
Chapter 817: Divorce Her

He always kept a stern face in front of Chiang Xiao.

But that evening, when his wife, who had been suffering for a long time, had a piece of pastry and even wanted more, he laughed until tears filled his eyes.

"I feel that fate has not been unkind to me, sending such a good student my way," he said.

Later on, he dedicated all his heart to teach her everything he knew. When Chiang Xiao needed help with her art exhibition, he offered all the help he could. He didn't see her merely as a student but also as a daughter.

Of course, that's a story for another time.

Song Xiyun was locked up.

Because of her, Chiang Baoguo was exhausted, and the landlord refused to rent the house to him anymore. He wanted to take Chiang Caijiao back to the factory to live, but the steward didn't approve.

The money he had was almost all spent on fines, and Ding Meifen's daughter had been sick and constantly urging him to return. With Chiang Caijiao by his side, how could he go back?