
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs


Kobi's eyes sparkled with excitement as he gazed at Sophia.

He couldn't take his eyes off her, and his face was filled with a mixture of wonder and joy.

He reached out his hands, and to Sophia's surprise, water began to materialize out of thin air.

Sophia's eyes widened in amazement as Kobi cupped his hands, and the water flowed into them.

"Wow, Sophia! Look! I can make water appear out of nowhere!" Kobi exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Sophia's face lit up with wonder, and she reached out a tiny hand to touch the water.

Kobi chuckled and let her play with the water, making it flow and splash in his hands.

Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee watched in amazement, their faces filled with appreciation.

Dae-su Han said as he stood up to leave "Wow, that's some good ability. When was the last time I drank water? How am I still alive?"

He then tugged at his skin and watched as it slowly returned to its level. "Dehydration." He said.

Jackson Lee nodded in agreement. "We could really use someone with your abilities. Have you tried drinking it? "

Kobi beamed with pride, his eyes shining with happiness. "Yes! It's totally drinkable. I'm the one responsible for providing water for the group. I'm just glad I can help. And Sophia here seems to appreciate it too!" He said as he turned to the amazed little girl.

She gurgled and cooed, playing with the water in Kobi's hands.

Kobi laughed and continued to make the water flow, creating a mini fountain in his palms.

As Sophia played with the water, Kobi gently allowed it to flow slowly into her mouth.

Sophia's eyes lit up with delight, and she began to gurgle and coo, clearly enjoying the taste and feel of the water.

She leaned forward, her tiny hands grasping for more, and Kobi laughed, happy to oblige.

The water seemed to have a calming effect on Sophia, and she began to relax, her tiny body releasing tension as she drank.

Kobi smiled, his heart filled with warmth, as he watched Sophia enjoy the water.

He continued to let the water flow, watching as Sophia drank greedily, her tiny tongue licking her lips.

As Sophia drank, Kobi couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the tiny human in front of him.

She was so small and fragile, yet she had already brought so much joy and light into his life.

He felt grateful to be able to share his ability with her, to be able to provide her with something as essential as water.

It was obvious that she had lacked water for the longest time.

Her tiny body had been craving nourishment and hydration, her small frame showing telltale signs of dehydration and malnutrition.

Her skin was dry and tight, with a faint yellowish tint - a sign of jaundice.

Her eyes had sunken immensely, with dark circles underneath.

Her tiny lips were parched and cracked, her mouth dry and sticky.

Her fingers and toes were thin and fragile. Her soft baby hair was brittle and lifeless, falling out in clumps.

Kobi's heart ached as he held her close, feeling her tiny heart beat rapidly against his chest.

He knew she needed nourishment and hydration, and fast.

He was grateful for his ability to provide water, but he knew it was only a temporary solution.

Sophia needed proper food and care, and Kobi was determined to find a way to provide it for her.

It was a mystery how she had survived this long without adequate water and food.

After a few moments, Sophia leaned back, her eyes shining with happiness, and Kobi chuckled, his eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm glad you liked it, Sophia," he said, his voice soft and gentle.

When he noticed she had enough water for the time he continued to create a mini-show for Sophia.

As the water continued to flow, Sophia began to reach out and touch it, her tiny fingers tracing the flow of the liquid.

Kobi smiled, his heart filled with warmth, as he watched her explore the water.

As they played, Kobi began to feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over him.

He had never felt this way before, had never felt so connected to another human being.

Maybe it was because Sophia was the only person younger than him in the whole group.

As the water continued to flow, Sophia began to giggle and coo, her tiny body shaking with laughter.

Kobi laughed too, his eyes shining with joy, as he watched her enjoy the water.

As Kobi continued to play with Sophia, Dae-su Han, Jackson Lee, and I excused ourselves, knowing we had to leave. "We'll be back soon, Kobi," Dae-su Han said, smiling.

Kobi nodded, his eyes still shining with joy. "Okay, guys. I'll take care of Sophia."

We left the room, following the two who had come to summon us.

Chimsy was left behind in the room.

She was resting from her extreme exhaustion and was nowhere near recuperation.

The winding corridors still seemed amazing, like a maze of wonder and discovery.

As we walked, the walls seemed to stretch out before us.

The air was thick with anticipation and wonder.

Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee had a general idea about what was about to go down but didn't know how exactly it would turn out.

We walked in silence, our footsteps echoing off the walls.

As we turned a corner, a shaft of light illuminated the way ahead.

We walked towards it, our eyes adjusting to the brightness.

Suddenly, we found ourselves in a large, open space.

It was none other than the meeting room of the movable house.

As we entered the meeting room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the breathtaking sight before us.

The large crystal that hung from the ceiling seemed to come alive, refracting and reflecting light in a dazzling display of colour and light.

The room was bathed in a warm, ethereal glow, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and wisdom.

The long table and benches seemed to stretch out invitingly, beckoning us to sit and share our thoughts and ideas.

The crystal's facets glinted and shimmered, casting tiny rainbows around the room.

It was as if the crystal was a window to a world beyond our own, a world of pure light and energy.

The air was thick with the weight of knowledge and experience, and Dae-su Han felt a sense of reverence for the important discussions that had taken place within these walls.

The two didn't know exactly what the place was used for but they could guess the importance of the place since this was where they were invited to.

Ethan stood before us, a hint of apology on his face. "I'm so sorry to call you out here when you're supposed to be resting," he said, his voice laced with regret. "But I promise it's urgent. Welcome to our meeting room, where important matters are discussed," he continued, his smile returning.

Beside him, Saanvi stood with her ever-kind and smiling face, her eyes shining with warmth.

As we entered the meeting room, Dae-su Han's eyes landed on Saanvi, standing next to Ethan, and he was immediately smitten.

Her beauty and grace caught him off guard, and he felt his heart race with excitement.

He couldn't help but stare, taking in the way her eyes sparkled in the light, the way her smile seemed to light up the room.

He was so caught up in the sight of her that he almost forgot to breathe, his chest feeling like it was constricting.

He couldn't tear his eyes away, his gaze fixed on her as if mesmerized.

Saanvi's kindness and warmth seemed to radiate from her very presence, and Dae-su Han felt himself drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.