

His clothes were ragged and his lips white.

The whole person seemed to be skin and bones, and there was a dead air in his face.

This is the state of this group of victims.

Blindly following the flow of people ahead.

The farmland by the side of the road is so dry that it cannot be held together, as if it wants to quicksand.

Some trees have lost their leaves.

The two siblings stayed in one location, just outside the base on the national road, less than a kilometer away from the base.

"It must be somewhere around here. Do you remember?" My sister stopped suddenly and looked at her brother.

The younger brother looked at the buildings next to him, and then at some farmland next to him. He remembered that it was raining and there were trees in the surrounding fields, but now the drought has been so long that some of the trees have died.

Even the weeds along the road no longer grow, for they too have died.

"It should be here. But it was raining. It didn't look good. But there's a big difference." "Said the younger brother.

The two turned back.

Some men, staring at them from behind, approached.

The mature man said, "There?" The tone is gentle. It feels like spring breeze.

"Here we are." "Said sister and brother in unison.

Big back head mature man, mouth of a smile: "Arrived, then look for it?"

The brother and sister nodded. Just trying to get out of here and head sideways.

"Wait a minute. You two stay here and we'll look for it." Big back head mature man said.

Big back head mature man thought about it. He then said a few words to the men who were following him.

Beside him, there were a dozen others who followed him, and these men spoke a few words to the displaced people behind them. The refugees in the back were coaxed away.

There were so many of them, they scattered all at once, looking for the base.

The two siblings are in place, a little nervous, because they are also a little unsure whether it is here.

And, crucially, they're not sure if the base is nearby.

However, they are also very tired and their bodies are reaching a tipping point. Having not eaten for many days, he had survived only on wild vegetables and tree bark.

If you can't find it, you can't find it.

These people, like an ant's nest, have been blown apart and scattered.

Some of them are walking in the same direction as the base.

Because these displaced people are composed of different people, they are divided into small groups, but they do not unite into a centralized group. So a lot of the time, no one can control who, occasionally there will be a fight, but everyone else is watching.

In the base, today is just a small sloppy and Li Yu on duty, the two of them are above the wall, some bored.

There was a lot of chatter.

"Brother Yu, if one day the end of the world, what do you want to do most?" Little slob volunteered to say.

Li Yu smelled speech and thought about it. He couldn't think of anything.

His hobbies are simple, reading, fishing, and drawing. Watch the movie.

What else?

I don't know, in the last life in M, in the fast-paced life of the big city, every day was busy. Although I have also been to some scenic spots, I have also been to the most underground bars, and I have been to the top of the top, but it seems that they are very boring.

In this noisy environment, it seems like nothing is real.

On the contrary, he returned to the countryside, and his heart seemed to be quiet at once.

In the last days, this base was built.

You can shoot. You can shoot. You can pick wild fruits up the mountain, you can swim down the pond.

You can watch movies and eat in the basement. We can grill and drink whenever we want.

My parents, my friends, my brothers, they're all there.

Although in this kind of dangerous environment to face zombies, but under the barrier of the wall, it is not so dangerous.

Kind of. A land of peace in troubled times.

Like, he's already living the life he wanted.

If the last days had not come, we might not have been so united and gathered in one place to live.

If the last days do not come, everyone may think about how to take exams every day, how to improve their study, and then get into a good university, and then find that the university comes out, and the work is more tired. Discover how hard it is to make money, discover how complicated the workplace is, discover how much there is to learn, discover how tiring it is to live.

In addition to the most basic of these, but also consider the comparison between people, worry about other people's eyes, consider.

But when the last days came, it seemed that the most important thing was to live, and they could still live well.

To live, not to live.

The last days, good.

Li Yu made no reply.

Yutong see he did not answer, so said: "If the end of the last days, I must go to travel, the whole world to go over."

Listening to the sweet voice next to her, Li Yu smiled. Said: "Well, then I accompany you together." Take the RV! Ha ha."

Yutong looked at the wengcheng behind that Unimok, the cold luster of steel, exudes a strong sense of security.

He nodded his head.

Soon it was twelve o 'clock at noon.

Li Hang came to deliver rice, today's food is not complicated, is vinegar cabbage, and then there are stir-fried kidney. Two corn on the cob. The smell is delicious.

In the base, Lai Dongsheng's daughter-in-law, also used to cook in the canteen, made a big pot rice.

I have to say, it tastes really good.

The smoke is curling up from the cooking stove. The smell wafts out of the base.

Outside the base, less than 100 meters away, some people smelled the delicious food and their mouths watered.

They haven't smelled this food for a long time.

Before the end of time, when the meal was ready, you could often smell the aroma of the food next door.

This smell, it must be fireworks.

Some people just burst into tears when they smell it.

The smell, which awakened their pre-apocalyptic memories, had not been smelled for a long time.

It's been almost a year, like a dream. It's so hard.

Yesterday like the wind, let them miss.

According to the smell of the food, they headed for the base.

Within minutes, we were outside the base.

See, 30 meters away, a gray wall dragon, across the eyes. From their point of view, how long the wall was, there was no end in sight.

It's almost four stories high, and there's a grid on top of it.

The sparks from time to time, as if to tell others, the grid has electricity.

Refugee A: It's a fucking fantasy

Refugee B: I want some food. It smells good. It smells good.

Refugee C: That's amazing.

Refugee D: Oh, the first few people, have not seen the world. Not like me.

Refugee E:.

For a moment, they were shocked on the spot, they did not expect that in this kind of countryside, there are such buildings.

If it wasn't for the smell of the food, they wouldn't have found it.

It's very well hidden. It's very well found in these woods.