
Chapter 02: The Evaluation

My name's David now, or Dave for short. Pretty lame for a former king, right? Back in the day, I was King Einar, a name that struck fear into the hearts of kings across continents. But now? Well now, I'm a three year old.


Living in this creaky old house, I've picked up on some interesting things. My mother, Nora, is a dual-element essence user. She can wield healing and water essences, which is rare for peasants like us. Whenever I got hurt, she'd wave her hands and this bright light would fix me right up. Felt like being hugged by a marshmallow—strange but comforting.


Then there's my father, Sigurd. He's a swordsman and was apparently the captain of some assassin group. He controls earth essence, making the ground shake and rise to his command. It's pretty cool, I guess. As for me, I'm still figuring out this whole essence cultivation thing. Haven't quite figured it out yet.


One day, while flipping through some old essence manifestation books, I stumbled upon a language I didn't understand. "Mama!" I called out. "Hey Dave, what's up?" she asked, looking concerned. "What… is… this… l-language?" I mumbled, still wrestling with my toddler tongue. "Oh, honey, that's the old Frankish language. Only a few nobles in Ashber know it. Sigurd probably picked it up because it was free at the main capital library," she said, scratching her head. That sounds like a challenge to me. Challenge accepted!


As I pored over the mysterious book, I saw drawings of how to empower your essence core through some breathing technique. I tried copying the drawings and felt a warm sensation building inside me. As I concentrated, six different colors began to emit from my palm. The light was so bright I couldn't look at it directly. The spheres of light grew larger, and suddenly… the house was on fire.


Luckily, my parents were outside when it happened. "Dave, are you okay?! What happened?!" my mother yelled, rushing inside. "Can I… keep this book?" I asked, giving her my best puppy-dog eyes. "Uhhh…" She tried to resist my cuteness, but it was futile. "Sure…" she said, defeated.


Immersing myself in the book, I discovered something incredible. I am an essence user of six different elements, which is apparently extremely rare. Only five people in history have had this ability, and they were considered god-like in this world.


So, here I am, a three-year-old with the potential to become one of the most powerful beings ever. Not bad for a former king stuck in a toddler's body. The journey ahead is going to be interesting, to say the least.

Days flew by as I devoured every bit of information in the essence book. The more I read, the more pumped I got. This world was basically an all-you-can-eat buffet of potential, and I had a VIP pass. Six essences? Sign me up!


One afternoon, I was trying to levitate a rock in the backyard. Just your average toddler playtime, right? Dad caught me in the act. "Whatcha doing there, Dave?" he asked, eyebrow raised.


"Practicing," I said, trying to play it cool. "Just, uh, seeing if I can move this rock with my mind."


He chuckled. "Well, let me show you how it's done." With a flick of his wrist, the ground under the rock rose, lifting it effortlessly. "That's earth essence, let's see if you have a knack for it, Dave."


I copied his movements, feeling a surge of energy in my tiny body. The rock wobbled, then lifted off the ground. "Whoa!" I exclaimed, my excitement bubbling over.


"You're a natural," Dad said, patting my head. "Keep practicing."


Later that evening, I cornered Mom in the kitchen. "Mama, can you teach me some water essence stuff? I saw you watering the plants outside with it, it looks… cool!" Although it did look pretty lame, I think using a pot would do you a better job.


She smiled, a twinkle in her eye. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's start with something simple." She showed me how to create a small sphere of water from the air, explaining each step. After a few tries, I managed to form a wobbly ball of water in my hands.


"This is amazing!" I shouted, accidentally splashing water everywhere.


Mom laughed, wiping her hands. "You'll get the hang of it, Dave. Just keep practicing."


Weeks passed, and my control over the essences grew stronger. I could manipulate small amounts of water, create tiny sparks of fire, and even make the wind blow on command. My parents were supportive but clearly a bit freaked out by how fast I was progressing. And who could blame them? A toddler mastering elements was not exactly normal.


One evening, as we sat around the dinner table, Sigurd brought up formal training. "Dave, you're showing a lot of potential. I think it's time we consider getting you some proper training."


I nearly choked on my food. "Proper training? You mean like an essence academy?"


Nora nodded. "Yes, there are academies that specialize in teaching young essence users. It could be a great opportunity for you."


The idea of going to an essence academy was both exciting and terrifying, what if they use me as a test subject because of my 6 element ability… "But what if they find out I can use six elements? Won't that make me a target?"


Dad leaned forward, his expression serious. "It's a risk, but it's also a chance to learn and grow. We'll be there to support you every step of the way."


After a few more discussions, we decided to apply to the prestigious Ashber Academy of Essence. I decided to keep the six-element thing under wraps for now. No need to paint a big target on my back just yet.


"Wear this Dave, it'll help you hide at least 2 elements. My group used to have a lot of these since we needed to be silent as an assassin group." He handed me a metal bracelet and patted my head.


The next morning, I slipped on the bracelet Dad gave me. It felt cool against my skin, a constant reminder to keep my secret safe. My parents had filled out the application for Ashber Academy, and now all that was left was to wait for a response.


Days turned into weeks, and the anticipation was killing me. One crisp morning, as I was trying to concentrate on making a pebble levitate in our backyard, a loud knock echoed through the house. Mom opened the door to find a regal-looking messenger standing on our porch, holding a sealed scroll. Fancy. Must be important.


"For David," the messenger announced, handing over the scroll with a slight bow. Apparently, I was now royalty again. Nice.


Mom looked puzzled but took the scroll, thanking the messenger before closing the door. She called me inside, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Dave, it's for you."


I took the scroll from her, breaking the seal and unrolling the parchment. The elegant handwriting read:

Dear David,

It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to Ashber Academy of Essence. Your abilities have come to our attention, and we would like to conduct a formal evaluation to better understand your potential.

Please join us at the academy on the 15th of this month for your assessment. Your presence is eagerly anticipated.

Yours sincerely,

Headmaster Elara

Ashber Academy of Essence

I looked up at Mom and Dad, my heart pounding with excitement and a bit of trepidation. "They want to evaluate me at the academy."


Dad smiled, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "This is your chance, Dave. We'll prepare and make sure you're ready."


"Prepare? Does that mean more rock lifting? Because my biceps are still three-year-old-sized," I muttered.


The next few days were a blur of preparations. Mom and Dad helped me practice my basic essence techniques, and I made sure to keep my six-element ability hidden. On the morning of the 15th, we set off for the academy, the scroll safely tucked in my pocket.


The academy was even more impressive up close. We were greeted at the gate by a stern-looking guard who checked my invitation before leading us to a large, ornate building. Inside, we were ushered into a waiting room where several other children and their parents were seated, all looking just as nervous as I felt. Misery loves company, I guess.


After what seemed like an eternity, a door opened and a kind-faced woman in flowing robes stepped out. "David, please follow me," she said with a warm smile.


I glanced back at Mom and Dad, who gave me encouraging nods. Dad even gave me a thumbs-up, which was more embarrassing than reassuring. Then, I followed the woman down a long hallway adorned with portraits of distinguished essence users. Some of those guys had beards longer than I am tall.


She led me to a spacious chamber where a panel of essence masters, including Headmaster Elara, sat behind a long table. They looked serious. Maybe I should've worn a tie. Or, you know, pants that weren't covered in dirt.


"Welcome, David," Headmaster Elara said, her voice calm and reassuring. "We've heard impressive things about you. Are you ready to begin?"


I nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, ma'am."


"Excellent. Please demonstrate your control over the elements you've learned so far."


Taking a deep breath, I started with earth essence, lifting a large rock from the ground and shaping it into a smooth sphere. Then, I moved on to water, forming a shimmering ball of liquid in mid-air. Fire came next, a small flame dancing in my palm, followed by a gentle gust of wind that rustled through the room. I even considered making a joke about my wind essence being a fart, but decided against it. Professionalism, Dave.


The masters exchanged impressed glances, murmuring among themselves. Headmaster Elara leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Very good, David. We've seen enough to know you have great potential. Welcome to Ashber Academy. We'll take good care of you here."


Relief washed over me as I realized I had successfully completed the evaluation without revealing my full abilities. As I walked back to the waiting room, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the journey ahead. With my parents' support and the academy's guidance, I was ready to embark on this new adventure.


Mom and Dad cheered, and I couldn't help but grin. This was it. The start of a new adventure. Seriously, it was like stepping into one of those epic fantasy novels, but instead of a brave hero, they got me—a three-year-old with a lot of secrets.


The month flew by, and before I knew it, we were standing in front of the grand gates of Ashber Academy. The place was enormous, with towering spires and lush gardens. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. Or maybe Hogwarts. Note to self: ask if they have flying brooms.


"Remember, Dave," Dad said, kneeling down to my level. "Keep your abilities hidden. Only use what's necessary."


I nodded. "Got it, Dad."


Mom hugged me tightly. "We're so proud of you, sweetheart. Go out there and show them what you're made of."


With one last wave, I stepped through the gates and into a bustling courtyard filled with students of all ages. Everyone was chatting excitedly, comparing abilities, and swapping stories. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside me. Also, I was wondering if it was too soon to start a food fight.


A loud bell rang, signaling the start of orientation. We were herded into a massive auditorium where Headmaster Elara stood on a stage, her presence commanding and serene. I half-expected her to start with, "Welcome to your first year at Ashber, young Padawans."


"Welcome, new students," she began, her voice echoing through the hall. "You are here because you possess extraordinary potential. At Ashber Academy, we will hone your skills and help you become the best essence users you can be."


After a lengthy speech about the academy's history and rules—none of which involved anything fun, of course—we were split into groups based on our primary element. I found myself in the earth group, led by a gruff-looking instructor named Master Thorne. If "Gruff-Looking Instructor" was a job title, this guy would be the CEO.


"Alright, newbies," he barked. "Let's see what you've got. Show me your control over earth essence."


One by one, my new classmates demonstrated their abilities, lifting rocks, shaping earth, and even causing minor tremors. When it was my turn, I took a deep breath and focused on a small boulder in front of me. With a subtle flick of my wrist, the boulder rose smoothly into the air, then gently settled back down. Please don't explode. Please don't explode.


Master Thorne raised an eyebrow. "Not bad, kid. Keep practicing."


As the days passed, I settled into the routine of academy life. Classes were challenging but fascinating, covering everything from essence theory to combat techniques. I quickly made friends with a few of my classmates, including a fire user named Max and a water user named Lily. They were curious about my abilities but didn't push too hard when I kept things vague. It was nice, considering I had the magical equivalent of a God and didn't want anyone to know it.


Despite the excitement, I was always careful to hide my true potential. I used the bracelet Dad gave me to mask two of my elements, and I avoided showing more than one or two essences at a time. It wasn't easy, but I managed to keep my secret safe.


One evening, as I was practicing in a corner of the academy grounds, I heard a voice behind me. "You're hiding something, aren't you?"


I spun around to see a girl about my age with piercing green eyes and a knowing smile. She introduced herself as Aria, a light essence user.


"I've been watching you," she said. "You're different. More powerful than you let on."


Panic bubbled up inside me, but I forced myself to stay calm. "I don't know what you're talking about."


Aria raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I've seen you use at least three different elements. And I have a feeling there's more."


I swallowed hard, my mind racing. How much did she know? And what did she want? Time to set my dark essence loose. As she continued to question why I seemed suspicious, I used a dark essence technique to pause time for a moment. In a flash, I took her away to a secluded room at high speed. However, it took a toll on my body and my essence energy.


"Look," I said, keeping my voice low. "You used light essence to read through my core and my essences, didn't you?" Worst case scenario she can probably use 6 different elements as well… but let's hope that's not the case.


Aria's grin widened. "Yeah, you caught me," she said, giggling as she transformed her body into that of an old elf-like lady. It wasn't long before I realized it was Headmaster Elara herself.