
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Flight (6)

"Okay, let's get down to business," I said, my voice low and urgent. "We need to keep moving, but we also need to be smart about it. We can't just rush out blindly, not with the dangers that are out there."

Chimsy nodded, her eyes still fixed on the horizon. "I agree. Just like you said earlier I need to send the ash hawks to scout ahead, see what's waiting for us."

Dae-su Han nodded, but stopped momentarily as a thought crossed his head

" I know that introductions seem unimportant now but there's something we need to be certain of. I still don't know if this is just some insane dream. It still feels surreal. I mean yesterday or so, I was bothered about Jackson Lee and his health but now even with all the commotion, he hadn't even gone into any crisis "

The rest of us stared at him as he talked

"Let me get straight to the point. We need to really know our abilities. " He continued.

I knew the reason behind his statement. He had seen Jackson Lee, and Chimsy in action .

He had even seen the baby when she was playing with a glowing light on her palm.

Their gazes instinctively shifted towards me, harboring the same unspoken thought.

Our new reality, though uninvited, had become our norm, and human resilience had enabled them to adjust with remarkable ease.

However, this newfound normalcy was occasionally punctuated by fleeting moments of surrealism.

And in this strange new world, I, the only one devoid of powers, had become the oddity among us.

My lack of abilities made me stand out in a way that a normal human never had before, a constant reminder that the previous standards of normalcy didn't quite fit into this new paradigm.

"I have psychic powers," I announced, my words hanging in the air like a revelation. "I can see across and beyond, and I know the purpose of our presence on this planet."

Their eyes widened in astonishment, hope flickering to life like a flame.

Now, they weren't lost anymore and their chances of survival suddenly looked brighter.

"So, where should we go?" Dae-su Han asked, eagerness etched on his voice and face.

But I hesitated, my expression a dampener.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't work that way."

My words hung in the air, a heavy feeling of disappointment settling over him like a shroud.

"What about the purpose of us being here? " Jackson Lee asked.

His question hung in the air, his eyes sparkling with a growing intensity.

With each passing moment, his intellect seemed to expand, showing that the loss of IQ after his evolution was just momentarily.

"Well, for now our aim is to find the only building in this planet. When we get to that building we can get out of this planet"

I said

Their eyes locked onto mine, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and trepidation.

The prospect of escape had ignited a fire within them, and they seemed to straighten their shoulders, ready to face the challenges ahead.

The first group of people that had gotten into the building were already long gone and into their next scenario.

When they drew closer to the ancient structure, the stone door creaked open of its own accord, as if beckoning them inside.

They were greeted by an entrance which was dimly lit, with soft, blue-green light emanating from the walls, casting an ethereal glow across the floor.

The air inside was stale, yet alive with an otherworldly energy.

As they stepped into the hall, their footsteps echoed off the polished stone floors and walls, creating a sense of reverberation.

The room was vast, with towering ceilings that disappeared into darkness, giving the impression of being in a grand Palace.

The walls of the hall were adorned with intricate carvings and bas-reliefs, depicting strange creatures and mystical symbols.

Glowing hieroglyphics danced across the surfaces, casting a soft, pulsing light across the floor.

Rows of towering pillars, etched with runes, supported the ceiling, their surfaces shimmering in the dim light, that wasn't bright enough to lighten the ceilings but bright enough for the lower parts to be detected by the group.

Then moments after they entered the hall, there was a sudden light that materialised out of thin air.

Before them, a projection materialized, its edges shimmering like a mirage.

The group's eyes adjusted to the soft illumination, revealing a sight that was all too familiar.

It was exactly what had appeared before the scenarios started.

Ten miniature doors appeared, suspended in mid-air, each one open except for the 7th door, which stood shut.

The contents concealed behind the remaining nine portals remained as they were before the scenarios started.

Hovering above the miniature doors was an ominous command: "CHOOSE A SCENARIO."

The group of ten Americans, former coworkers at a fast food restaurant, stood united in their quest for escape from the infernal planet.

Sage Flynn, the unannounced leader, had taken charge from the start, and the others simply followed his guidance.

Before the scenarios began, they had worked together, serving burgers and fries to hungry customers.

But now, they faced a far greater challenge.

"Alright, guys, let's choose a door," Sage said, his voice steady and confident. "We can't stay here forever. But we shouldn't choose it in a hurry, just like we did last time. What do you guys think? What should we go with?"

Remi Vaughn one of the people in the group spoke up, "I think we should choose door number three, Sage. I have a feeling about it."

Caelum Wright, examined the doors, "I think we should choose door number five, Sage. "

"No no no. Anyplace but a hot place. Haven't you had enough of hot places. I'd go with door number three please" A girl named Lily Tran spoke up, while the rest of the group supported Lily Tran's reason.

Sage considered their input, then made the final decision. "We'll go with door number three. "

With a deep breath, Sage reached out to touch the third door and just before his hand could reach the projection the third door expanded and opened revealing what was behind it in a larger form.

One could say that this group was lucky on the first look but given what truly waited for them behind the third door you'd come to the conclusion that all these scenarios were just different levels of hell.

"And you don't know the way to the building even with your psychic powers?" Chimsy asked, her tone unintentionally laced with skepticism.

I shot her a glance, my eyes narrowing slightly, as I answered her question.

"Yeah. But if I didnt have this psychic power you wouldn't know where to go and what to do next. So you could say that you're lucky. We'll just have to find our way, if we don't die from the heat or monsters "

My words sent a shiver down Chimsy's spine but they were all facts .

The only group that stumbled upon the building did so by sheer luck and they didn't even comprehend the purpose of the building until the last moment.

But thanks to them, I became aware of its significance.

So, one could say that the four of them are fortunate that boredom drove me out of the great library and into this perilous journey.

Moments passed in silence as the three of them pondered what I had just said, while Sophia slept peacefully.

Not waiting for them to respond, I said, "Alright, here's what we'll do. Chimsy, can you use your ash hawks to scout ahead and see what's waiting for us?"

Chimsy nodded, her eyes flashing with determination. "Yeah, I can do that."

"Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee, Keep watch for any signs of attack, and be ready to defend us if necessary."

Dae-su Han nodded, his eyes scanning the environment.

"As we move, I'll keep carrying Sophia because I can't fight," I said.

The three of them paused, and without hesitation, Jackson Lee asked, "Who is Sophia?"

"Is Sophia the baby?" Dae-su Han asked, his eyes widening with surprise.

"How did you know?" Chimsy asked, her voice laced with curiosity. She didn't know the baby's name either...

"I'm psychic, remember?" I replied.

"Is baby yours, Chimsy?" Dae-su Han asked.

Chimsy shook her head. "No."

"Let's get moving," I said, trying to keep them on track and avoid further questions.

We had already lingered in the same spot for too long.

Considering that more creatures might be drawn to the ash hawks' carcasses, and we lacked the knowledge about the strength what creature that might come possess or whether we can handle them, It was best to avoid them whenever possible.