

As soon as he enters the tent Shiyou orders for everyone beside mo Yan to leave. The ministers were relieved and quick to leave for their own tents for the much needed rest.

After making sure they were alone Shiyou speaks with rage" hah...that scum.. how dare he suggest abdication..how I wish to peel his flesh and carve his bones...Mo Yan...say what do you think...for him to suggest such thing definitely isn't just for fun...don't know why but I feel as if something worse is to happen.."

Mo Yan first serves him a cup of tea then replies "have some tea and calm down...feeling anxious and angry will cloud our judgement...like wise I too feel unsettled but Shiyou as of now we don't have too many options left to pick from...Pei Jin sure has managed to trap us..unless we agree to their demands we won't be able to leave...with him watching like a hawk we cannot be reckless to try and contact our subordinates...

But fear not as I have ordered my men to come for rescue if I don't send them letter for the next three days... hence Shiyou... we just need to stretch this negotiation for the next three days..during this time we just need to act troubled and confused to remove any suspicions...as for the ministers sad but needs to be sacrificed...only by sacrificing them we can leave unharmed..."

Shiyou feels at ease from this information and praises mo Yan for a while afterwards he says "Some sacrifices are inevitable...their demands are too high for anyone to agree...I am sure even those oldies back won't agree to it...stretching the time would be easy...just..I feel as if he has more schemes in his sleeves..."

Mo Yan who also felt the same turns silent for Pei Jin to talk about abdication was indeed a red alarm, but no matter he could not pin point the problem. Tired and frustrated from thinking he assures and advises Shiyou to take some rest and leaves for his own tent.

Inside Pei Jins tent duke chen snorts and says angrily "hmph...still dreaming of bargaining". Prime minister Chen looks at his raging father and after giving a long sigh replies "father..calm down...they were just feeling us out..just matter of time for them to crumble.."

Pei Jin who was playing with his ring also speaks "true...with his martial strength lost...he is nothing but a fish on the chopping block...they have yet to receive my suprise...though Mo Yan seemed rather calm...as if having predicted our moves.. seems like he has prepared escape route.."

Everyone's face turns solemn, minister of war questions "your highness...is it possible for them to escape right under our noes??...if so..then we must prepare.."

Pei Jin smirks and replies calmly "well...Mo Yan's intellect is indeed not something to make fun off...but indeed for him to escape smoothly..he is undermining our intellect..not bad....let him hope for now later it will be fun to see his anguished face...we just need to wait two days more..."

Everyone beside him felt chill in their spines and marked in their soul to never offend this person. They even had a very tiny bit of sympathy for Mo Yan and Shiyou for their fall was going to be very harsh.

A soldier enters the tent with the messenger hawk making Pei Jins chilly and demonic face brighten and warm. Anyone with good head knew the reason behind. Indeed it was a message sent by Yusheng. He stroke the hawk very lovingly as if petting her head.

The soldier was shocked to see such warm and gentle face even doubting him as a body double. While the rest had a very normal expression as they were already used to the force dog food from long time ago.

Being sensible everyone took their leave so that he can read the letter in private while also praying for this devil to have good mood. Pei Jin gently takes out the folded letter from the tube attached to its leg. Though the message was short but Pei Jin was happy and content.

He could imagine her serious and slightly blushing expression while writing this letter. Only after reading it three times he folds the paper then calls for Tao who was guarding the tent. Tao who could feel the good mood of his master feels relief and stands upright waiting for order.

"Inform the person...to release the bird...also erect another tent beside mine for Yu'er...she will arrive by lunch tomorrow...inform the chef to prepare well.." orders Pei Jin.