
Chapter 10: Female Boss Likes Instant Kills

Chu Xue was so scared that she almost fainted.

This was really a cut!

Nobody expected Xiao Qian to make a move.

Even Yu Minglang, who was on the rooftop of the neighboring building, examining the land, didn't expect it.

While his subordinate was constantly talking about the development situation of this piece of land, Yu Minglang didn't pay attention at all. His telescope "accidentally" looked over this way.

Xiao Qian flipped the table and took a hostage all in an instant. Seeing her cutting Chu Xue, Yu Minglang frowned.

But the next scene made Yu Minglang's face turn red instantly, and he immediately moved his telescope away.

"Young Boss?" Qiao Zhen looked at his strange expression.

"Keep observing!" Yu Minglang never expected that Zhou Zhiruo would do the same thing...

It was so hard on the eyes.

The broken pieces of the plate were not particularly sharp, but they were sharp enough to pierce through the fabric.

Chu Xue didn't feel any pain, only seeing Xiao Qian giving her a mysteriously cunning smile.

Xiao Qian threw away the broken piece, poking her finger into the hole she had made, and with a little force, there was a tearing sound.

Chu Xue's clothes were torn apart.

Xiao Qian was just taking a gamble.

She remembered that in her past life, after Chu Xue successfully became a rich wife, Chu Xue drove her Range Rover to the countryside to taunt her mom.

Sure enough, as soon as these were exposed, Chen Lin immediately changed his face, and Jia Xiufang was stunned as well.

"Xue'er, what is this…" Chu Xue stayed at home all the time and didn't go out, so she didn't have time to date anyone.

Jia Xiufang immediately thought of what her daughter told her this morning – old Lin went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and Chu Xue wore very short pants...

"Come on, explain to me, what the hell is this?" Xiao Qian asked calmly, pointing at Chu Xue.

Weren't you going to show off to my mom that you have this thing? Come on, show off enough!

Chu Xue screamed and ran into the room without looking back.

Chen Lin stood there, feeling the embarrassment of being exposed, but more than that, he was angry and frustrated.

Xiao Qian stood in the midst of the mess, looking particularly calm, admiring the various expressions of these people, as if a wonderful melody was playing in her heart.

It was this feeling of skipping over the hassles in the middle and going straight to the climax of happiness, which belonged to the instant kill of a female boss.

It was this kind of pleasure that none of you would know what I'd do next.

"You little bitch!" Chen Lin finally came back to his senses, wanting to hit Xiao Qian.

"If I hit her, will you feel sorry for her? You can hit my mom for no reason, but you can't bear to see me hit another woman, or should I ask you what those things were just now, Daddy?"

Those last two words were so calm.

Chen Lin seemed to be frozen, Xiao Qian's words poking violently at his nerves.

Jia Xiufang sat on the ground, wailing out loud.

"Chen Lin, you heartless man! We've come out of the village together, I've suffered so much with you, washing my hands in cold water during the winter, and now I still have arthritis, and you actually treat me like this! Ahhh!"

"Stop making a scene, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Chen Lin's mind was a mess, he was having trouble processing how things had suddenly turned out like this.

"You two go inside to settle this, don't let the neighbors laugh at us!" Xiao Qian said coldly, staring at Chen Lin.

"If you dare to hit my mom again, I'll set this house on fire!"

"You silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about!" Chen Lin's tone was not as firm as before.

This child seemed to be really strange.

If Xiao Qian had changed gradually, the family wouldn't be so scared, but she suddenly erupted in such an unexpected way, causing an explosion on the spot.

"Really?" Xiao Qian picked up a half-broken wine bottle from the ground, with half a bottle of wine still inside, poured it directly onto the wooden table, and elegantly took out a lighter from her pocket.

At this moment, watching through the telescope, Yu Minglang suddenly thought of a term he came across during his Master's studies at the military academy.

Violent aesthetics.

With a swift sound, fire ignited instantly.

Xiao Qian adjusted her glasses, watching the fire burn under her eyelids, the hot temperature unable to warm the coldness in her eyes.

Chen Lin and Jia Xiufang couldn't argue anymore, rushing into the house with water to put out the fire.

By then, Xiao Qian had already left the house, walking on the road, looking up at the moon, so big and round.

When doing all this, her heart was so calm, even feeling an inexplicable sense of relaxation. Her OCD didn't act up, she thought, she must be completely bad now.

Well, let it be bad then.

In the yard, there were a mess and a faint smell of extinguished smoke and burnt smell.

Chen's couple still felt lingering fear, Xiao Qian's reaction just now really caught them off guard.

After being silent for a few seconds, Chen Lin wiped his face, "This child is really possessed. Tomorrow, you take a car to the town, find a master, and have her checked."

Too scary.

Jia Xiufang stared for a few seconds, then slapped Chen Lin's arm forcefully, "Tell me, did you do this to Xue'er?!"

There were only these two men in the house, if it wasn't him, who else could it be? They had never seen Chu Xue go out!

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I! Qian'er is crazy, and you're crazy too?" Chen Lin was feeling guilty.

"You have to make it clear to me today!" Jia Xiufang grabbed Chen Lin's sleeve, refusing to let go.

"Crazy woman!" Chen Lin shook off Jia Xiufang's hand, no longer looking at the mess in the yard, and walked out quickly.

Jia Xiufang sat in the yard and wailed for a while, got up a few minutes later, then sobbed as she picked up a broom and cleaned up the mess.

At this moment, Xiao Qian, with her eyes closed, enjoyed the evening breeze. Closing her eyes, she could fully imagine her parents' reactions.

At this time, Chen Lin should be unable to face Jia Xiufang's accusations and escape reality by running out to play mahjong.

As for her mom… Well, she was probably crying and fantasizing that everything was fine, and after being coaxed by her dad the next day, she would act as if everything was normal. However, she would bring the matter up every time they had an argument, thinking she had a grip on her man, but she would actually push him further and further away by being unreasonable.

In her past life, Xiao Qian had seen too many women who were not bad but very foolish.

Xiao Qian calculated everyone's reaction and figured out what to do next, but her stomach grumbled several times. She patted her pocket and found out she had no money.

"No food, no clothes, the enemies will bring them to me!" The theme song of a TV series wafted over, and Xiao Qian adjusted her glasses.

Well, these lyrics were quite insightful. Let's just do it this way.