
Rebirth of the Supreme Hunter

Lucas Wayne, a kind and caring man - who also happens to be the strongest man in the world, ranking at the top of the GHR (Global Hunter Rankings), is killed during a plot to take away his powers. But even death wasn't enough to kill Lucas.

Oakus · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


(A/N: This is Lucas recapping his day while also dialoguing to himself)

It was a normal day.

I woke up at 8 AM, took a shower, brushed my teeth, had breakfast, and then left to go to my job.

Although I don't work in a job that one would consider 'average', and I'm by no means 'average' at my job either. I still consider it as normal.

I've been doing this job for 24 years, and somehow I've made it to 42 years old. Which is impressive considering that you can die at any time on this job.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a hunter. The strongest one too!

But after spending a day managing my guild, Saber Tooth, and clearing a dungeon I went back to my humble home.

My girlfriend of 5 years greeted me when I came home, and we sat down in the living room and watched a movie.

She went and grabbed some wine for us to drink, and poured me a glass and handed it to me.

It all seemed normal, as we did this a lot. But when I drank the wine... who would've thought that I started choking on it because of drinking it too fast. As I was choking on it, trying to clear my throat of the liquids, it happened. I felt a sharp pain in my heart and looked down to see a familiar weapon pierced through it.

It was the dagger made from a drop in the highest ranked dungeon that has ever appeared. One I cleared with a party of my closest friends, and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ranked hunters respectively.

I turned around to find a familiar face as well.

"Turns out the poison didn't work, so I guess I have to do it like this.", was what he said to me.

My best friend, Aaron Jager. Otherwise known as the 2nd ranked hunter on the GHL (Global Hunter Leaderboards.)

It was then that I realized, I sensed 3 other presences outside my house, and my girlfriend seemed anything but surprised at what was happening.

"Ah... so this was planned from the start.", was what I said.

"Yes, it was. Your power is too much of a threat to us, so that's why I'm afraid you'll need to disappear.", said Aaron once again.

After it almost being a minute since the world's most powerful dagger pierced my heart, blood was beginning to dribble out of my mouth. Only 30 seconds later, it began to pour out of my mouth at an alarming rate. This was one of the effects of the dagger, it had what was called a 'Bleed Effect', but it would multiply every 10 seconds, and would stop at 5 minutes if the victim was yet to die.

At this point, I was already close to death. If it was any other weapon, or if it was wielded by any other person, I'd be fine right now. But of course that wasn't what happened.

Although I was a very strong human, I was still human. Not to mention the fact that I was getting old, and definitely was not as strong as my prime.

All of these factors came together to create this one situation.

Normally I'd make a final struggle, but so conveniently this dagger also has a feature that paralyzes the opponent. Leaving me no choice but to bleed out.


Man, this sucks.

I just wanted to help others, yet here I am being literally backstabbed by who I thought was my bestfriend.

If I have another chance at life, I won't be so naive. I'll make sure to pay back anyone who crosses me.

I'll climb to the top again! I'll shoot past my limits of this life!

*At this point, Lucas began to glow. All of his veins began to glow with a golden hue, along with his eyes. He was paralyzed, but could still use his mana. Aaron began to look frightened as he noticed this phenomenon occurring. But alas, it was too late for him to react. Lucas detonated himself by overloading his mana veins, causing the "humble" home to explode in a large golden blast. When the dust settled, there seemed to be golden specks floating around, as if it were a side effect of this. The 3 rankers waiting outside in case anything went wrong were only lightly injured, while Aaron had both his arms broken from the recoil of the shield he put up smashing into his arms. But Lucas' girlfriend was nowhere to be seen, as she was not an awakened, one could only assume that she had been evaporated by this blast.*




*A Few Weeks Later: News about the death of Lucas Wayne had gotten out, while being covered up as a poisoning given to him by monsters causing his mana veins to go out of control and end in self-destruction. It was also reported that his girlfriend, Sidney Johannsen, was killed in the blast. But it was never found out that the now 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ranked hunters were present during that night. People all around the world mourned the loss of such a huge figure dying, while others celebrated the death. Since Lucas Wayne was driven by upholding justice, many criminals were put in jail by him. Since other hunters tended to not care about what other people did, as long as it didn't affect them, this was considered annoying to criminals.*




"Wow, they really did a great job at covering up the truth.", said a 18 year-old boy who was sitting in a living room watching the news. This boy had deep golden eyes, along with light brown hair, and had a mediocre build, not being to buff, but not being too skinny. "Sidney was the only reason why poison went into my body, but now apparently a monster did that. As if any monster could've hurt me."

This boy was named Lucas Wendigo, but just a few weeks ago the man inside went by Lucas Wayne.