
Chapter Five: Breaking Through

The Cultivation Art

Jiang Hao sat cross-legged in his small apartment, the quiet hum of the city outside barely registering in his mind. His focus was inward, his breathing steady as he meditated. He was on the verge of a breakthrough, the culmination of weeks of intense cultivation and the honing of his ancient skills. His cultivation art, the **Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique**, was unique among all others in his old world. It was said to be created by a dragon god and granted its practitioners unparalleled power and longevity, but it was also known for its complexity and difficulty.

The **Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique** differed from other methods because it required a profound understanding of both internal and external qi. It was a dual cultivation art, balancing the energies within one's body with the spiritual energy of the world. This balance allowed for incredible feats of strength, speed, and resilience, far surpassing those of other cultivators.

### The First Stage: Dragon Awakening

The first stage of the Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique was called **Dragon Awakening**. This stage was crucial, as it laid the foundation for all future cultivation. It involved three primary steps:

1. **Qi Sensitization**: The cultivator must become acutely aware of the qi around them and within their own body. This step required intense meditation and concentration, as well as a deep connection to the natural world.

2. **Qi Circulation**: Once sensitized to qi, the cultivator must learn to circulate it through their meridians. This process involved guiding the qi along specific pathways, strengthening the body and purifying the spirit.

3. **Qi Condensation**: The final step of Dragon Awakening was to condense the circulating qi into a tangible form within the dantian, the energy center located in the lower abdomen. This condensed qi would serve as the core of the cultivator's power, enabling them to perform extraordinary feats.

Jiang Hao had spent weeks working through these steps, his progress slow but steady. He could feel the qi within him growing stronger, more refined. Tonight, he was ready to attempt the breakthrough to complete the Dragon Awakening stage.

### The Breakthrough

Jiang Hao took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the qi within his body. He guided it through his meridians, feeling the energy flow like a river, powerful and unyielding. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he concentrated, his mind sharp and unwavering.

The qi moved with increasing speed, circulating through his body in a continuous loop. Jiang Hao felt his muscles tense and relax, his senses heightening as the energy surged. He reached the point of qi condensation, visualizing the energy gathering in his dantian, compacting into a dense, vibrant core.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, with a burst of light and energy, the qi condensed fully, solidifying within his dantian. Jiang Hao's eyes snapped open, his body vibrating with newfound power. He had done it. He had completed the first stage of the Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique.

### The Stages of Dragon Awakening

With the breakthrough achieved, Jiang Hao reflected on the stages of Dragon Awakening. Each step had strengthened him, both physically and spiritually, preparing him for the challenges ahead.

- **Qi Sensitization** had heightened his awareness, allowing him to perceive the subtle currents of energy around him.

- **Qi Circulation** had fortified his body, enhancing his strength, speed, and resilience.

- **Qi Condensation** had created a solid foundation of power within him, a reservoir of energy he could draw upon in times of need.

As he marveled at his progress, Jiang Hao felt a sense of clarity and purpose. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, his resolve stronger than ever.

### An Unexpected Visitor

The next morning, Jiang Hao returned to his stall in the marketplace. He felt different, more connected to the world around him. His breakthrough had not gone unnoticed; several of his regular customers remarked on the newfound energy that seemed to radiate from him.

As the day progressed, Jiang Hao noticed a familiar figure approaching his stall. It was Lin Mei, her eyes bright with excitement and determination.

"Jiang Hao," she said, her voice urgent. "I need your help."

Jiang Hao's expression turned serious. "What's wrong, Lin Mei?"

She glanced around, ensuring no one was listening. "My family... we're in trouble. There's a powerful cultivator threatening us, demanding something we don't have. I don't know who else to turn to."

Jiang Hao felt a surge of protectiveness. "I'll help you, Lin Mei. Tell me everything."

As Lin Mei explained the situation, Jiang Hao listened intently. The challenges ahead were daunting, but he knew he had the strength and the will to face them. With the power of the Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique and his newfound abilities, he was ready to protect those he cared about and continue his journey toward reclaiming his place in the world.

The path ahead was uncertain, but Jiang Hao was resolute. He would face any obstacle, overcome any foe, and ultimately, he would find a way back to his original world. But for now, his focus was on helping Lin Mei and ensuring the safety of her family. Together, they would confront the mysterious cultivator and whatever dangers lay ahead.

### Author's Note

Dear Readers,

I want to take a moment to thank you for joining us on this thrilling journey with "Rebirth of the Exiled Cultivator." From the moment Jiang Hao opened his eyes in a new, unfamiliar world, we've been captivated by his determination, resilience, and unwavering spirit. Reborn from a world of cultivation into the body of an abandoned son, Jiang Hao's story is one of redemption, growth, and the quest to reclaim his rightful place.

We've seen him navigate the challenges of modern life, harnessing his unique skills from his past life to survive and thrive. His encounters with friends and foes alike have tested his strength and resolve, pushing him to new heights. From the healing of Li Hua's grandmother to the intense life-and-death struggle with a mysterious cultivator, Jiang Hao's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.

In this latest chapter, Jiang Hao has achieved a significant milestone with his breakthrough in the first stage of the Eternal Dragon Ascension Technique. This unique and powerful cultivation art sets him apart, granting him abilities far beyond those of ordinary cultivators. His resolve to help Lin Mei and protect those he cares about demonstrates the depth of his character and the strength of his convictions.

We are incredibly excited to bring you more of Jiang Hao's adventures. As he continues to grow in power and face new challenges, the stakes will only get higher. There are many mysteries yet to unravel, formidable enemies to confront, and heartfelt connections to explore. Your support and enthusiasm fuel our creativity and drive us to craft a story that resonates with you.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Stay tuned for more exciting chapters as we delve deeper into Jiang Hao's quest for redemption, power, and ultimately, a way back to his original world. Together, we'll explore the uncharted territories of this captivating story and witness the rise of the exiled cultivator.

With gratitude and anticipation,


Dances_w_walnutscreators' thoughts