
Rebirth of Izuku Midoriya [MHA]

Taking over Izuku Midoriya's body, Akuto Kitami leads a new life with brand new mysterious abilities. Leading the useless boys life into a new lane, putting him at the top of the food chain and even higher. A little narcissistic, prideful and selfish, The new Izuku steps out into the world with a plan for world domination, an easy life, and the most important- Freedom. [OP FROM THE START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

StickyStick · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Issues

The next day, Izuku went to Takoba Municipal Beach Park. He surfed through the previous owner's memories, searching for a spot where he could go experiment with his new powers; without causing a scene.

When he got there, he was reminded of why exactly it was abandoned and always empty. Even on the morning of the first day of summer, the trash and… wild amounts of old furniture that was stacked on the sand was more than enough to keep fun seeking pedestrians away.

Izuku was currently meditating in the middle of the sand. His shirt and socks were nowhere to be found. His scrawny, boney body was on full display for any one unlucky enough to come by and witness him.

Sucking in a deep breath of cool, ocean air, Izuku opened his eyes slowly and a smirk split his lips. 'My mental capacity got stronger. I can think much smoother and of complex things at multiple different times. This change is incredible… Mental capacity was something I struggled with in my past life; it took me years to master a basic level of parallel thinking, but yet whatever boon that entity granted me made it possible- and then some- in just a night.' Standing up, Izuku stretched.

'Then there's the physical aspect.' He thought, flexing slightly. 'While my muscles didn't expand, the pure density and the way they compacted; Allows for superhuman levels of strength once I start training them and hitting their limits.' Walking towards the water, Izuku's face fell into a trance of serenity.

His eyes showed no sway of emotion and he let his consciousness rest. 'Then theres the energy within me. After I ate yesterday, I haven't had the need to eat since. I skipped breakfast this morning and I skipped lunch, yet my stomach isn't feening for food.' He pondered, raising his hand towards the water.

'And lastly, there's the energy I was combined with.' BOOM* A telekinetic wave of energy slammed against the ocean surface, pushing it back and clearing fifty meters of a gap. 'It's psionic. Something similar to mana, but much more personal.' A smile split his lips as he covered himself in psychic energy.

The ocean water that he blasted away with ease, came crashing back towards him and the shore with great force. However, nothing touched him and he didn't budge from his spot.

'This much energy at my disposal and it's still constantly generating at a rapid pace.. Once I make this mine, I'll be truly unstoppable.' A distraught grin morphed his face as all the possibilities of his new power flooded his enhanced mind.

'No, it's too early to get lost in the future. I need to get the basics understood. So far, I know I have access to a telekinetic force. It's one I feel most connected to. Then there's the elemental part, but that's for later.' Sitting back down in a meditative state, the water settled and he closed his eyes; Listing and mentally noting his growth steps.

'First comes control. I need to truly be adept with controlling my power till I can use the perfect amount for what I need it for. Second comes my physical ability. I doubt such extensive power can be contained within a weak vessel- Kind of like a bullet and a gun. The gun handles and charges the bullet so it can be utilized to its fullest. My body is the gun, and my mind is the bullet.' Humming, he shuts his eyes.

Taking deep, rhythmic breaths. Izuku found that meditation was a great way for him to control whatever energy resided within the body in his past life; Figuring that the concept would be the same in this life too, he gave it a shot. And he hit it right on the nail.

His psionic energy was dark, darker than he's ever seen. It's wild, chaotic, but in turn, it's immensely powerful. If he can tame this energy, he thinks he would be able to bring out even more destructive power than its barely uncontrolled form.

It's like team work, but with an energy source.

Izuku fell into a deep meditative state for over six hours, he only got out of his trance when his caretaker called his phone. "Hello?" He answered, and the only thing he could make out from the other side was the sounds of screaming, crying and incoherent overreacting.

Sighing, Izuku rolled his eyes. "Mom, I'll be home in another hour. I'm still at the beach… No, I'm alone. You know I don't have friends mom." He faked a chuckle, his eyes showing his irritation.

"Okay, bye." Hanging up, Izuku sighed. Annoyed at being interrupted. But this was good, his tussle with the energy turned into a cuddling thing during those six hours, and Izuku was ready to test it out some more.

Wasting no time at all, Izuku coated himself in the Psionic energy, which turned into a warping, black flame like substance that didn't burn, crackle or behave wilding. It was like a coat of black liquid that protected him, and hoisted him into the air.

'Flight; Check.' He smiled, happy with his boosted ability to learn. He was always a fast learner; gifted with photographic memory, he was top of his charts when it came to grades, research and being analytical.

Though, his greatest skill was his ability to be creative with his thoughts and adapt to his situations. Whatever he put his mind to, he would figure it out within the hour. And even find more ways to apply it as well.

'I wonder how fast I can go.. Should I do a couple rounds on the beach? That might attract attention though. Eh, whatever.' Shrugging mid air, a feral, excited grin splits Izuku's lips and he takes off.

His speed at first was slow, but as time went on and the further he went, the faster he started to go. Within thirty seconds, he cleared the entire beach, and within twenty seconds he cleared his way back to where he started.

"Woohoo!" Laughing like a little kid, Izuku flew out and above the ocean, skyrocketing straight up; Ignoring the possibilities of him being found out. This moment was something he wanted to enjoy; He'd be damned if he let some random pedestrian and some bullshit power restriction rules keep him from enjoying himself.

As he reached the pinnacle of the atmosphere and the air started thinning, Izuku stopped, looking out over the world with the sun behind his back. 'Oh damn, this is a good photo idea.' Smiling like a child, Izuku took a picture of himself with the bright sun in the background.

His moment was soon ruined though; He began to tire as his hold on the psionic energy he was using became chaotic, fighting against his hold. He grunted with an irritated frown. 'Just fucking cooperate!' He growled internally, feeling his anger and his other negative feelings fuel the chaotic mess of energy within his body.

His hold on his flight became weak, and he was soon tumbling, plummeting towards earth at high speeds. The wind pressure irritated his ears as he no longer had a shield of psychic energy around him.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' He barked internally, gritting his teeth as he calmed himself, closing his eyes. The feeling of imminent death looming over his head the closer he got to the earthen rock underneath him.

Cracking his eyelid, he saw a glimpse of some cities in Japan start getting bigger as the sky scrapers got closer. 'Come on! Come on!' He fought an intense battle with himself, and just before he hit the ocean water, he came to a sudden stop mid-air.

"Holy shit… That was way too close." He muttered, his dark green hair messier than ever and his breath wild and out of rhythm. Izuku floated towards the shore slowly, being careful not to send the chaotic energy back into a frenzy.

Once his feet touched the ground, he let out a relieved sigh. But that was soon replaced with irritation as he thought about what went wrong. 'I'm pushing it too much. I just got the ability yesterday. I need to give myself time to fully control it- I already came up with this, why am I being stupid?!' He argued with himself, grumbling as he fell onto the white sand.

'Okay.' Sighing, he bit his thumb. 'Meditation every day for twelve hours. Since I don't need to eat. Do physical workouts for the next twelve hours since I'll always be replenished and I don't get fatigued. Doing this for the next seven to eight months will get me where I want to be.' Planning his summer training, he sighed when he realized he's further behind than he'd like.

But he couldn't complain logically due to the fact he was reborn yesterday and gained his powers the same day. It's only logical that he would struggle with precise and perfected control; only time can get him where he wants to be and it's the thing he has the least of right now if he wants to get into U.A.

'Building a reputation on both sides is essential for a life without troubles. An unshackled existence is my goal and it's got one hell of a path waiting for me.' With a deepened frown, he checked his phone and saw that it had been almost an hour; for the seventh hundred times since yesterday, he rolled his eyes and got his things and headed home.