

"This way."

They met at a passage with a fork. The young antfolk pointed the way to the right. Isaac followed him.

Just like the others, the passage they walked through was not much different; the walls and floor were dirt. Their view was limited by the darkness and the air felt humid. Of course, this was not a problem for the demon.

After walking for thirty minutes, Isaac felt a sense of presence. Not just one or two, but hundreds of them. At the same time, the young antfolk stopped and raised his hands in the air. He crawled to a pile of dirt and hid behind it. That creature signaled the demon to follow suit.

Isaac followed suit. He followed hiding behind the pile of dirt with the young antfolk.

"Lord Isaac, look at that."

About 10 meters from where they were hiding was a small hall. At the end of the hall was a giant gate guarded by dozens of heavily armed antfolk warriors.

At first glance, Isaac knew that behind the gate was where the antfolk kept their eggs.