

Alex a person living in modern earth has died and reincarnated into the world of shinobi he never wanted this all he wanted is to lazy around and enjoy life but the fate is cruel as the selected world for him became world of shinobi where the strong survive and weak perish as he exactly knows that let's see what he do

Killerarrow007 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

what to do what not to do

Alex was resting on top of a tree staring towards the sky for the first time in his life he felt liberated he felt free like a bird released from the cage he doesn't like the world one bit but the beauty of the world is something that he can never see in his previous world

he called ,kurama how wonderful it is to stay outside do you want to take a round

hmm not interested I got my fun yesterday today is yours anyway so what do you think, we should do although I like this the situation was still not favorable to us and whats more is we need to find refugue not like we can stay in wild all the time

kurama also agrees but he too doesn't know where to go

he kurama what about where the foxs live you know like mount miyaboku

hmm nice kid there are my useless kin also we can train there and also we have safe place

suddenly he heard some people chasing a person and it turns to be pakura he was baffled as how pakura was alive till now he decided to help her

soon a jounin laughs pakura you need to give up your life all for the sake of village you need to be honoured for this sacrifice

pakura was disgusted by this she doesn't want to die who on Earth wants to die and she was dying for nothing she was sad as she resignation to fate and suddenly there was an explosion as the jounin from the sand screamed as they got blown taking advantage of this pakura has killed them and look towards the person that helped her

Alex then looks towards pakura and thought of a cheesy line and said hey beautiful are you alright

pakura heart was beating fast for the cheesy line as he saved her her feelings are complicated now so she again looked towards him

meanwhile Alex was in his thoughts as did he say his line correctly and snaps out of it and asked her again if she is alright as she nodded and Alex then said good and asked her so are you single

pakura has red face as she was blushing and she faked angry face and asked Alex who he was vigalently

Alex then says iam a lone wanderer who saves beauties that need held so it's seems like I still need to grow up thanks for being my experiment

she did not understand the meaning as she looked towards his in weariness and asked what experiment

Alex then said you know stories right where girls were in danger guy saves them they both marry and have happy life

pakura heard it and almost wanted to beat him up but knowing he saved her she withheld that urge and asked who are you really

Alex then saw her and sighed and said iam kyubi jinchuriki and I escaped from my village as they all are crazy

pakura was surprised to see that he is a jinchiriki and seeing his red hair she confirmed he is a uzumaki

Alex saw her and said oh the experiment is how much act must I do to make a girl fall for me next time I will do it even more skills then they immediately fall for me is it wrong to pickup girls in this world by saving them asked her earnestly so do you want to travel as seeing the scorch style you must be pakura and seeing that you are chased by sand nins so you are like me having no place huh

with that pakura was sad as the village betrayed her

Alex then asked hey why are you sad if anything this proves whether the village is worth protection from you or not all of you mindless shinobi thinks land makes village that's where everyone is going wrong people makes the village land only used for living don't you think

pakura was also thinking land doesnt make a village people does

and don't use that scorch style of yours except if you want to get caught and used as breeding mare ok then if you are in danger again try to be in my area I will try to save you more cooler said that when iam about to go

pakura shouts, wait where are you going ?

I don't know for now iam just a wanderer for now just want to train my skills and become kage level shinobi later settle in a village that's most suitable after war

war? what war asks pakura ?

well sooner or later war will always happen so why bother for it in confusion I will get myself my clan revival so this is my plan what about yours

I don't know said pakura

hey how about you and I go on an adventure fate seems to bring you to me we both have nowhere to go if this isn't fate I don't know what is

pakura asks why?are you not afraid I won't sell you out

why bother like I said there is nothing waiting for you right do you have a family

no pakura said

then what is there for you to betray me and what will you get out of it and also I want to stay away from all this nonsense I will definitely find a place where I can hide and build a sanctuary from outside world

why do you want to build a sanctuary pakura could not understand

ok tell me what's the point of being in those useless villages

to have a safe place isn't it?

oh that's where you are wrong that's what it was supposed to be but we build it to make killers tell me pakura when have you ever sit in home didn't think about all those nonsense and have fun isn't life supposed to be fun pakura

she does not have anything to say as she herself know the village is only good for producing killers

then what's the point even if you build a clan will it future not be the same

pakura this world given us amazing ability that can break mountains dry the sea there is lot of unexplored territory just waiting for us to explore and improve our way of living why bother about others your village has sand everywhere you can use Justus to make the terrain more suitable for the village but what do you use the power for just killing is this the reason we're we born pakura to kill just look around us how beautiful this place is it take a life time to see the whole world then why waste it on something useless and they treat you as they own you I never done anything wrong in my life but the whole village sees me as a monster yet that monster killed less people than the village people who are claiming us to be the monster this world is unfair is an understatement that's why I want to leave that village.see what the world has to offer rescue some beauties and if fate allows it create a harem so that I can live my dream life so u in pakura you and me against the world what do you say?