
Rebirth : System created by a person who reincarnated 800+ times

" Life is so messy that it requires a single bad day to turn the sanest man into a lunatic." - Joker, Stan Lee. Eris, a being who was even special and stronger than god's. Who had the power which can be found in only a single individual in hundreds of trillions of beings. He was fighting the great almighty God of the universe 6778 was tricked and killed by that God with the help of other gods. Sirius, your everyday normal introvert. He had a weird fate, from childhood till now he had suffered many incidents which would lead to death. It was not the fact that he always had deadly accidents occurring to him that was surprising but the fact that he always survived. Most of the time even without doing anything special he always survived. After being tricked and killed by the God Eris was going to get a chance as she always got but this time she decided to do something different. After all, she was bored of doing the same thing again and again. At that time for the first time Sirius died but even after death his fate didn't give him eternal peace as he was called by Eris. " Live for me." Eris said to Sirius. " Beautiful miss, it usually 'die for me'." Sirius said, mesmerized by her beauty. " No, Live for me so that I can die." When Eris said that Sirius was a bit confused. Little did he know that the most precious thing he ever wanted was never going to happen to him :- DEATH!!. —————— Hello guys, Author here~, I was writing for my other two novels when I suddenly got a weird idea with an urge to write. I will shamelessly admit that I have decided to write this novel just because of that idea and maybe I will take a break from my other novels if I get support on this one. I am not a good writer as both of my novels had a lot of info dumps, that's why this time I have decided to go with a mainstream novel. I am paranoid that's why please expect a bit of info dump. I won't give you many spoilers but this novel is a fantasy novel but it is also practical. That's why please don't expect a sad backstory or something because those things, at least according to me, are not practical. You can expect sad things which are more practical and tragic. Like even a top student who is praised by everyone can face depression to the point that leads to sucide. Except for that you can expect this novel to be like my ideal Author ' Pancakeswitch '. If you have not read her novels please I will highly recommend her novels for those who don't want a serious plotline and just want to enjoy Slice of Life. - Daily updates [ 1 day off ] - Chapter length : 1000-2000 Additional tags : Bloodline, Dragon, undead, beast, pheonix, romance, Harem, Griffin, God, Angels, Devil etc

DukeofDemon · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Grinding - 1

First I will clear this whole cave. I looked at the slimes with predatory eyes and started killing them one by one. Even though the stats looked like they only grew a little bit, they were still a lot more useful as I was able to feel all the changes.

[1,140 Exp Gained]

[Level up!!]

[Level up!!]

[Level up!!]

[Level up!!]

[All Stats increased by 12!!]

It took at least 5 hours. After killing every single slime in the cave I killed around 114. It was a bit less than I expected but this was also enough as it pushed me to level 6. I decided to check my status before mining every magic crystal in the cave.


[Name] Sirius

[Title] Reincarnator

[Age] 15

[Spiritual Race] The one who is beyond Life and death

[Race] Human

[Level] 2 => 6

[Exp] 0/1,280

[Stat points]

[Hp] 53/53 => 65/65

[Mp] 73/73 => 85

[Strength] 48 => 60

[Agility] 38 => 50

[Intelligence] 83 => 90

[Vitality] 53 => 65

[Mana] 73 => 85

[Abilities] :-

[Appraisal] lvl 1

[Inventory] lvl 2

It seems like inventory also went up a level. It didn't change much except for the size increase by half.

Most of my stats went up and I also noticed that everytime I level up my stamina and health returns to normal as if my whole body gets a power up.

The most important thing which I noticed is that my hunger also satiates after leveling up. This was the biggest problem I was going to face as according to Eris most of the monsters in this labyrinth are undead and I don't think I can eat them.

That's why before I go searching for normal food I needed a way to satiate my hunger. I was hoping to find some moss or mushrooms to eat but now that I know I can satiate my hunger by leveling up I think I won't get much hungry.

Even without eating I can't feel any hunger for at least 24 hours. Maybe because of my perfect vessel but after leaving this cave my biggest priority would be to hunt normal monsters for food. Alongside that I will also level up.

It took me around three hours to mine all the crystals in the walls. I thought that I wouldn't be able to take the crystals out with my hands as they looked pretty strong but who knew that I would also have such colossal strength. My guess is that I am already faster and stronger than the average human. If we only consider ourselves physically.

With that a good portion of my inventory was filled with magic crystals and a small pile of elemental core.

With that out of the way I started walking towards the lake and a smile spread across my face. I was thinking of hunting but there are fish present in the lake which are big. Though for some reason they were pretty low in numbers, beggars can't be choosers.

I directly caught them with my hands due to my high agility. It struggled a bit but after pulling it out of the water I made a cut on the gills it died in an instant.

[No Exp Gained!!]

I guess you can't get any exp from the normal or low level animals. I appraised the fish and it told me that due to this fish not carrying any form of magical or spiritual energy exp can't be gained.

I was always thinking about what this exp was and where I got it from. I had two solutions, first exp is already stored in the system and it will give me after completing a certain task and second this system converts the energy or whatever present in the being I killed into exp. After this incident I think the later one was correct. I think there is a way the system gives exp and that is through the Quest system but let's not get too into it.

I took everything and started walking towards the exit. After the exit I started to walk in the opposite direction of the tomb which I came from.

I didn't come across any monsters or anything of that sort. After walking for several hours without any break I finally came across a huge and thick door. This door was so big and thick that it looked like it was used in castles or the houses of giants. It was made from pure metal with demonic and deadly designs with spikes on it. It was not scary but creepy and intimidating. This door was opened.

I understood why there were no monsters here. Most of the monsters spawn in this part left this cave long ago due to the power of the ancient vampire. Even though he was dead he might have an Aura around him that will scare the monsters shirtless forcing them to leave the cave as soon as possible. The reason why Slimes were still present was because they didn't have any senses and also brain cells. They were born with their due water elementals and magic crystals. Who knows there might be another slime room nearby but I didn't care much about it. I wanted to fight stronger monsters to level up.

When I exited the door the view changed entirely. The area around me became so big that for a second I thought that I was not in the labyrinth anymore but after a bit of analysis I understood that I was still in the labyrinth as even though the walls were far I saw them going very high reaching the top. I was not able to see anything after a certain point due to the fog covering the roof but there were some Rocky spikes here and there. This confirmed that there was a rocky ceiling above my head. It was a dark but beautiful sanctuary.


A strange snarl was heard from one of the many shadows in the cave. I looked towards the direction of that voice and a small smile appeared on my face. I willed my Dagger to come out from my inventory and it appeared in my right hand.



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