
Hidden supplies

Shin City, gas station, base city hidden on the edge of the forest.

It's all peaceful.

Due to the ultra-high temperature for several days, working outside the room for long hours is very easy to get heat stroke, so Li Yu asked everyone to go out less.

Avoid the risk of heat stroke.

Everyone is at home, doing their own things, everyone in this environment, a little relaxation, plus some activities will be held in the base on time, everyone is involved. In addition to regular events at the base, they also have private party games and the like.

The atmosphere of the whole base is very good, everyone is more familiar with each other, but also deepen the affection for each other.

People, can not be completely idle down, whether busy or idle, have to learn to find some happy things for themselves, or from work, or from life, as long as you want, always can find, which requires their own with a normal heart.

During this period of time, Li Yu still did not leave the training plan, and got up at 6 o 'clock every day to run in the morning, thunder did not move, but also led some other people in the base, at this time in the base also rose a movement.

At 6 o 'clock in the morning, or 6 o 'clock in the evening, you can always see a group of people running on the base, or exercising, or doing farm work.

Li Yu always believes in one thing, a person's physical function is enough, the mood can be good, the mood is good enough, the character can be resilient, the character has no defects, and the things can be better.

Whether in the last days or before, the body is the capital of everything.

In good health, you are full of motivation and passion in everything you do.

Everything that happens in the base is like a paradise.

Outside the base, it's a human tragedy everywhere.

The earth cracked and the trees turned yellow.

Food is scarce, everyone's eyes are fierce, and for food, people become beasts.

Etiquette and morality are falling apart in a mess.

But this side of Tahrir City.

Lu captain and others are going to the direction of the garage, their side of the vehicle is a lot, every time to go out to collect, there will be some better vehicles, if there is gasoline will drive back.

Around a group of people covetously, but dare not have any close, just Lu captain killed the old yellow is an example.

No one wants to be the one who gets shot, waiting for someone else to get on.

At this time of the last days, no one is a fool.

Soon, Captain Lu and others arrived at the garage, the garage has been in chaos, Captain Lu looked at the last of the two buses, took out the key to let the teammates around to drive the cars over.

Looking around, Captain Lu walked to a small door next to the garage.

The inside of this door, which has always been closed, used to be the power room before the end times. Then the last days broke out, and this place was deserted.

Captain Lu opened the door with a key and pulled out a few barrels of gasoline and some supplies.

He had also thought many times that if the Liberation City could not hold on, this was a way out for himself and his family.

In the garage, some cars had been driven away, but most of them had no gas.

Most of the time, when electricity is needed in Tahrir City, generators are used, and diesel and gasoline are consumed.

Since the end of the world, everyone is like a nomad, moving after a period of time, because in a place for a long time, some local materials will basically be found and then consumed.

They've been staying here in Tahrir City, and they've found and used most of the supplies around here, useful supplies.

They see captain Lu to take out things, some doubts, but more is a surprise, in this kind of escape, but also can add something, this is very important.

Rumble ~

Two buses in the roar close to the people, the people have to get on.

There were 32 people in their party, and two minibuses were more than enough for them.

Although they can also put things on both sides of the minibus, this is the last days, and precious food is the safest way to keep it close to you.

Captain Lu looked at the two buses, eyes looked to the side of a truck, the truck, they often drive out to collect supplies, but not much fuel behind. Just leave it there.

Captain Lu thought about standing behind Lao Xie said: "Lao Xie, you go to the truck to drive over, carrying this barrel of oil in the past."

Old Xie nodded, called another teammate, and the two men went together to bring the car over.

Captain Lu held a pistol in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand, watching the group of people 20 meters away.

He doesn't want to kill anyone, but if anyone tries to stop them, he can't.

Two minibuses, their families are already on board.

Captain Lu saw, greet the same alert teammates said: "hurry up on the car, we want to leave here as soon as possible."

The teammates got in the car, leaving only a few men with pistols.

Boom, the van came along.

Captain Lu sat up directly, and then said to the teammates next to him: "I will rush out later, if someone blocks the car, directly kill." Don't hold back."

He doesn't want any surprises at this juncture.

In fact, in the liberation of the city, most of these maintenance personnel are more obedient to Captain Lu's words, but I do not know why Captain Lu has been letting Director Zhang dominate.

All of them play up the spirit, they believe, with captain Lu can live.

In fact, in this last age of constant natural disasters, it is simply not suitable for too large groups to survive, because once the number of people is too large, it means that more people have to feed, and the logistical pressure is particularly large.

The key is to not only guard against the danger of zombies in this chaotic end times, but sometimes survive extreme weather, such as this prolonged dry season.

'Go! Captain Lu got into the truck and said to the two cars behind.

Drive slowly outside Tahrir City.

Homeless people have on the front, want to pickpocket, some of them stay here is chaotic, it is better to climb on the car, follow Captain Lu they, looking for new opportunities.

Lu captain saw, quickly stop the vehicle.

Get off, and then take a few team members from the car to drive away the personnel who are climbing the car.


See that group of people did not want to leave the idea, captain Lu shot directly, killed one of them.

Seeing this, the group hurriedly left the vehicle.

Looking at Captain Lu far away.

You guys drive, thank you. We'll talk about it when we walk out.

In the garage, the speed is too slow, it is easy for them to follow.

So Lu captain several people escorted the vehicle slowly to the outside.

Driving to the gate of the unblocked city, more and more people gathered.

Captain Lu warned these people around with his eyes, and finally got on the car.

The car picked up speed and quickly fled Tahrir City.