to finish its transformation he instantly rushes forward and strikes at its chest. The instant his fist makes contact.


The creature is sent rocketing through the 10ft thick stone wall, making a clean hole through to the other side, just in time before...



The Shukaku begins its rampage in the Hidden Leaf Village.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yeah this is when Jin wants to steal the glory so the flexing begins.

---No he will not be using Rasengan much in the future, this was just showing off.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts