
Rebirth: My Youthful Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

After stepping out of the city courtyard, Bai Ling still felt her face burning up. "How could you do that?" She asked Wang Jun sounding angry. "What did I do?" He asked with a self-satisfied smirk. "You,you kissed me in public." Bai Ling stammered off. Wang Jun leaned over. Feeling his face was getting closer and closer,Bai Ling stepped back to avoid what had happened to her just now. "You hesitated when the clerk asked you. How should we settle this?"Wang Jun seemed to see through her thoughts and took the upperhand. Bai Ling had no way to refute and whispered, sounding guilty, "just, just a little bit… "What if he finds out that it's a fake marriage?" he asked. Bai Ling knew he was right, not realizing that her thoughts diverted her. Actually, the clerk, otherwise known as the Justice of the Peace, would not doubt the authenticity of the couples' willingness, they would presume the hesitation as nervousness. "Well, well." Bai Ling gave in, feeling she was wrong in the first place and was not willing to argue with him. Her lovely angry face amused Wang Jun "You can't do that next time. You know, you were taking advantage of me."Bai Ling warned him solemnly. Looking at her delicate red lips when she spoke, his grinning eyes turned into profound affectionate. He didn't know why this girl could light the fire buried deep inside his body. His lust for her was burning like a volcano ready to explode. He held her hand and kept a certain distance between them. In case he couldn't control himself and did something wrong again, that frightened her. After getting in the car, Bai Ling was absent-minded, not noticing where they were going. Until she saw that the view outside the car window became more and more strange, she asked him in panic. "Where are we going?" "Going home," he said. Bai Ling looked worried, "But my home isn't this way." Bai Ling an orphan girl lived a boring life at the age of ten she become a senior orphan and was treated more like a slave... Until she was adopted by father Liu. It was like the world had blessed her without knowing there was danger on the road to success. she was hated by her sister Liu Tang. Then was send to prison for an unknown act all blame was on her and she died and Reborn... what next revenge? Her stupid husband left her for her sister still yet she loved him but her husband Wang Jin bully her instead she came up with a revenge with her contracted new husband and plans to run away after the contract expires. Who do you think will be her husband? Read to know_ People who love excellent grammar please ignore the mistakes. It's about the story.. And this cover photo is not mine honour is to the owner of the cover.if you see my book cover uncomfortable let me know. Wpc entry: Rebirth

ylittlesister · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 2: New life as an actress

Bai Ling who thought she had the whole world since she was adopted, never thought that she had nothing. Bai long died without a burial place but at the last minute, a devil that crawled from hell was reborn.

Her name is Bai Ling!!.

"Where... where am I?? This doesn't seem to be life after death. Bai Ling heard a voice stood up from the bed and walked to the vanity at the corner of her room where she heard the voice but she could not locate where the voice was coming from and responded "if i will achieve my goals in taking a revenge it would have been better."

"What all this..." Bai Ling asked as she saw her hair pin on the floor

"Oh never mind let's keep going." Bai Ling said to her like she was talking to someone. She heave a sigh of relief. Seeing the face that was reflected in the mirror, Bai Ling's body shook.

She used her trembling hands to cover her peerlessly beautiful face with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Am alive!! Am not dead!! Am alive!! How possible is this!!"she said

She didn't know because scientifically and even normally it was impossible to come back from the dead. But she has been given a second chance right??

There is no way she is not going to make full use of this.

Liu Family... You will all pay for the pain you have caused me!!

Her eyes turned bloodshot but she quickly noticed an abnormality. Her eyes weren't the normal colored eyes, there were now colored differently. More like one eye was deep blue and the other looked light blue. Her right eye looked very deep and one could see the pain floating within. The other was light blue and it looked like it could see the deepest darkest desires and fear in a person. Little did she know that it was true. "Is this a side effect of being reborn?? Or is it something else? I was reborn too." she said, Moving her red-rimmed eyes away from the vanity in front of her, she walked to the calendar and seeing the date she smiled.

"So today is the day..... Liu Family, it seems the time truly has come...

Bai Ling padded softly to the bathroom, quickly cleaned herself up, and made breakfast for herself.Yawned lazily, Bai Ling sat on her small sofa to watch TV. In less than four hours she heard a knock on the door. "Yes, can I help you?? Bai Ling's voice was cold and detached, even indifferent seeing her wicked mother.

"Bai Ling....." Mother Liu choked and tears welled up in her eyes. Bai Ling sneered rudely._What a pretentious b*tch!!" She said in her heart. "Who are you? What do you want?"Bai Ling asked. "Bai Ling..... I'm your mother"

"Mother?? Madam, you must be joking!! Please I don't have time to chat with you, can you please leave here?"

"Bai Ling..... Mother Liu moved to touch her but she avoided her hand like a plague, leaving Mother Liu hanging her hands awkwardly in the air. As Mother Liu was about to say something, another voice rose from the compound.

"Mother have you located your elder sister to a new apartment??."A beautiful girl entered the little house with her nose crinkling at the sight of how small it's the sitting room was.But she concealed her disgust and bounced to Bai Ling. "Elder Sister my name is..." Bai Ling interrupted her by yelling "Scram!!"

"What?" Tears welled up at the corner of her mother eye as her head lowered she said "Bai Ling you..." "Mother stop!! It's my fault!! Elder Sister, I know that you must be angry that I took your place but if you come back with us mother and father will treat you very well. Probably even more than me..." Mother Liu gasped and quickly hugged the angel at her front.

"Don't say that honey...?" Mother Liu responded then Angel looked at Bai Ling with a smile but Bai Ling just narrowed her eyes like a lazy cat Playing with around with her colourful hair and, her ears with her slender finger looked she replied coolly "When you are done you can leave, I have work to do!!"


The door was slammed in their face and Mother Liu and Angela liu went back home with dangerous looks on their faces. Bai Ling sat on the couch cursing herself in outrage. It was a really great Miracle that the creator gave her back, her memories unlike others who suffer from loss memory, amnesia and forgetfulness.

Bai Ling tried to search for a reasonable job to support her living for a while. An acting platform on twitter which was a little popular, she watched videos of Mary and Joseph sliva the major popular actor and actress in the _Dream of x_ industry she applied for a cool job at dream of x as an actress to earn money on her own and plan well on how to go back to revenge. Bai Ling was given a call from the industry the next day she left immediately and carried her bag. It was a good choice of acting, Bai Ling said silently.

after she introduced her self to the young actresses and actor. Fei Fei was made her assistant then she was dropped home by Fei Fei. Fei reminded Bai Ling to come the next day for the audition. It was early in the morning, and Bai Ling was woken up by the phone.

Bai Ling picked up the phone in confusion and saw the name Fei Fei on it. "Oh my assistant miss Fei Fei." "Bai Ling you remember the movie building's audition at nine o'clock this morning?" Fei Fei was her assistant and had been with her for one day. Bai Ling always goes to her auditions alone, so she didn't want Fei Fei to come with her. She will only allowed her to go with her when she had work for her to do. Bai Ling woke up and sat up from the bed and said nervously. "No, I am up" Then she looked at the alarm clock at the head of the bed, and it was seven-thirty. "Good, can I pick you up at eight o'clock, and we can go to the beauty parlor together? Does that work for you?"She was told that Fei Fei will alway drive a company car to pick her up whenever she worked. So if she got to pick her up, then she would definitely find out that she had gotten married. Wait Wang Jin and I are not married, this is called a divorce? She will misunderstood me. I couldn't allow this to happen. She had to think of something and fast. Bai Ling was a little flustered. "No, I can get there by myself. I have someone here that can take me. I will see you at eight." Bai Ling quietly agreed without any hesitation. There was no time for Bai Ling to fool around. She got up, took a shower, and got dressed.

When she went down the dinning area, her breakfast was ready. Bai Ling was in too much of a hurry to sit down. She quickly picked up as sandwichand went outside and, saw Mr Lambert, her cook then said to him. "Mr. Lambert please ask the driver if he would mind giving me a ride. I am a little rushed this morning. I overslept, and I have an audition at nine."

There was no way that she could explain her car to Fei Fei so she just couldn't let her see it. "Okay, no problem Mrs. Wang."

"Mrs Wang! Are you mocking me." Bai Ling asked in anger.

"Oh sorry Miss.Bai"Mr Lambert responded before she could took any action.When Fei Fei saw Bai Ling, she got out of the car immediately. "Bai Ling, why didn't you let me pick you up today? You don't have any time to spare. We are running out of time."