

Pei Jin put backs the cup on the table after the sip and looks in his eye "You have yet to disclose what is in there for benwang...the matter you want to be done is not a child's play...once you take a step cannot retreat and further if missed will end with blood bath of everyone whom you hold dear and for whom you have planned...

If benwang is to put ones hand in this muddy water then the matter will furthermore eacalate...so pray tell what do you have on table for benwang...enticing enough to give you advice or lend you hand...If you haven't resolved then leave at once and this matter will be forgotten as if never took place..."

Xiuzhi knew trying to pull Pei Jin on his side was along time welcoming a tiger who had sharp teeth and claws that can tear him apart. But he had already taken 99 steps and cannot fail to take the 100th. He unlike his father and brother had no big dreams of supremacy and may be because of that he was never acknowledged.

What he wanted was the throne his father sat on and grab the power it gave. It was more than enough for him. He after learning how little his presence and value he held in his fathers heart had changed a great deal. The current Xiuzhi had enlightened on various matter, the bitter truth and ambition to be a much worthy emperor than his father was and his brother could be.

It was unavoidable for him to seize the throne but afterwards he wanted to rule fairly and not turn into a tyrant who is crazy and greedy for more. He also as man and ruler wanted to be someone remembered for hundred years for his legacy. For his dream and hundreds of lives that depended on him he was ready to pay anything.

With determination in his eyes he too looks at Pei Jin and answers with a regal aura "this prince has resolved oneself your highness...for ones life and hundreds of lives...for the better huajin...this prince had long prepared an offer for enticing you...though many would say that this prince was a coward and disgusting one who performed fratricide but still willing..

As for the offer that this prince along with ones supporters have prepared is...that after this prince enthronement huajin will become subsidiary nation to Nanling..sooner or later it is bound to happen...all the nation are clear in their heart that Nanling will definetly attempt for supremacy..and huajin is the first and last step for success..being the second great power as long as you gain huajin under your command the other two nations will offer themselves you with open arms...

It isn't that this prince isn't a freedom lover thus willingly offering ones head followed by thousands...but we know that you along with lord of the valley are far too clever to rule with tyranny..though this prince may not know your future plans on how you rule but this prince feels and believes it won't be the worse like many assume..."

It would be a lie to say that Pei Jin wasn't suprised with Xiuzhi's changes and determination. He at the moment was sure that Xiuzhi wasn't just all talk and no walk but have fully resolved and prepared to do what it takes. Thus he also loosens his stance reducing his chilling aura and replies.

"Benwang isn't flattering but is genuine when saying...you have grown for better and the current you surpasses Shiyou by miles...you have learned the most important thing and golden rule that one must have to take the lead...it is a fact with so many vying for power we have to be cruel and iron fisted at times but being taken by the power and becoming a tyrant is the step of downfall...

You father and brother's greed for more power is such that the entire world knows if they succeed then a tyrant will born and the destruction is imminent. Thus they would fight to their last breathe than to submit under such tyrant but both your father and brother are blind and muddled to

see and acknowledge such simple matter of truth...

Well...as you have resolved yourself...benwang will hold on your words and offer...but before benwang move's onto the main issue...benwang has an advise for you...Xiuzhi be warned and have this warning etched into your very soul...if you were to turn back on your words...becoming blind with power after getting the taste and walk on the same path as your father and brother then...wash and prepare all of your necks...

as you have guessed... no need for benwang to hide ones ambitions...huajin isn't that sturdy that you all think to be...not to boast but a month at most for it to crumble...if benwang is to take such measure then the entire land would be cleansed by blood..."