
Worth it.

Emperor knew that they would come at this point but there's no turning back. For the future and as a father he if...needed would fight tooth and nail. For the country and the people for whom he had worked till he vomited blood, he cannot just handover the mantle to a incapable one for it to ruin to dust.

Placing his piece " As a father worth everything i have, as a emperor beside the reign of the country anything else is worth it. As a human wanting to leave behind his legacy is what they desire most, it's the same for this emperor. As an emperor this emperor wants to leave ones legacy to the most capable one. This emperor wants this country to flourish, be strong, free from war and welcome thousands years of peace and prosperity. Hence your lordship can be open about the price for curing pei jins legs."

Yusheng placed her piece " if it is so.... then this lord will be open about it. This lord wants three clans lives, two royals head, and the biju forest of previous dynasty."

Emperor jerked his head and what he saw was endless hate and murderous aura, he knew she was not just saying she really wants to kill them. Calming his mind he asks.. if lordship could disclose the names.

Because he didn't rejected Yusheng she replies... the mu clan, Zhou clan and the song clan. Consort mu and your third son pei yan. Worry not this lord is not going on a killing rampage immediately. This lord wants to enjoy the hunt one bye one.

Also this lord will make sure to have their name spitted upon even after death so the court won't have problem. This lord know's one is your flesh but emperor even if it's a part of your body one needs to cut it out when rotten."

Emperor knew what she said was true, also knew Yusheng won't compromise as she seems to have intense hatred for them. The truth is even without him agreeing it's easy for Yusheng to kill them but placing it out open was to show that she had that bit of trust towards him and at the same time issuing a subtle warning to not shelter her enemies.

As she said equal worth for everything so for the future it was worth it hence placing his final piece "this emperor accepts the price you have asked for"

Yusheng before placing her peice looks in his eyes " this lord knew you are one of the wisest emperor to sit on the throne, this lord will cure his legs in medicine valley. A year and he will be jumping all around. As for the price this lord will start to collect it after five years....should give you enough time to find some replacements.

For your wisdom this lord will tell you two things. If you had not obliged this lord wouldn't also have cared to do so. You and your empress are poisoned. The type of poison that shows itself and takes life at the same time making it unable to find out by normal physicians. The poison stays stagnant for five years then after the completion one will pass away in his sleep.

Your eldest born passed away because of this same poison. The uniqueness about this poison is once the victim passes away it vapors out from the 5 pores of head and by the body turns cold the traces of poison is nowhere to be found making it unable to diagnose....

Now tell this lord emperor ...are you still inconvinced about losing your son? This information is not for the emperor but rather for a father who has grieved once and will grieve once again in the future. Tell this lord, emperor as a father isnt the worth balanced. One life for two"...