
Rebirth: My Fiery Marriage With Mister Dragon!

~Our love will bring chaos to the world...but who cares~ Many eons ago when dragons still roamed the lands bringing peace and prosperity to it’s people. Then one day a dragon decided to rebel, it was known as the black dragon, the creature known to bring chaos and destruction along its wake. His actions had angered the gods and with that a curse was laid on him. That he would suffer for eternity, day and night, feeling the pain and sorrow of those he had cause pain and suffering to. But one god was merciful and said for if the black dragon found the reincarnation of the goddess Nu Wan and she remembered who he was, he would be made whole again. Fast-forward to the present day... "I've waited centuries, watching civilizations rise and fall, waiting for the day you'd arrive. And now, you deliver yourself to my doorstep?" The 199cm tall CEO of DK Corporation, with eyes that burned like embers, pinned a nervous-looking woman against the bedstead. He could smell the scent of the goddess all over her. "Pardon me, sir, I'm just a maid who got hired today. I don't understand what you're talking about?" The man's face paled, his grip on her arms tightening. "Do you not remember who I am?" The woman shook her head, confusion etched on her face. This was her first meeting with the enigmatic CEO. "They deceived me! What is your name?" "Nu Wan..." The man's voice was low and husky as he pulled her closer. "Listen, Nu Wan. You belong to me now. You'll love and adore me, and no matter what it takes, you must remember who I am." Nu Wan's ordinary life is turned upside down when she meets the eccentric CEO, who turns out to be the dragon king and her betrothed. Now, she's tasked with the mission to remember their past and break the curse that has haunted him for centuries.

Little_North_Star · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Hot men resort(7)

Dai Raoxu and Wei Tianyue froze as they stared at Nu Wan.

They took a step back and fell to their knees.

"Goddess Nu Wan...your servants have been waiting so long for your arrival..."


Nu Wan looked at Ling Xiaoting uncomfortably she was not used to this kind of attention and what did they know about the goddess Nu Wan?

"Fun fact...the previous Nu Wan created Xingsha and often came here to visit her people.."


Nu Wan lips twitched and walked to meet Wei Tianyue.

"You don't need to kneel..I'm not a goddess...I'm just Nu Wan, a 24 year old who doesn't know what the hell she has gotten herself into.."

She helped Wei Tianyue up and smiled calmly, she didn't want others to treat her differently just cause her name was different.

"So from now on until the end of the trip my name will be Yu Mei.."

She wanted to experience Xingsha like a normal person and not like a goddess the people portrayed her to be.

"As you wish...you are different from the previous Nu Wan, she had golden hair and black eyes. Yours is white and she had more western features while yours is eastern..."

Wei Tianyue continued placing the garland for everyone until everyone's neck was brightly colored.

"They're beautiful.."

"They're made from special flowers only found in Xingsha and I think you look especially radiant on you.."

Nu Wan blushed and turned her face away.

"Alright I'm sure you all must be dying to see the resorts. Please don't mind the shirtless waiters...the previous Nu Wan made it a rule there.."

Ling Xiaoting grabbed Nu Wan's chin and whispered into her ears —"Don't forget baby girl...I own you...don't get carried away.."

Ling Xiaoting smiled and walked away, Nu Wan gulped and made a mental note to only look and not touch these eye candies.

They hadn't walked for long when a blue robed man appeared in front of them.

"What's he doing here!"

The man stared at Ling Xiaoting with hostility.

"Choji...you seriously can't be holding that grudge it's been years.."

Choji hissed as he crossed his arms, he was much stronger than Dai Raoxu so they all had to stop walking.

"Yamashiro..it's a been a long time, you still holding that grudge? Alright I apologize..."


"What did you go to him?"

"I spilled pulp juice on him when he was trying to impress his crush.."

Nu Wan sighed almost almost hitting her head, couldn't he take people seriously for once.

Ye Gu and the others had the same expression as Nu Wan.

"What?! I slipped.."

Ling Xiaoting walked up to Choji and raised his hand.

"Don't hold a grudge anymore okay...I'm way too old to cause trouble now. I have to take my arthritis pills every now and then.."




"Don't be over dramatic....you don't look older than 29.."

Choji hissed as he slapped Ling Xiaoting's hand away.

"But am I 29?" Ling Xiaoting chuckled he was like a walking corpse at this point he knew he might die suddenly on day.

"Show us around the place will you, all of you.."

Choji nodded and beaconed then to follow him.

He and Dai Raoxu they had been guarding Xingsha was many years now.

It was their jobs as guardians and thus they couldn't come down to earth.

"If the guardians are this hot I can't imagine how the workers are going to be..."

Wang Lurai sighed now he knew why no woman left it wasn't just a resort, it was a country on its own. So they could start new lives and families here.

"The car's over here.."

Choji spread his arm revealing the sleeve black limousine.

"It should be able to carry you all right?"

They were 9 in total and the limousine had 10 seats in total.

"Right should be enough...get in I'll drive.."

They all filed inside the limo one by one, Nu Wan didn't want to seat beside Ling Xiaoting and sat with Wei Tianyue.

Meanwhile Dai Raoxu sat at the front with Choji.

"Your hair is so product...what products do you use.."

Nu Wan touched Wei Tianyue's hair enjoying its soft and silky feeling.

"Products made in Xingsha I'll show you want we get to the hotel..."

Nu Wan nodded that means she could go shopping with Wei Tianyue.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow.."

"Miss Yu Mei can you not steal my wife away from me..."

Nu Wan blushed not knowing how to reply Dai Raoxu. They were literally only going for shopping.

"I'll return her I promise..."

Dai Raoxu chuckled Ling Xiaoting would probably break a few of his bones if he refused.

"I can't say no even if I wanted to..she'll leave on her own if she wants too.."

Wei Tianyue lips twitched why was he making her look like a bad wife.

"My husband is always at the resort, always busy so I have a lot of free time..."

Choji chuckled Dai Raoxu had fanned the open flames and he would be the one to get burnt.

"You'll love your hotel and what's more it has the best view of the beach and you also have it to yourselves.."

Nu Wan smiled excitedly she couldn't wait for them to get there.

The resort was massive with people filing in and out by the second.

"You'll need a change of clothes which you'll find in your hotel.."

"Why do we need a change of clothes?"

Ye Qiang asked was it some sort of custom here.

"It's customary to wear clothes from Xingsha if you're staying at the resort plus they're more comfortable.."

Wei Tianyue answered showing off the clothes she was wearing.

"You also get to eat our specials and I can vouch that they're 100% delicious..."

Nu Wan wondered if it was because it was a woman's paradise that made Wei Tianyue come here in the first place.

"And here's a local landmark.."

Choji stopped letting them admire the statue of the black dragon.

"Isn't that?"

"Brother Ling!"

"We might not dislike Ling Xiaoting but the people of Xingsha throughly hate and every year this statue is brought out as a medium for people to vent their anger. Some even blame their bad luck on him isn't that amazing.."

Choji explained with a smile, Nu Wan pursed her lips and turned to Ling Xiaoting how had a smile on his face.

"I wonder what they'll do if they see the actual dragon.."