
Saving people is like putting out a fire

The vehicle speed, Li Yu drive very stable, although driving the car at this time, the head has been thinking.

In fact, according to Li Yu's original idea, the population of the base should not be too much, but when it came to the rear, it was found that in these last days, if it did not expand its strength, it would mean that it would be replaced by others.

However, he has been waking himself up, not to blindly charge personnel. Until now, the base is less than 60 people, but these people, at least so far, are very obedient and united.

This time the reason why they Song Min, directly into the base. In fact, it is to let them join, in fact, he can feel that Song Min they want to join them very early.

But Li Yu did not consider well, and at that time Li Yu also needed to have a person outside the base who could communicate at any time, so he did not put it forward and let them join.

Now, there seems to be no hesitation, but it is also considered:

1, the base will eventually increase the number of people, sooner or later to expand personnel. Song Min they, through this period of contact, Li Yu is more convinced and recognized, not the kind of careerist, not the kind of person who will destroy, easy to control.

2, there is enough combat effectiveness, Li Yu does not like to save the world, do not want to raise idle people, raise waste, will inevitably lead to the collapse of the current established system.

3, Song Min this time, sacrifice to stop the Salvation army, has offered loyalty, Song Min since this is the case, Li Yu is sure to save him.

For these reasons, Li Yu plans to take them.

Time passed quickly, and the speed of the vehicle maintained a rapid speed. Seeing that he was approaching the base, Song Qi in the back seat exclaimed: "Brother Li, my sister's wound is collapsing again, bleeding a lot."

His voice was quick, with a lump in his throat.

Li Yu smell speech, look has arrived at the gas station, the radio signal can be received.

Did not immediately answer Song Qi's words, even if answered what is the use, at this moment took out the walkie-talkie, said to the walkie-talkie: "three uncle, three uncle." Can you hear me?"

"I'm here, Xiaoyu, you're back, are you okay?"

"Now, let Li Yuan get the medical room ready, I want to save someone, Song Min." I told you guys before. In addition, I brought back a dozen or so people who were with Song Min before." Li Yu to make a long story short, concise to convey the message in place.

One is to let Li Yuan prepare the medical room, the other is to let three uncle they have psychological preparation, after all, there will be a lot of people come in.

Uncle Wen, not silent for too long, replied: "OK, I will go to arrange."

That's the end of the conversation.

Song Qi in the back seat heard the conversation between the two people, although Li Yu did not answer him directly, but at this time, he was not so nervous, he knew that Li Yu had done his best.

At this time, Song Qi held down the wound on Song Min's back with his hand, and the two knives on his stomach were not heavy, that is, the wound on his back was too deep.

Soon, the vehicle arrived at the base gate.

Several little girls watched, plus the power grid, the height of almost eight meters of the wall, nearly three stories, especially from their perspective, the wall is very long, extended. It looks like a giant dragon, and it's kind of shocking.

The vehicle has not reached the base gate, upstairs three uncle and father Li Hongyuan opened the door.

The car didn't stop. It just drove right through the gate.

Due to the importance of saving people, the rules laid down before, any car entering the base, must stay in the barges for 3 to 10 minutes before being able to leave, in order to avoid zombie changes, and personnel threats and other emergencies.

At this point, Li Yu said directly: "I, small sloppy, Song Min, um, Song Qi also come in." Everyone else, stay in the Barges for a while."

After saying that, the three uncles on the opposite side heard, there was not too much dissent, and they directly opened the door to the inside of the barangay.

Li Yu drove directly into the car, wait until Li Yu entered, not for a second, the door thunk, tightly closed. Today is not the second uncle on duty, but after hearing Li Yu three uncle said, at this time also rushed over.

From the point of view of the second uncle and others, although they believe Li Yu's judgment and decision, they have also heard Li Yu mention the existence of Song Min. But always cautious second uncle, still left a mind.

Heard the gate slam shut.

The little girls in the back were a little frightened.

At this time they are like a Roman Colosseum, surrounded by tall walls, they stand next to the car, looking so small and weak.

Seemingly sensing their concern, the small slob, also a woman, said: "Don't worry, this is the rules of the base, generally from the outside, you have to stay in this walled city for a period of time."

Next to Yang Tianlong also said boldly: "Soon, just a few minutes."

The second uncle upstairs, at this time is a gentle face, looks very friendly and said: "You don't have to worry, you are the first time to come in and don't understand the situation, and later you will understand."

The smile on their faces, so that these little girls like spring breeze, the heart of the heart is finally put down, do not blame them so worried, if not for Li Yu brought them in, they might be more worried now.

See the attitude of the second uncle, the little girl felt in her heart, Li Yu their base of people is very good. Especially this old looking middle-aged uncle, very friendly, looks like a good guy.

But Li Yu drove into the base and went straight to the medical room.

Song Qi on the car entered the gate and saw that the base was so big, before seeing the mountains outside, it was also surrounded by walls.

In the base, there are gardens, it is May, flowers in full bloom, murmuring water, beautiful.

But at the moment, he was not in the mood to pay attention to this, his eyes were only focused on her sister in her arms, and the anxiety and fear in his eyes were unmistakable.

Vehicle arrives at infirmary. Stop.

Li Yuan and Lai Dongsheng's second daughter Lai Jiaqi has been waiting at the door, after seeing Li Yu, directly rushed up.

Li Yu and small sloppy, Song Qi several people lifted Song Min to the medical room, the medical room is not very big.

But there's an operating table, five or six beds. There is also a wide range of medical equipment.

At the beginning, Li Yu thought that when the time came, it might be needed, so he ordered a lot of equipment that he could buy, and after the outbreak of the epidemic, he took people in the base to the hospital several times to collect a lot of things.

It can be said that the equipment in his medical room is not much less than that in a county hospital.

Put Song Min on the operating table, the other men are driven out, leaving Li Yuan and Lai Jiaqi and small sloppy three.

Lai Jiaqi study is not very good, early went to a specialist nursing school, learning nursing, although just over 20 years old, but before the internship in the hospital to work for a year.

Now Li Yuan and Lai Jiaqi two people directly tore Song Min's clothes, saw the bleeding wound, methodically handled.

But, ten minutes passed. Li Yuan ran out and said to Li Yu, "The patient has lost too much blood and needs A transfusion, type A blood." Brother, see if anyone is type A."