

All the consuls were relieved though they were starved and have been kneeling on the cold hard floor. They knew today they have offended emperor and it was his way of venting anger on them. As long as the war could be avoided this bit of sacrifice they were more than happy to pay.

Public crowding the palace gates had long disperesed and felt their emperor was not muddled to the point of helplessness. Shiyou after medication once again appears infront of his still kneeling and starved subjects.

Though he wished to behead them all at the end sat on this throne with calm face "beloved ministers...at ease...earlier Zhen was emotional and unsightly from all the bad news hence blurted utter nonsense...the fact is Zhen only came to know the matter after General Tao had entered Nanling's capital...before that Zhen didn't have any information nor is behind the scene person...

General Tao after seizing the capital did send Zhen message about what he had done...he had always been bitter over his loss...Zhen had never decreed for him to be perform such atrocities...Zhen even was preparing to send General su to liberate Nanling from its predicament...

No matter what general Tao was one of the important pillars of huajin...throughout his life he was loyal and sacrificed a lot for huajin...thus Zhen wanted for him to have a way out...Zhen obviously would have punished him but for his past services Zhen wanted to leave him with life...

Hence upon seeing him being send in such a way...Zhen became emotional from the loss..Zhen knows currently we are pressed from all sides but as long as there's a silver of hope...Zhen assures entire huajin to avoid the calamity named war...

Zhen has already send letter to the emperor of Nanling...confirming of Zhen's agreement to meet with their crown prince for negotiation...Zhen and beloved prime minister have came upon the agreement to cede our half of eastern territory along with yearly tribute to Nanling as our goodwill and compensation...

We have also decided to not focus on increasing our military strength further for the next five years...Zhen hopes this sacrifice will calm Nanlings anger and help them clear the misunderstanding...the day after tomorrow Zhen will personally travel to negotiate and appease Nanling and will try the best to mend the bonds...

As to show our sincerity Zhen will not travel in big group...Zhen has decided to take strategists Sir Mo Yan...minister of warfare and defense along with small number of royal guards...prime minister is to handle the matters during Zhen's absence with the help of all the remaining ministers...

Zhen hopes during this time all of you will work together in harmony...Zhen hasn't been long in throne but is still aware of our capabilities, strength and weakness...thus beloved ministers in this time of crisis Zhen hopes for your support and encouragement and trust you with the well being of our citizens...it's been a long day...take your leave and rest properly.."

All the consuls though had suspicions and disbelief still felt as long as he wasn't stubborn and worked for maintaining peace it was enough. The past could be left behind and forgotten. They knew better when to push and pull thus they knelt and praised the emperor for being wise and left after the emperor left.

It had become clear in their heart that like previous emperor the current emperor also had same dreams and if possible could become obsessed with his dream resulting to disaster. They felt a twitch of regret for not having another legitimate heir who rather be a good emperor of huajin than to be a ruthless supreme leader.

The head of the neutral faction for a second remembered the first prince whose life and death was unknown at present. He remembered how brilliant he was once before the birth of current emperor and was slowly pushed in his younger brothers shadows. He sighs in his heart upon thinking about the first prince and walks out of the palace with tired and hunched back with wobbling steps.