
new job

I went to my cousin home. I met my cousin and his wife and they are good. He said that he will help me get a job in his company. He will recommend me. But I don't want to join like that so I asked him to join on different job with my own efforts. It will cause less harm because I don't want involve him in with my problems. I just asked him but I don't take that job. I liked teaching actually . So this time I want to fulfill mydream.

I went to one of the children sschoo. My studies is not completed but I am good at maths. So I just hope that I will get this job.

I gave my demonstration. They selected for me. I got that job finally. I won't  get that much highly.  But it's enough for me study in private for my college.

I went to my cousin home to say good news about my job.

They are about my job. I Rented two BHK apartment for me stay . It's near to school.

I felt happy finally.

Today is the first day

I went to school. I am excited actually.

When I went to class I saw so many chchildren. They are nearly 6 to 7 years old only.when I saw them I felt happy. I liked children but I didn't get my children on my own . In this life I will definitely adopt. I don't want to marry anyone anymore. I don't want to change my life again like last my life.

Children's are very naughty . They took my energy. I enjoyed also. i went to my room finally to relax..

After one month.

Where is she?  Li Wang came here to take his daughter. He knows that his child was living alone in one village. So he want to take her with him but he didn't find her here. He checked everything about her. She left last month only . He asked about her relatives and he didn't get anyone.he left disappointedly.

In their home.

Li xi knows about her father. He went bring his illegal daughter.she get too much angry now. She doesn't want to share a home with that girl but she didn't do anything anymore. She has to do something to get her out in her home.She planned something on her mind already.

Li Wang came home in bad mood. He didn't see his another daughter. She lost his wife in his early years when her child one year old. And when he went to another village he saw a girl looked almost like his wife and he did that thing toher in home and left immediately.  After 17years he knows that he has another child with another woman and knows about hihis child suffering alone . He discussed about this to his another child and she accepted already.