
Rebirth: My Youthful Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

After stepping out of the city courtyard, Bai Ling still felt her face burning up. "How could you do that?" She asked Wang Jun sounding angry. "What did I do?" He asked with a self-satisfied smirk. "You,you kissed me in public." Bai Ling stammered off. Wang Jun leaned over. Feeling his face was getting closer and closer,Bai Ling stepped back to avoid what had happened to her just now. "You hesitated when the clerk asked you. How should we settle this?"Wang Jun seemed to see through her thoughts and took the upperhand. Bai Ling had no way to refute and whispered, sounding guilty, "just, just a little bit… "What if he finds out that it's a fake marriage?" he asked. Bai Ling knew he was right, not realizing that her thoughts diverted her. Actually, the clerk, otherwise known as the Justice of the Peace, would not doubt the authenticity of the couples' willingness, they would presume the hesitation as nervousness. "Well, well." Bai Ling gave in, feeling she was wrong in the first place and was not willing to argue with him. Her lovely angry face amused Wang Jun "You can't do that next time. You know, you were taking advantage of me."Bai Ling warned him solemnly. Looking at her delicate red lips when she spoke, his grinning eyes turned into profound affectionate. He didn't know why this girl could light the fire buried deep inside his body. His lust for her was burning like a volcano ready to explode. He held her hand and kept a certain distance between them. In case he couldn't control himself and did something wrong again, that frightened her. After getting in the car, Bai Ling was absent-minded, not noticing where they were going. Until she saw that the view outside the car window became more and more strange, she asked him in panic. "Where are we going?" "Going home," he said. Bai Ling looked worried, "But my home isn't this way." Bai Ling an orphan girl lived a boring life at the age of ten she become a senior orphan and was treated more like a slave... Until she was adopted by father Liu. It was like the world had blessed her without knowing there was danger on the road to success. she was hated by her sister Liu Tang. Then was send to prison for an unknown act all blame was on her and she died and Reborn... what next revenge? Her stupid husband left her for her sister still yet she loved him but her husband Wang Jin bully her instead she came up with a revenge with her contracted new husband and plans to run away after the contract expires. Who do you think will be her husband? Read to know_ People who love excellent grammar please ignore the mistakes. It's about the story.. And this cover photo is not mine honour is to the owner of the cover.if you see my book cover uncomfortable let me know. Wpc entry: Rebirth

ylittlesister · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 10: Liu Tang Is The Culprit

They were very sincere. "We are serious, Miss Bai," Mr David said respectfully. "You're crazy, and I don't even know him! How could I marry someone I just met yesterday?" Bai Ling felt like she was going to lose her bury her self. It was causing her so much problem to even think about having had sex with a stranger.

Now, this person who she barely knows wants to marry her. They must be Crazy! She did not want to be with this stranger forever because of one night? "My name is Wang Jun. I'm the CEO of the Wang clan." A cold voice suddenly blew up. Bai Ling was wondering if he was introducing himself? What does he think that if he introduces himself, they can go and get married and live happily ever after?

"Don't do this, okay? We are adults, and we slept together. It was a one night stand, and it was a mistake. Let's just forget about it?" Bai Ling said. There was no expression on the man's face.

"Do you just say... Wang company." She couldn't figure out if he was lying or not. "Yes"he responded shortly and continued "you are my divorced brother's wife aren't you?"

"Yes I am." she answered then Wang Jun said, "my brother never give you want you want, so let get married."he responded coldly what he was thinking. "This just doesn't make sense!" she thought.

Bai Ling got angry, she jumped out of sofa and looked at her bag. She grabbed it as she was about to leave; she felt numb and almost fell to the ground again. Wang Jun, who had been sitting calmly, rushed over to her and stretched his hand out. He clasped her shoulder and hugged her in his arms before she fell. "Just let me go!" Bai Ling shivered with anger.

Wang Jun looked down unwittingly and saw her big colourful eyes staring at him. Her cheeks were red with anger, and her eyes were bright then her red and blue eyes blinked. Looking at her eye he found a new hobby, he loved looking into her eyes.

"Breakfast don't disagree this time!." Wang Jun leaned forward and stared at her. He made a quick glance at young David, and young David nodded immediately and respectfully said, "Yes master."

Wang Jun despite her struggles, picked her up and put her in bed. He sat back on the sofa and looked at her with his eyes. He could feel all these emotions stirring inside of him Feelings that he had never felt before. My brother is so shameless to kick a beauty out of his house? Yes it even work for my good?" Master Jun was lost in thought, seeing her questioning look he quickly said "While you were resting, the first time you fainted here; I got the doctor to come in, and he checked your sugar level. It look as though you have hypoglycemia, which is why you are weak.

David came in with a tray it appear there was alot of bread on the tray both slice bread crumbs butter and jelly. are you hungry, or would you rather eat something later?" Wang Jun asked. "I won't eat! I just want to get out of here!" Bai Ling bit her lower lip. Stuart smiled and said,

"Since you won't eat let me take control, then let's talk about a deal."

"What deal?" Bai Ling's beautiful eyes stared at him cautiously. "My grandparents wants me to get married quick. I don't like it, and I am not ready. If you and I stay married for a year months, after that, I will set you free. I will give you a good anything you want" Bai Ling frowned at hearing his tiring. "Why am I a bad luck, why! me?" Wang Jun suddenly smiled and turned to David "tell the maid that they should bring a special breakfast for Miss Ling. Bai Ling ignore his request about the food.

She wanted to respond but she was afraid that he may disagree with her request. She had no confidence right now. Such a handsome and wealthy man he may be a Prince Charming to a lot of women, but he just wasn't hers to be. If she hadn't had Wang Jin in her heart, she might have been moved by his brother's offer.

Bai Ling shook her head. "No, this deal is ridiculous." As soon as she had finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and someone outside Said "Master Jun your warm bath is ready" he did not respond but replied her.

"Don't be so anxious to say no, just think about it." Then, without Bai Ling's answer, he left the room. The maid pushed the dinner in, and when she got close, Bai Ling found that the dining cart was full of five different kinds of breakfast. There were Chinese, Western, and also African, Japanese and Korean. "I didn't know what your personal preference was, so Mr. David told us to prepare a little bit of everything," said the maid respectfully. "What would you like to eat first?" the maid asked. I have never eat a meal as perfect as this one in a million years.she thought and said uncomfortably, "Western style." "Okay," the maid answered, and took out a table from the bottom of the diner cart and put it in front of Bai Ling. Then set the food in the order of sandwiches, fried eggs, salad, and milk. Bai Ling was really hungry when she saw the food. She thought that once she ate, she would have the strength to leave. Bai Ling's eyes were wide opened as she looked at the sandwich and started to eat. She had never tasted such an sweet sandwich!. It seems as though Wang Jun has an extravagant life. When she had finished eating the food on the table, the maid asked again, "Does the lady need anything else?" Bai Ling nodded in disagreement, "No." Her stomach was full of food. The maid tidied her kitchen apparatus gently she bowed to her and pushed the cart away again. Suddenly, Bai Ling heard a phone ringing, recognizing that she is her own phone ringtone; she quickly took the phone out of her bag and saw the name father Liu on it, her face suddenly cooled down. Then her mood began to change again; she felt herself becoming unhappy again. "Father Liu, what else do you want dad?" Bai Ling asked

Father Liu said in a soothing sweet voice, "Bai Ling , why are you staying outside the house. Now your mother is crying all your sister felt guilty of what happened. I decided to bring you home am sorry" Bai Ling's eyebrows were wrinkled. "Guilty? That was none of my business."

"Please, an investigation was made and the results was that the will was stolen" Bai Ling suddenly took a tight grip on her cell phone and said, "father what about the hell I faced in the prison cell, you think I will forgive you, no no."

"Oh, why can't you listen... Okay I will increase your income tax for weeks to 30%? You know I have done well!" Father Liu said. Bai Ling had never met such a thick-skinned person. "How could you say that? I don't want your money Liu Xue Bao." Father Liu eye widened as she called him by his full name and not calling her father Liu. he was angry but came to realise that he was at fault he did not investigate on the issue before sending her to prison.

"Then come back." Father Liu seemed to be very serious for Bai Ling to come back.she laughed loudly. "You want me to come back right."

"Yes pl...."said father Liu. After that, she hung up the phone. After a while Liu Tang sent her a text message which say "Bai Ling let me make it clear to you, I hate you, am with the Will and now I need to destroy you and father's life then me and my husband Wang Jin will be the richest in the world."Bai Ling was stunned by Liu Tang message and turned her phone off.

It took Wang Jun a long time to come back. When he did, Bai Ling was on the bed, holding a pillow in her arms. Her head down and her long, soft hair hung down over her face. Wang Jun was unable to see her expression. Bai Ling suddenly raised her head when she heard the door open. Wang Jun saw that her face was a mess, and her bright eyes were now red, and her face was stained with eye shadow and lipsticks. She looked like she had already decided something. Somehow, when he saw her face, he was apprehensive. Throwing away this inexplicable emotion, Wang Jun raised his eyebrows and said,

"You are waiting for me?" "You," Bai Ling sighed, trying to gain the courage, "Are you serious about what you said before?"