
Chapter 196: Bone Fracture

The Old Chiang Family had no peace that night either.

Chiang Baoguo had returned home for a while at dusk.

The injury to Chiang Baohe's foot turned out to be more severe than anyone had imagined. The object that smashed his ankle must have been quite heavy, and it was sharp, as well as being smashed down with great force, hitting right at the joint.

The worst affected area suffered a bone fracture.

The doctor recommended hospitalization.

Chiang Baoguo didn't bring enough money, so he hurried back home to get some, and he also needed to bring some personal items to the hospital, as someone would have to stay there with him that night.

As soon as Ho Laidi heard how serious the injury was, she burst into tears in the courtyard.

She kept cursing the "witch" who had hurt Chiang Baohe and even said she wanted to make a fuss at the militia, blaming them for not keeping the village safe, allowing a woman from who knows where to come and injure her precious son.